Shocking: Prescription Drug Dispensing Errors Kill 100K People Yearly in the US

Drugs are supposed to help heal patients, not “assist” in killing them.

This can be a cause for concern, if not alarm, but it has been found out that there are more than 2.3 million prescription drug dispensing errors made every year in pharmacies across the country.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information says that such prescription errors can bring in tragic results as around 100,000 patients die every year because of a pharmaceutical mistake.

Texas for one has meted out disciplinary actions against close to 200 pharmacists for committing errors in their prescriptions.

Some of the striking examples of dispensing mistakes include a wrong dose of medication. One such instance sent a 3-month-old to ICU for five days. The infant was horrifically given 100 times the prescribed amount.

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As someone who manages a high volume pharmacy this is not a shock at all. The customers treat my workers like McDonalds workers and yell at them if anything is going to cause a delay. Especially in the fucking drive through. We are expected to spar with both their doctor, and their insurance company while some how filling prescriptions for an entire community of aging boomers and checking them out. Then there are the controlled substance demons that show up and demand their fucking paid meds. One even spit in my pharmacist's face when he was denied. I'm sure there are at least 20 other issues that I am not addressing because I don't have my hands deep enough in the pharmacy.

It's just sad.

The difference is, pharmacies are NOT McDonalds.
Pharmacists are held to a higher fucking standard which is reflected in their wages and qualifications.
If a customer complaining flusters you so much that you're liable to make fatal fucking mistakes because you can't concentrate then you are probably in the wrong line of work.
probably a woman, it's never their fault
Yep, complaining about your prime customer demographic, i.e the people putting food in your fucking belly.
Got to be female, and millennial.

Affirmative action at it's best. Much like air traffic controllers and astronauts these jobs should be left to white people only.

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most people in pharmacies know nothing outside of counting pills. they know almost nothing about the medications and cant even tell you basic shit like which OTC painkillers can/cannot be taken together.
they then respond to questions with confidence, even though theyre often wrong and offended at the idea that they could make a mistake.

pharmacies are also notorious for clerical errors. i always double check their "work". dosage concentrations, prescription volume vs "months worth" of a drug is something they frequently fuck up and blame the doctor for.

Wonder what's causing it.

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This is awful, because at this rate, it would take 70,000 years to kill the entire human race….

Can't they increase it to 100,000,000 a year ?

I fucking hate the human race so much

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Pharmacists are just like anyone else. People make mistakes.

Just like YOU, who posts a thread about American pharmacies, but posts a fucking photograph of a good damn RUSSIAN PHARMACY….


At least the pharmacists are doing the world a favor and eliminating needless people…

people like you

How? A human does the work. How are these people not charged with manslaughter (or is it homicide?). It may be "accidental", but that's what that charge is for.

Your works ARE fucking McDonald's workers. You fill a fucking prescription bottle with X order, then give it to a customer.
It is LITERALLY less work than McDonald's.

I am honestly confused by what people learn at pharmacy school. Back in the day of course they wold grind the medicine themselves and maybe diagnosis some illnesses or work on a new product. There was an inherent need for knowledge as you were just one guy working with a thousand chemicals. But now a days they just take the pre-made pills put them in the pre-made bottles and print out the pre-made labels. Do the schools just pretend that the world hasn't changed from 1800's?


killing more boomers than fast food

People will never learn.

boomers btfo.


Look into herbal medicine first before looking big pharma stuff.

Pharmacists are just like anyone else. People make mistakes.

Just like YOU, who posts a thread about American pharmacies, but posts a fucking photograph of a good damn RUSSIAN PHARMACY….


At least the pharmacists are doing the world a favor and eliminating needless people…

people like you

Actually, most all pharmacies in America are required to have an actual DOCTOR OF PHARMACOLOGY on staff

This gives you a right to scream at a doctor in charge of protecting your life? And it really isnt that simple. Medical doctors are retarded and frequently prescribe shit that would straight up kill their patients of the pharmacist didn't verify it and make sure it checks out with the fucking molotov cocktail of prescriptions some of these people are taking.

People who don't know what they're talking about should shut the fuck up.

Do you go to the doctor's office and scream at your doctor to get a check up? No, you wait in line like everyone else. Pharmacists are the final wall between you and an extended release death caused by your doctor prescribing you stupid shit because he doesn't know any better. Professionals deserve respect regardless of the setting of their work.

Techs aren't supposed to give you any medical advice. I'm sorry you live near retards.

You try reading your doctor's handwriting.