France – Father Dies In Front Of Children In Fairground Ride Accident (Video)

The initial technical investigation indicates that the central cylinder of the ride failed and the decorative elements collapsed when the father and two of his children were in a basket.

The public prosecutor of Lyon has appointed a legal expert (specialized in investigating metal structures) to rule on the possible deficiency of the fairground.

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One down, Seven Billion to go.

Fuck him…

ow the edge

Dear Lonelyboy,

My wife and I are curious… Please tell us what it was like to wake up completely alone once again in that lonely little bed of yours today…

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project much?

fucking edgy nickname dude
kill yourself first.

You're a miserable, lonely person and its quite obvious.

no surprise here
the majority of these things in Europe are run by gypsies

lol sure I am hahaha classic

Most people have no idea that the term 'gypsie' was originally an old racial slur against the Egyptians…

so was the term 'getting gypped'

I thought I told you to clean your disgusting filthy room, or I'll take away your effeminate little video games.


I'm no 'tough guy' at all… Not in real life, OR on the internet…

However, I indeed AM a convicted violent felon (aggravated assault)

but little children like yourself don't seem to realize that going to prison actually makes your even MORE attractive to women (the street cred and 'dangerous' image associated with prison gets you SO much pussy that it's just silly) so you tend to point your sexless, effeminate fingers and claim that being a convicted violent felon makes me 'beneath you', while only a scant few moments earlier, you were suggesting that I was a wimp who pretends to be a badass…

I'm neither… I'm just a man who would never back down, and who will violently defend myself and my family, which has earned the respect of all my many girlfriends and three wives, not to mention the respect of my genius handsome son (pictured)

Q: how many times have you stood up to somebody in real life, and been willing to go to prison for the chance to put them in the hospital when they threatened your wife?…

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get a blog

i sure do love the love of cock in my ass…

that's why i want to go to prison so i can get all that sweet man juice in my ass… but i'm too afraid to commit any crimes so i like to pretend to be badass whenever mommy lets me out of the basement……

once i was out playing in the backyard like a real man and some little kid came and stole my toy trains… i went to tell my mommy and she say that i was a faggot and i was 30 now so it was time to start standing up for myself… i went back outside to find that kid and told him to give me back my toys… he called me a faggot then beat me up and left me crying in the middle of the street… when i went back home there was a lot of black guys coming out of my house… i was pretty disappointed because i knew mommy had just have bedroom time with them and i missed my chance to see my favorite thing in the world big black cock… but i'm okay because i know there will always be next time…

Payment was due for that kike kid in burgerland.

Sure, whatever you say, retard

Actually, in case you missed my earlier post, as I already mentioned, I'm just an average guy, who had no problem hospitalizing a guy who was half my age and twice my size, and didn't whine or complain when I got sent to prison afterwards…

And trust me, it was justified…

While I was in prison, a lot of very bad men reminded me that I had done a very good thing, and I was in prison for a very noble purpose…

(I walked up one day and saw a big, huge, angry redneck guy repeatedly punching my ex-wife in the face)

I'm old, and never felt a desire to become a bodybuilder… But when I finished with that big motherfucker, he sure as fuck wasn't punching ANYBODY for a while.

Ironically, when I was released from prison, I got more pussy than normal (and I get a lot of pussy)

pictured : Kaitlyn, the teenaged girl who met me right after I got out of prison, fucked my brains out, basically raping me repeatedly, (risky shit turns chicks on) and literally BEGGED me to marry her. I'm not joking… She begged me several times to marry her, even though I was 30 years older than her…

Kaitlyn had the most AMAZING fucking body, as you can see, and the tightest god damn holes I've ever broken in… She had never been ass fucked before I met her, but because she perceived me as being 'dangerous' (I'm really not) she let me break her shitbox down and I basically turned it into a mailbox…



lol @ your sheltered, sexless little existence of inexperience and mediocrity…

Attached: Kaitlyn Neptune.jpg (480x640, 34.72K)

Your pathetic (high pitched) voicing of dissatisfaction with me is laughable, namely because I fucking hate Facebook

(and I'm sure this is the part where you're going to erroneously suggest I came here from Reddit because I use shortened paragraphs)

….but I'd appreciate an honest answer from you…

When was the last time you had a girl ask you to fuck her?

even better yet, when was the last time a woman wanted to invest her life into yours ?… to become your life companion ?…

Now, tell me what would YOU do if you happened to walk up and see some big dude twice your size punching her in the face ?….

I'll tell you what you'd do, bitch… You'd run… You'd shit your pants and run…

you disgust me

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t.namefag blogger

pic related I guess

I mean, the guy is pretty fascinating, come to think of it, sort of like a "Boyd Rice sans the music" kind of figure, but it's all too chaotic for my liking.

Fucking goonscum.

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I literally typed "Johnny Neptune" into Google and pasted the url here. Calm your tits.