Imagine thinking shit like “muh oppression” and “muh sexuality” have ANYTHING to do with REAL leftism. Go back to Reddit
Imagine thinking shit like “muh oppression” and “muh sexuality” have ANYTHING to do with REAL leftism. Go back to Reddit
But I don't. Spooks are spooks, class is based on real material relations.
This is true, the very concept of a spook is a spook
Constructivism can literally be used to justify anything
So you can't say "homosexual"?
Does censoring "ass" imply that "ass" is problematic too?
Delete this
If you consciously acknowledge it's spooky, and choose to abide by it anyway, it's not a spook.
Unless it displeases you
REAL leftism is critically supporting fascists in their struggle against imperialist AmeriKKKa.
We live in a statist world, and if you don't operate within the state to drive it towards better goals, the state will just be filled by something worse than you. Go ahead and take out Assad, see what happens. Either muslim extremists, israel, or some US plant gets into power. Join the real world please and abandon libertarianism, literally no one takes you guys seriously either in the leftwing or the rightwing.
tits > ass
It has everything to do with it. The leftist jewish intelligentsia abandoned pure economic "materialism" due to disillusionment after the decline and failure of the Soviet Union. They came to the conclusion that white people are to inherently reactionary to bring about the socialist tikkun olam. So now they've thrown in their lot with the mongrelized brown masses of the global south.
literally who
even fucking Frankfurter school never fully abandoned economic materialism
again, literally who
nobody read his "Race traitor", only pseuds and conspiracy theories loving white nationalists
"muh wypipo reactionary" logic is typical for some marginal organizations existing only in US
You just posted some cringe
It's an edit of cringe, I'll give you that.
I wouldn't gio anywhere that I can't say nigger. That's my favorite word.
This, but unironically. "Brocialism" is pretty much the only thing that can take down capitalism. As long as idpol exist, we'll get fucked in the ass.
Are you retarded? He's the one who came up with the whole "Irish weren't considered white" myth that a majority of liberals believe. Like there's retards who will tell you with a straight face that pic related wasn't considered white during the 1800s. He's not some esoteric author that nobody's ever heard of. His ideas on race have greatly influenced the modern left.
It's also very common in Western Europe. Anti idpol leftists are a critically endangered minority, and it isn't by accident and no, that doesn't mean that idpol is a capitalist plot to destroy communism. It's a product of grassroots jewish and POC activism and Entryism. Woke corporations are a symptom, not a cause, still a pretty bad symptom . Just go on twitter, or a leftwing subreddit and try to preach anti idpol socialism, or even just say that white people aren't inherently evil. You'll get relentlessly shat on.
Maybe stop being racist
"whiteness" as we know it right now is a very recent construction.
It meant all sort of different things before, depending on who you asked.
For some time in america immigration from slavs and southern europeans were forbidden on a racial basis, because they were not considered white.
Read a fucking book, nigger.
Zig Forumsacks still argue with each other whether or not Spaniards and Italians are white.
Most of them seem to be of the opinion that only nordoids are truly white.
Irish are closer to apes than Aryan. Fuck irish
Irish people were never considered nonwhite legally. And, the general consensus/vast majority opinion of the time was that Irish people were white.
You're the one who is applying anachronistic white nationalism/racialism upon Anglo-Saxon/Germanic supremacists.
"Whiteness" is a relatively recent concept, but Irish people were considered white from the very start of it. The idea of America as a white nation originated from the desire of the Democratic Party to integrate immigrants from Europe as Americans, as opposed to the Anglo-Saxon Protestant concept of American nationalism promoted by early 19th century nativists. It also originated from universal suffrage, which was implemented due to the rise of a proletarian class in American city: a class compromised primarily of those immigrants.
Basically, 'Irish people weren't considered white' is a myth primarily due to applying anachronistic concepts of racism to the early 19th century. The working class, especially that of the immigrants from Europe, found the very basis of their political power on white supremacy.
And, this is a good thing!
Fuck off, Know-Nothing larper. You fuckers literally joined the party of the Negro when your shit-tier party failed. WASPs literally are the reasons niggers are able to chimp out in the first place.
This is because Zig Forums is retarded and thinks that Aryan = white. They also think that American white nationalism somehow must ape Nazi racialism despite the goals of the two being drastically different. (And, the racial basis too.)
Ironically, the 'racist' South was very anti-Nazi during WW2.
A drawing from one random WASP crank and a quote from some elderly dude with syphilitic dementia doesn't mean shit. as said The Irish, and other groups of Indo-European descent were never legally classed as non white. In fact several Irishmen signed the declaration of independence, so obviously not all of the founders agreed with Ben Franklin. But what you're both wrong about is the idea of whiteness being a recent concept. It originated during the racial holy war against the pan African Moorish empire during the 700s in Southern Europe.
It's only there because I like Camatte and lack faith in the left. It's a symbol of mockery
What if women's "rights" displeases what if "consensual sex" displeases me? Come on now..I mean what if niggers displease me? For fucks sake….
well Ben was an oil driller anyways.
and fuck you too, nigger.
Then you're probably not going to be very popular
the cringe is palpable
you just know idpol left twitter celebrities have stockpiled ammo up as tall as the empire state building against this retarded phrase already.
Opinion discarded
u cant erase tis proud black man
I just did, fag