China - 1 Million Muslims Held In Re-Education Camps, Forced To Eat Pork

It is probably no coincidence that on the first day of Ramadan, the holiest month for Muslims, various press outlets around the world are reporting this story. It would appear that in China's western province of Xinjiang some 900,000 to one million Muslims have been detained in Muslim re-education camps by the Chinese where they are forced to do all things forbidden in Islam, such as eating pork and drinking alcohol.

Attached: credit - twitter @r_sunena.png (793x568, 753.28K)

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Silly Chinks don't know Muslim holy books already cover for that by saying breaking a law is not breaking a law when you're forced to do it.

Is that true? That's fucking pathetic. At least in Christcuck religions sinning is sinning regardless of context. The Mudslime religion just seems like a bunch of excuses for degenracy.

Does it still apply if they willingly go to China knowing they'll be forced to eat halal pork.

In that same fuckling context they wouldn't need to be forced to eat it, they could also choose to starve.

Here's the article that the PissWater blew all out of proportion. It's literally one Mohommedan and one Kazakh talking shit. There is no other evidence cited, nor did even these idiots say it was a practice carried out on everyone in the camps. OP's PissWater clickbait is bullshit.
I know.

I hate that we're being outperformed by people who think lead paint in children's toys is a nifty idea.

Attached: chinese bangkok.gif (400x400, 6.45M)

this. lying and deception are built into Islam

I'm shocked, shocked!!!
Good for China though.

Communism yes…?

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