While Jim is a complete faggot, and The Goldwater is indeed THE WORST fucking piece of shit excuse for a 'news organization's, apparently Jim is making enough to have paid me and a few others to be here.
I'm making more than the other idiots because they don't know how to market themselves. My wife and I have actually wondered how he can afford to pay us and how he manages to keep his faggot ass afloat in the first place. Our best guess is the 'journalists' at The Goldwater double as prostitutes, which is pretty obvious. My wife just corrected me, and said 'the Filipino Prostitutes double as illiterate journalists'…
Anyway, it's important to note that while ALL news organizations are piles of shit, especially Fox News & CNN, a lot of people fail to realize that the DOD is secretly behind the brainwashing broadcasts…
For example, NBC was owned by General Electric, who made TV sets while they also built cruise missiles as defense contractors. They have subsequently been bought out by Comcast Universal, but the GE ties to the Dept of Defense still exist.
CBS was owned by Westinghouse, who built washing machines while they also worked on nuclear misses as defense contractors. They were bought out by Viacom, but the DOD ties still exist.
Freedom of the press, my ass… They don't tell you anything that they aren't allowed to tell you. If they started telling the truth, the government would come down on them.
Megyn Kelly looks like a Weird-Nostril Fruit Bat With Bleached Hair.
I judge an anchorwoman on her fuckability, and I wouldn't fuck Megyn Kelly with YOUR dick.
Fuck her
Fuck NBC
Fuck Television
Fuck The Goldwater
Fuck the entire human race
But most importantly, FUCK JIM