New York- Pedo Hit With 1,800 Charges for Hoarding Violent Child Porn Videos

Authorities said that a Bronx man is facing more than 1,800 kiddie porn charges after violent photo videos of children engaged in sex acts were discovered in his possession.

The suspect has been identified as 33-year-old Adam Field who was taken into federal custody on Friday following a month-long police probe.

The police said that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children alerted them about a person posting child porn online. It later turned out to be Field.

Further investigations showed that the despicable creep was sharing disgusting images on social media platforms through his phone.

Authorities also said that they found out that the victims ranged in age from mere toddlers to 16-year-olds. What’s more horrifying is that some were even tortured, stabbed or shot on camera.

Field was charged with 1,806 child porn charges, including promoting obscene child porn and possessing it.

It is not clear whether Field shared the horrific photos from another source, or he produced the unimaginable acts involving his children-victims.

The police have yet to release the suspect’s photo. It is not clear if the suspect will post bond.

Schedules for his court trial have yet to be shared as well.

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Ugh, another pedophile. I hate living in this day of age with so much pedophiles prevalent in society. I can never justify the cause to hurt a child let a lone sexualize one. I wish pedophiles would just seek the help they need instead of watching illegal stuff.

ow the edge

Bullshit! Stuff like that is not in circulation anywhere on the net.


Why are persecuting me, goyim?

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Humans are hardwired to not hurt children. Pedos are broken people that might appear normal from the outside.


But forbidden veggies tastes yummier


Go complain to Google faggot, they now ban anyone on their platform if they hurt pedos feefees

wtf I love being a jew now

This the guy here?

So real snuff films? Something about that sounds fishy

Can't wait for him to bitch and moan about the US ruled by SomethingAwful

That's not a pedophile anymore. That's a full-on psychopath.

You sound like a delightful person.

Yes, I too wish pedophiles would seek bullets in their brains.

Did you just assume my species, motherfucker?

Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles do not hurt children, they love them and make them have orgasms. Both sides have great fun in pedophilic activity.
Soon discrimination of pedophiles will be outlawed and anti-pedos like you will ho to jail or to reeducation camps where you will learn about benefits of adult-child sexual relations.
Children deserve to have orgasm and sexual fun, you won't stop them from getting that. I won't allow you to stop this.

Doesn't sound like pedo, more like psychopath

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'you won't stop them from getting that. I won't allow you to stop this"


you just made my day, dude…………….

'pedophilia' is not the correct terminology for this story

Everybody always throws around the term 'pedophilia', without actually understanding what it means.

The term CHRONOPHILIA is used to describe a form of paraphilia in which an individual experiences sexual attraction limited to individuals of particular age ranges.

Infantophilia (sometimes called nepiophilia) is a subtype of pedophilia describing a sexual preference for children less than 5 years old (including toddlers and infants)

Pedophilia is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.

Hebephilia and ephebophilia are sexual preferences for pubescent and post-pubescent youths, respectively.

Teleiophilia (from Greek téleios, "full grown") is a sexual preference for adults.

Mesophilia (derived from the Greek "mesos", "intermediate") is a sexual preference for middle-aged adults.

Gerontophilia is a sexual preference for the elderly.

As any psychologically stable person knows, sex with anybody over the age of 17 is absolutely nauseating.

Personally, this story sounds slightly far-fetched to me, and while I don't doubt that this fuck face was arrested and had child pronography on his devices, the part about 'kids being shot' sounds kinda odd. They didn't mention anything about videos, only mentioning still photographs. Unless he had some weird shit from Brazil, I just find that 'children being shot' part to ring untrue….

friendly reminder that not all pedosexuals are as fucked up as that creep


That's Adam Fields

This schmuck's last name is Field

I'm pretty sure this is him

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Oddly enough, he's not currently in jail in New York City…..

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Friendly reminder that I have kids, and if I met you in person, I'd be more than happy to punch you so hard in the throat that it crushed your larynx, and I would give you a ballpoint pen, and Whisper into your ear how to perform your own tracheotomy on yourself….

Not even joking.

(Fucking a 17 year old is a completely different story, but the definition of pedophile means having sex with children before they reach puberty, which means I would slam your face through a plate-glass window in a storefront somewhere, and there's not a fucking thing you could do about it.

but i personally keep my fantasies in my head and would never dream of hurting a real kid. there's no need to be violent.

