The Danish filmmaker regarded by many as a provocateur kicked up a storm of anger at the Cannes film festival Tuesday with his film “The House That Jack Built” that features a frustrated architect played by Matt Dillon killing a string of women and children. The scenes showed such “abhorrent cruelty” that many critics walked out during the screening.
meanwhile any other critically acclaimed movies features the murders and deaths of men and get awards for high school level allegories and subtexts.
Owen Cook
Joseph Sanchez
To be honest Von Trier does get awards all the time for his schlock He's not regarded as a provocateur, he IS a provocateur, a transgressor of the modern order who play with feels in the most inane ways instead of trying to make a good story He's a good photographer tho, can't take that out of him, but he also made poc related which was tough to watch
Tge trsilor seemed like vegan propaganda to me. All that animal cruelty…
James Gomez
Why was it tough to watch? What happened?
Lincoln Martinez
she gets gangbanged by those two nigs
Carter Gray
great director tbh kino machine
Anthony Diaz
how did you see it? Is it torrentable?
Bentley Sanchez
That's not gangrape, mate.
Sebastian White
This man belongs in an oven and his work should be burned.
Josiah Young
Thomas Flores
Daily reminder that white womyn have failed their fathers, brothers, sons and nation. They have revoked their membership to humanity and will soon be replaced by robots.
Oliver Cooper
4 hours of degeneracy And by degeneracy i don't mean "loose morals", i mean complete social decomposition, which is okay in a poetic sense, but Trier doesn't use that sense, he goes full raw and unnecessary/redundant explicit methods at times Case in point, she gets explicitly bangganged by two random africans in a somewhat forced way, showing full double penetration with complete genital action sequences, being left over naked and loving it.
Ian Howard
the entire #metoo movement is meant to deflect attention from actual pedophilia, most of the victims being boys.
women have betrayed boys for another chance to whine and cry about how some big time producer offered them a high paying career just for a little sex (a woman's one purpose). women are diseased. they are the ones pulling this civilization down.
Jack Thompson
That's not "porn"
Jordan Watson
Alexander Johnson
that's charlotte gainsbourgh an ultra kikess daughter of an ultra kike corrupter of the youth t. frog