Do you guys see any opportunity for the right to win?

In all honesty I'm getting a bit worried about the numbers white nationalists are gathering. It's only a matter of time before this movement is more than fringe. So do you guys see them as a threat? Or are they merely the last stage of a decaying civilization?

Attached: whitenationalism.jpg (1920x1281, 374.32K)

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Nationalism is bound to win in some form or another. If you suppress white nationalists hard enough, then beaner/Arab nationalists will just take-over. That's why I consider you white anarkiddies to be extremely retarded, or just sheltered idiots.

So what is their victory contingent on in their eyes. By specifically targetting white nationalism, are we unbalancing the scales so much that the power that will take it's place will be so monstrous there will be no stopping it? Whether that be Muslim nationalism, Chinese nationalism, or you know, Jewish nationalism?

And if we don't kill white nationalism before this shift happens, couldn't there be a countershift back to white nationalism to face this upcoming force? Because that sounds kind of what is happening now. What exactly are we fighting for again? Keeping white nationalism down is not enough to create a communism state there will need to be forward movement. And unfortunately most mainstream "communists" don't realize they are only serving those in power who want anti- and pro- fascists to fight.

Look at Zimbabwe.

Then look at global birth rates by race; and specifically in white nations.

Yes, you retards are essentially filling-up government positions with ethnocentric shitskins because they are part of a red flag party.

Attached: global race population levels white people versus nonwhite.png (3866x2930 167.18 KB, 2.52M)

So what can we do to change this? I mean this is not even close to success this is just trading one empire for another. Honestly, why is like 95% of any support you hear for communism just manstream bullshit taken on by purple haired freaks? Is white genocide even worth reversing though anyways?

IDK, are you white?

Ironically if you don't care about your own race dying-off or becoming enslaved, then you're likely more affected by liberal individualist ideology. Most white proles I know are ethnocentric and clannish and have actually bred with white females.

Big cities produce degenerate individualists because you're flooded with liberal ideology; and since porky and libshit servants of porky import so many foreign laborers, you all end-up forming different little communities that are separated from each-other. The kicker though is that whites forming ethnocentric communities is openly opposed by Jews/Porky, while the niggers get away with it. This is creating an exponential anti-white momentum.

I am indeed white but all I've ever known is that white nationalism is the most evil thing ever. But when you get down to the facts, whites are weaker now than ever and things are worse than they ever were for a true communist movement.

Attached: modsarefags.png (1276x714, 422.88K)

Which white workers? Honestly, most young whites who aren't rich pretty much are familyless. All the working class whites I know are still single, while the multicultural elites/chads get GFs left and right. Whites also aren't really that ethnocentric. Most white workers tend to be boomer-tier civic nationalists and not hardcore white nationalists.

And, this is why. White nationalism basically is linked with le nutsism, despite the latter not actually being white nationalism. I'm pretty sure that the white nationalist position would not to exterminate entire swaths of the white race to allow a certain subrace of it, the 'Germanic' people, to colonize the devastated land. Hell, the South consistently supported war against Germany more than anywhere else in the Union, despite their racism.

White nationalism is also linked to dictatorship and 'fascism' falsely as well. This is despite white supremacy and the idea of America as a white nation ironically being the result of the democratization of America with universal suffrage and the naturalization of immigrants. It was the white immigrants who voted with the South to promote a pan-white American identity as opposed to an Anglo-Saxon Protestant American identity.

The same confusion leads people to mischaracterize the KKK, since they assume that First Era Klansmen were like 2nd Era. The reality was that the 1st Era Klan didn't even wear the distinctive hoods or burned crosses, and the guy who wrote the book that inspired the Birth of a Nation hated the 2nd Era Klan for being anticatholic. The 2nd Era Klan wasn't even Southern or pro-Confederate either, which makes sense when you realize that the party of the South was the party of white immigrants as well.