Facebook wants your naked photos to stop revenge porn

TFacebook is asking British users to send naked photos of themselves to the social network, to try to stop revenge porn.

If you're worried an intimate photo of you could be shared by someone else, the idea is to get it blocked before it appears online.

Similar technology is used to try to stop the spread of child abuse images.

Facebook's been testing the system in Australia and is extending the trial to the UK, the USA and Canada.

A spokesman told Newsbeat the idea is open to people in the UK now.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh boy. This is totally not going to backfire. Not at all.

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Suddenly I want a job with facebook for some reason

Reads like an article from The Onion back when it used to be funny.

Zig Forums is doing the same thing. Just post your nudes and they will never appear on this site again.


Why not just stop having pictures and videos taken of your intimate moments?

this isn't new you fucking faggot

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Please be nice to the n+ reporters
It can't be fun for them being retarded as a nigger on crack

This isn't news, this came out several months ago. Wtf are you even doing, Keshet? Do a fucking google search.

Please be nice to the n+ reporters
They live in the land of street shitting and only get paid two poos per post

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Checked and kek'd

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Betting you had more fun cutting those girls out than you are willing to admit.
Another derail? Shall we?

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Lol I don't see why not

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Lol and of course I had a blast working with these two

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In fact, it's one of my favorites from the past couple weeks

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seems legit

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I tried uploading this pic of Wendy and I, and Facebook sent it back with a note that said "Gramps, we can't sell that shit. Keep it"

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After watching a couple of your people's porn videos, I finally understand why you all paint targets between your eyes.

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How much do you think Facebook would pay me for this one?

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who ya talking to?

50 buttcoins and a pic of the cripple's penis :^)

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Generally, to myself, as much as possible

No one can tell us apart anymore!
Lel af!
I mean, your incessant namefagging could actually be curbed if everyone on here started LARPing as 'Johnny Neptune'. Then that name could become synonymous with 'Anonymous'!
After all, you're only LARPing as 'Johnny Neptune' too, aren't you, Andrew?!

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Lol @ that fat, stupid slob pretending like HE cancelled the Summit, and blaming N. Korea of hostility and aggression…

Kim Jong-un already cancelled this shit several days ago, accusing America of hostility and aggression for engaging in WarGames off their Coast, right after Kim Jong-un had agreed to The Summit in the first place.

When the fat stupid slob heard that North Korea was canceling the summit several days ago, he was so unpresidential and stupid that he actually made threats to North Korea, saying we would decimate them if they backed out of the summit.

(He is literally the most embarrassing, obnoxious, stupid, unpresidential leader this nation has ever had)

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Whoops delete this pls mods

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Alrighty then.
Gotta go for awhile.
Home school kicking into high gear.
Keep the fire stoked for me. I like it hot.
I'll be back later.

Correct. I have been Playing the role of Johnny Neptune since I was 12 years old. It was a cartoon character I had developed when I was 11. My original cartoon character 'Johnny Neptune' was a secret agent like James Bond, who went undercover as a world-famous Rockstar, similar to Elvis, hiding in plain sight as he secretly saved the World Behind the Scenes…

When I illustrated my first magazine cover, I was about to sign it with my birth name, when I decided to use the Johnny Neptune pseudonym… After adopting that name for my art business, I soon actually began 'playing the role of a guy called Johnny Neptune'. My mother calls me Johnny Neptune. All of my friends call me Johnny Neptune. Only the police and the IRS call me Andrew McGovern.

I've never bothered with a trip code because I don't mind when people use the name, because as everybody can see, I don't need to actually use the name for people to know who I am.

It's no accident that people don't like me.

It's completely by Design.

It's an inverse saturation marketing campaign that becomes autonomous, my only goal being to familiarize the targeted demographic with the brand name, which I think I have pretty much accomplished once again………

It's kind of obvious that I'm not here for people to like me. People seem to forget that I'm the one who painstakingly created there a good for me, so any 'negative reactions on their part were actually part of the art project' to begin with….

