Hi, Zig Forums browser here, I used to come to this place like 1-2 years ago to check it out. It seemed to be pretty chill with good quality threads and efforts posts, with mostly Leftcom and similar posters.
Why is it now filled with fags from Zig Forums ? The users here used to complain that Zig Forums was filled with Nazbols and shit, and now they are all over here. Can't the mods just ban them ? It's obvious to the non-retarded eyes that they are shitting up this board.
Why are the mods doing nothing ? Did they fall for the freedom of speech meme ? Are they dead ?
The fuck happened to this place
Other urls found in this thread:
This place is mostly just the people who were banned from leftypol, so nazbol rejects. Almost all the anarchists who were banned in the rojava phase have left by now because this place is so shit.
It's not full of Zig Forums, it's just a couple of autistic shitposters.
Zig Forums was created too long after BO started sperging and most of the posters had started leaving, since then it's been a slow death that has only gotten worse in terms of quality. You can try /marxism/ but at this point there's likely to be no anarchist or leftcom presence on Zig Forums.
Everyone left.
Two things happened recently. 1. Current board owner tried to push people onto another non-image board site. It was received rather poorly but probably did some damage toward user confidence in this board's administration (are they just going to abandon the place then?). 2. Zig Forums's BO announced their resignation and I think a lot of people have been giving that place another chance… for now.
This. It's just trolls and low effort shitposters bitching about "niggers" and "k¡kes", aka shit nobody cares about.
That being said, we never had many traffic to begin with.
The numbers had been declining before cheka took over, while trying to shill red planet hurt it is a part of a larger pattern.
Doesn't seem that way, Zig Forums uisp numbers have been falling as well. The recent bump to over 500 is more likely because that reactionary got beat up than Zig Forums going back, it'll probably drop back to mid 400s in a week.
We had 300 or so people a year and some change ago, we've significantly shrunk and have been infested with nazbols.
Go back to Zig Forums, Jewboy. We’re here to escape idpol-worshipping fags like you
Zig Forums has always been anti-idpol. It’s been the newfags who constantly worship niggers, Jews and defectives of all kinds