With the Recent Mass Shootings, that have been happening in the last decade people are looking for a cause behind them, besides it's just a "random act of violence" or what liberals say "its because of guns". I know that for each mass shooting the root causes may be completely different, but it still a good idea to discuss what causes the things to happen, even its only one specific mass shooting. And we should discuss the best ways to prevent them from happening.
I'm also guessing a lot of these shootings stem from capitalism, but exactly how I'm still unsure on. And that the people who commit them are angry losers who rather kill innocents than examine why there a loser in the first place.
Lastly, If anybody knows about a article, paper, video, ect discussing the root causes of mass shooting can you post the link please.
"Do you know of any mass shooters who were millionaires?"
Adam Hernandez
All school shooters have been atheists. Fact.
Eli Lopez
Wasn't Stephen Paddock pretty well off though?
Evan Flores
How about bosses in general? How many mass shooters were bosses?
Joseph Morales
Cameron Murphy
The real reason mass shootings happen is because of, believe it or not, identity politics. The rich creates false consciousness, namely racialism (identitarianism), then they pit the working class against each other. Ever notice how almost every single mass shooter has been related to the far right? They are the useful idiots. Most of them also tend to be young and heavily radicalized by the internet.
As a matter of fact, it's far easier to de-convert someone from the far right, even the autistic as fuck Zig Forumsniggers, than to de-convert a liberal from "muh free market". We all know which ones are a greater threat to us, since Zig Forumstards all can do is kill a bunch of "shitskins". Beyond that, they are absolutely powerless.
Jonathan Taylor
Is what the OP should read. Come on, Zig Forums, stop falling for Porky’s tricks
Thomas Howard
OP, I can imagine there are a great many interesting studies into media coverage, copycat behavior, greater availability of mental health services, resolution-focused mental health modalities versus perpetual treatment, destigmatizing pursuit of formal mental health assistance as a subject of everyday life, school bullying, excessive strictness in childrearing, stigmatization of masculinity by female educators, and numerous other issues, but… WHO THE ASSFUCKING SHIT GIVES A DAMN!? GET THIS IRRELEVANT MONGOLOID RETARDED FAGGY SHIT OUT OF MY FACE FOREVER!!! DON'T YOU BROWN NOSING PRETENTIOUS DUMBASSES HAVE ANYTHING ACTUALLY IMPORTANT YOU COULD BE PACKING PRECIOUS INCHES OF NEWS COLUMN SPACE AND MINUTES OF POLITICAL AGENDA WITH!?