I also have a unique perspective on the whining, complaining, finger pointing mental midget who scribed the letter to his teacher…
F A G G O T ! !
nice handwriting, dipshit.
When I was in the 8th grade, my middle school principal approached me one day, (knowing I was already selling murals, logos, graphics and illustrations and making more money than him) and suggested that I drop out of school, because it didn't seem to offer anything that would help me in my future career.
So, even though in the state of Georgia I was officially to young to drop out, he pulled some strings for me, and I never even went to high school at all.
I instantly began sourcing research materials for the subjects that interested ME, not the crap they teach you in high school. I began my lifelong (ongoing) extensive studies in internal medicine, psychology, pharmacology and a few different areas of law.
In summary, I never really began truly learning ANYTHING until I took it upon myself to be responsible for my own education. My score on The Wechsler Scale was in the 'Very Superior' range, but that doesn't mean jack shit, to be honest. I'm fascinated by knowledge, and passionate about absorbing every tiny little piece of information I can possibly get my hands on. I'm always going to be continuing to learn as much as I can, and I can't imagine what it would be like to be one of the stupid fucking pieces of shit like the dumbass fuckboy who wrote the letter to his teacher, actually thinking their knowledge base is someone else's responsibility, or that their lack thereof is somebody else's fault… Fuck him.
Other than procreating, learning is the only reason to be alive… then it's your duty to pass along your knowledge on to your children.
(that's actually why I'm here, because a lot of you guys are absolutely brilliant, and I am continually learning fascinating shit from you in here)
so thank you for this opportunity to be here
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