Trump Fires Shots at Sanctuary Cities and Illegal Aliens: “These Aren't People, They're Animals”

President Trump has ramped up the war of words against sanctuary cities and illegal aliens in America, on Wednesday saying, "These aren't people. These are animals."

The comments, as expected, have liberals virtue signaling all across social media in an effort to depict the President as being “bigoted,” but as usual, those same Democrats have little at all to say in response to the murders, rapes, molestation, and kidnappings of Americans at the hands of illegal aliens.

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wtf I hate Trump now

Denver is infested.


number one: he doesn't get to decide what individual states do

that's NOT in his 'job' description

number two: California is the only state he's talking about when he complains about 'sanctuary cities'

number three: California doesn't give a fuck what Trump thinks.

number four: California laughs in Trump's stupid face

number four: if Trump wants to change the laws in California, he should run for Governor in California, because the President has NO authority over California

number five: California doesn't need anything from Washington

number six: California has tons of money, and couldn't care less about any Federal funding, or any of that shit

number seven: California can afford to tell Washington to eat shit

number eight: everybody in America laughs at Trump, insults him, ridicules his ugly wife, his stupid face, his weird male pattern baldness and scalp reduction surgery, his pathetic hair, his ineptitude, his inability to do anything right

number nine: less than 3% of Americans actually support Trump, the rest of republican voters having long since been so embarrassed by him that they regret their vote

number ten: a sawed off tiny obese North Korean midget is making Trump his own personal bitch, and if Trump can't handle a fat Asian midget, nobody in California is afraid or intimidated by him, and nobody cares what he thinks or what he wants

number eleven: Trump is covered from the neck down in repugnant 'silver plaque psoriasis', a disgusting scaley peeling flaking skin condition

number twelve: nobody has any respect for Trump. none. absolutely none. he is the most disrespected and disregarded president in the history of America

number thirteen: California thinks he's a fucking assclown, a joke, a fat stupid jester

number fourteen: California will do whatever the fuck they want to do, and Trump can get on his knees and suck California's dick

number fifteen: at this point, Californians are just enjoying watching Trump fail and get furious. He's become the butt of their joke. They intend on rubbing their balls across Trump's face and mouth as the entire world watches and laughs at him

Earn dem sheckles moshe - & commiefornia would be done without fed aid…

actually, the murders, rapes, molestation, and kidnappings of Americans has been primarily done by the police, boy scout leaders, the Catholic church, and family members…

Statistics prove that almost NONE of these crimes have been committed by illegal aliens.

you're a fucking idiot….

by the way, something tells me you suck a mean dick… I'm right, aren't I ?..

you're gay, right ?…..

it's obvious that you're an angry, sexually frustrated little man….

So let's just be honest, 'printz'….
you're a homosexual, aren't you ?


California could literally buy and sell all the other 49 states, and still have money left over for sushi at a 5 star restaurant

Hey, 'printz'….

answer me, little guy……

you're a homosexual, aren't you ?

It's easy to spot a sissy……………..

and your 'news stories' always have all of the indicators that give away your true hidden sexuality…..

it's OBVIOUS as shit that you're not heterosexual….

how long have you been actively gay?.. or are you one of those repressed gay men who tries to hide it?

This style of writing has Johnny Neputne written all over it. If not Neptune, you're some faggot quite similar to him.

number zero: have fun with that 1000 ft tsunami California #THEBLUEWAVEISCOMING

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Look who's talking about things being untrue. California is in debt and they spend more than they make. I'm not sure what's gonna sink faster, they tectonic plate the state rests on or it's economy. Either way I'm gonna have a good laugh.

t. salty californian spic

Your greatgrandchildren will be dead before your bullshit 'killer tsunami' happens..

Ooops !! That's right… You're never even going to have kids, let alone great grandkids…

My bad…

(homosexual lonely boy)

lol hahaha just the porn industry alone could fund Washington, and still have money left over to buy Trump some ointment to put on his humiliating silver plaque psoriasis…

(California doesn't give a flying fuck what Washington wants)

………….by the way, you're still a homosexual

fuck banks

wow I give a fuck

How dare he insult animals.

Recent polls indicate that only 3% of Americans have any respect for Trump.

A completely different poll indicated that 42% of Americans respect tapeworms.

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after all, it's not like you're ever going to have sex with a female, right ?

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“We have people coming into the country or trying to come in, we're stopping a lot of them, but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are," Trump said.