Wendy left her money here at the house, and I've got to go take it to her at work now. God damn it! Thanks a lot Wendy


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…. I'm getting dressed to go take Wendy her money at work, and of course speech-to-text made another motherfuking typo……

"People seem to forget that I'm the one who painstakingly created THEIR HATRED* for me"

I'll be back soon

lol just take it

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sing along everybody!

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More Streetlights

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Anime?… Speaking of things that turn men gay, video games comes to mind… Recently, I was contemplating the entire gamergate nonsense, and it hit me just tell ridiculous and Sissy the entire thing was. It's not surprising adult men who played video games would behave in such a pathetic delusional effeminate way, getting all excited about absolutely nothing just like little girls spreading gossip, fabricating extreme histrionic imaginary bullshit and spitting out angry Venom.

And isn't it surprising that bitter resentment of women was the entire essence of the stupid imaginary controversy of the non-existent conspiracy

It would have been so much easier and sincere if all of those adult males just got together and pitched in to share the cost of building the world's biggest gay bar…

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I've dated lots of nurses in my life. Several, in fact. Wendy is by far THE BEST

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Not at all….

There's nothing cerebral about it at all, and it's on the level of a 4th grade schoolyard playground, which is why it was safe to assume I was the 713,592,476th person to type it….

….and that's good enough for me

I'm obviously also the 713,592,476th person to notice how effeminate and latently homosexual you video game sissies are


The stupidest, most inappropriate, most embarrassing human ever, let alone 'president'…

If you can't instantly see how unpresidential and STUPID this baboon is, then you're blind

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I'm not a Republican, and I'm NOT a Democrat, nor am I a 'third party' believer.

I'm none of the above. Those are all just brainwashing concepts to make people feel they are somehow 'participating'. They use those concepts to distract the public while they nail your coffin and seal your fate. Your great grandchildren will be paying off debt incurred by our government 20 years ago.

It doesn't matter who's in office, or whether they're Democrat or Republican… They're going to do what they've had planned all along. It's the Dept of Defense who makes the decisions…

I was not an 'Obama fan', and in fact, I was very disappointed in him…

that being said….. Obama was THE best orator we've ever had in office. Putting your own personal political philosophy aside, If nothing else you have to admit that Obama was an amazing public speaker. Second to none, actually.

When you look at the moron in office now, it really highlights just how good Obama was at ACTING PRESIDENTIAL

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Who gives a shit about 'presidentiality' other than thin-skinned old people?

fuck off Jonny Niggertron


Still not enough time to do anything right, but at least I'm doing something, right?
Just trollin', as usual. Gotta git bak 2 werk… Be with ya shortly…
not a manlet joke, I swear!

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A: the entire rest of the world, who now equates Americans with a fat, stupid, lazy, childish, ugly, delusional lying piece of shit who has thick, scaley silver plaque psoriasis covering 85% of his body (and only has a little over $300 million)

That's who

hahahaha!! you're kidding, right ?….

WHY on Earth would I suddenly start acknowledging what you people care about or find interesting ?

It's actually all of you who can't think of anything to say about the things that interest me.

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And I never bitch about how fucking rude you bastards are for not catering to MY culture….


doesn't give a shit about the US

Interesting a nobody like YOU is a lost cause, buddy….

Go elsewhere if you want people to kiss your feet…..

I don't want to hurt your feelings, but white knights (i.e., YOU) are naturally repulsive people…

EGG ZACK LEE™ !!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one gives two shits about what you find interesting because it's not interesting at all……

Too bad you'll always have your head stuck up your own ass to ever figure it out (becasue you're already preoccupied with how to dislodge your head from your clogged rectum)…

Are you some sort of spastic bot ?

Oh and have I mentioned my love of dark cocks?

I just fit three of them in my mouth just now, one tasted kinda funny because he didn't clean out the smegma

BRB going to go suck another few dozen dicks

He's a hobo with a smartphone named Andrew McGovern, who tried to bilk a donut shop owner out of money when we enraged him so badly he cracked the screen in a fit of autismic boomer rage.