Maybe Fewer Kids Will Be Molested Under First Female Bishop

Every week, a new bishop or Catholic official is exposed as a pedophile or a larcenist, sometimes both. Now, the latest person to be crowned a Bishop is a woman. That's right, 56-year-old "Right Reverend Dame" Sarah Mullally has been installed as the first female Bishop of London. The service was held at St. Pauls Cathedral in the UK last December as Mullally became not only the first female Bishop but also the 133rd Bishop in London.

Mullally was a former chief nursing officer before becoming a Bishop for the Catholic church. Dr. Richard Chartres who retired in February of 2017. Mullally now holds the most senior position in the Church of England, a title previously held by the Bishop of Crediton in Devon and the Canon Treasurer at Salisbury Cathedral.

Attached: bishop thumbnail.jpg (721x440, 67.34K)

Other urls found in this thread: women not to rape

Catholics: Now with less molesting.

1 Timothy 2:11-12
Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.

Maybe. She'll be forcing some underage alter boy to eat her dusty old vagina within a month.

I'm not even a Christian but this is embarrassing. Is this really the average quality of Jim's Shit Palace?

why? because they're women?

I hate how people assume females are non-sexual and its all the men that rape and are sexually violent.

Its not that fewer boys lets face it maybe 1 in every 1000 raped kids were girls will be raped, just more men will unironically go "nice" to her raping boys.

Because libshits.

doesn't that make her protestant? I'll be impressed when the actual catholics do it

more aborted, beaten, neglected, murdered, mutilated.

With the cuckpope around I'm surprised they haven't made a tranny a bishop yet.