"These aren't people. These are animals."

but we're taking people out of the country
He's talking about deported criminals

context is everything

Trump is no orator

10/10 I almost fell for that bait

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I'm definitely NOT a fan of Obama, (and I would've never voted for Hillary or Bernie)

but I'll be damned if Trump doesn't make you realize how amazing of an orator that Obama was

uuuh uhhhhh uhhhh

uumm ummmmm ummmm uuuum

Obama in a nutshell.

Wake me up when the news reports daily the Border Patrol executing violent rapists and putting them in ditches.

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Gets owned by wild fires

Plate tectonics for dummies

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Yes, it truly is the most amazing state in America. It's got everything, the good, the bad, and every conceivable thing in betwen

I don't blame him for crying like a bitch.

California = 40.27 people who couldn't care less what he thinks, says, or does.

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oops typo

California = 40.27 MILLION* people who couldn't care less what he thinks, says, or does.

40.27 million people wiping their ass with his name

40.27 million people laughing in his face

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Maybe if you weren't a retard from Cali you would've gotten that right the first time.

Trying this hard to bait.

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this is what liberals look like^

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The spic is immunized to all dangers, you might call him a servile faggot, a mockery of civilization, a cartel nigger and he simply shrugs it off as if it were nothing, but call him animal and see how he recoils, how injured he is; "i have been found out"

I like the cheeto one better

yea but it already the LAW its not up to the states to decide to IGNORE THE LAW

I do bitch and everyone i know, friends family, etc except for one single oddball relative whom voter for her the rest are all trump supporters.

president sets above all 50 state as does the federal government…

yea, except money

you so fucking stupid over 50% approval rating , HIGHER THEN OBAMA AT THE SAME TIME and your rattling off bullshit

KEK look at yourself

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he's right you now… some of them even look like monkeys and have children like fucking cockroaches. if you think a bit about the immigrants and their actions, the way they come into the USA and the effect they have over the will realize that these "people" meet the requirements to be considered as rats! They sneak into a place that doesn't belong to them, They carry a lot of diseases and they infest places very quickly turning them into shitholes. and yet, these liberal idiots go out into the streets raising these retard signs "no human being is illegal" "build love, not a wall" WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY WOULD YOU GIVE FOOD TO THE FUCKING RATS?

shitlibs and their pet minorities btfo forever.

"unless they're living in china, then i'll outsource all our jobs to them"


Why the fuck didn't you mention the Israeli dicksucking that alone makes me want to kill him


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Reminder that the demographic most likely to support open-border policies is women over 30 without children.
They are literally projecting their maternal instinct onto illegals, dindus and akbars.

None of these are arguments.
Weak bully tactics at best.

Ship the kikes there.

This was in response to a statement about MS-13, a Mexican gang. Now I agree that illegals are trash and they all have to go back, but this is straight up bullshit. Shit like this is why American faith in media is at an all-time low, already many of the sources that pushed this shit have made retractions.

This is being taken out of context for some good old outrage profit.

It was a good try, though.
Even so, I knew this was bullshit as soon as I read the title. It was just to be good to be true for the lefties and their obsessions.

Look at all this fucking Reddit spacing.


Who bitch is this

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I'm ok with this.
a lot of commies in this thread, bunch of whiny faggots
"I wish I was whhhiiittteeee and smartttt waaaaaaaa"

from 3 to 51% just like that. wow.


Cant argue, can't bring up facts, I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you probably don't even know how to tie a proper noose.

If one of you fags have a Twitter acct, ask Trump how do these animals get in the USA to begin with??

in reference to MS13
“These Aren't People, They're Animals”

Learn to swim?

Meanwhile, gommiefornia itself would dry up in days if the fed funding was cut off, spics are still unpeople, jew shills still have no life nor any sense of fitting in.

Exactly this. I read the articles and knew even Trump was too soft on spics to say that about all of them.

The minute they lose federal funding commiefornia is bankrupt 5 minutes later. Everything else you said is just sperg.

Funny you should mention women, because Wendy this morning some me up by jetting out a sleek dark brown grainy slurry of scalding hot diarrhoea into my snoring mouth. Even though it certainly wasn't the first time she had done it, it still managed to surprise me, and so it did when the first chunk of undigested carrot flopped onto my neck, followed quickly by a second a four inch section of a tapeworm, still moving slowly in the mess that lay on my skin.


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A spic panhandled off me a few days ago and i spit in his face. Welcome to america.

fake and gay. also didnt read.
fuck you and your entire essay retard.

Keep rambling on, kike

This is like wrecking your own house,then going to your neighbors house and demanding food and use of his daughter.

wow you sure told him, and I can see why jim deleted his post since you're so great at arguing and totally btfo'd him

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