I've been to prison.

I'd like to see you say that to ANYBODY in prison, because word would spread faster than wildfire, and although nobody would mention it to you, while you sat there in your cell, the upcoming attack against you would silently be being planned, and within 24 to 48 hours, four or five guys would enter your cell while the guards turned a blind eye… After they were done breaking your ribs and your jaw, they would rape you… Next, they would pimp you out for cigarettes and Jolly Ranchers…

You wouldn't have any choice in the matter, and you could fight back all you wanted, because they actually enjoy that.

Those thoughts in your head mean that you are a danger to society, and there's some people that are much more dangerous than you.

And saying "there's no need for violence" is something I'm sure they've heard before.

They would tell you "if you don't want any more violence, you'll use the red M&Ms as lipstick, because they're selling you to the Mexican gang, and they plan on pimping you out to the Muslims"….

no shit…..

Or, violence, and lots of it.

That's just the way the world works, and I would suggest you probably need to get away from the computer and videogames a little bit, turn off the anime and start trying to be an adult male for the first time in your life…

Maybe this is a good time for you to realize you're in a downward spiral, and the negative effects of your decisions are going to be exponential in 10 years, and quite irreversible……

Your parents have been waiting a long time to see you turn into a man…..
This is probably a good time to show them you're not a complete failure after all….

I am open pedo and if someone would do anything to me for being a pedo I would take his eyeballs out using my fingers and then eat them. this person would never again abuse a pedo, or anybody

also your abuse and death threats show that it's not pedos who are sick, it's anti-pedos who are sick people that like to abuse others. that's why we need to exterminate anti-pedos, they are dangerous and abusive

but most dumb people use it to refer to hebephiles. but it doesn't matter because there is nothing wrong with sexual activity between adult and pre-pubescent children

I could do a lot, eat your eyeballs, or put my knife into your intestines and eye sockets.


1: the entire human race is a cancer to the existence of planet Earth

2: the benefits of Technology are non-existent, and in fact, technology as disconnected you from real life, and made you miserable whether you will admit it or not

3: you are sinking into a void

4: if you somehow managed to avoid the abysmal black hole of Technology and video games, you might actually have reproduced, and had children

5: jokes are jokes, but there are some really distorted motherfukers out there who need to have their faces sliced stuffed with rusty carpet cutters

6: refer back to number 1

I wish you could win a free trip to Brazil

all I'm saying is:

Unlike you, I don't sit around fantasizing about sex with pre-pubescent children

I'm married and I have kids

Just like your parents (the ones who have already accepted the fact that you will never have a girlfriend, and they suspect that you are gay)

If I ever met anybody like you, and you got within a hundred yards of my children, I wouldn't mind going back to prison, because what I would do to you would make me a hero when I was incarcerated

FACT: Studies have shown conclusively that 96.7% of male pedophiles who were molested as children, and didn't have the balls to stand up for themselves, and to scream, or to run out of the room, find the closest neighbor and tell them to call the police…

These are the guys that actually allowed themselves to be molested as children

And they grow up being dysfunctional pieces of shit who recycle the past as it manifests in their own pedophilia, which they perceive as being 'completely acceptable'….

In other words, even if they fixate on sex with pre-pubescent females, they are still homosexuals who are overcompensating as they recycle their childhood molestation.

AGAIN: for some reason I just don't believe the part about children being shot in the photographs… That just doesn't sound real to me. The rest of it is probably completely true, but 'children being shot' just doesn't sound believable to me.

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Wow dude, you sound so cringe

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this would happen only in 3rd world shitholes like USA, brazil, russia

also law says you can only go to jail for things you did. even serial killers only get prison time without extra punishment.
but for someone like pedo who didn't kill anybody or did something serious, they will break the law, guards and inmates will abuse you outside of law? inmates who are criminals and murderers themselves?
why pedos are abused in prisons and not serial murderers or gang members? because pedos are the easiest prey. you don't want justice, you want to abuse easy prey.
that's a violation of all rules. pedos should start terro orgs and/or silently remove normalfag lives. they deserve it. and countries that allow that punishment need to turned into ground.

and maybe pedos should murder the children after sexual activity? because a dead child won't be telling the story to court and police. also if they only prove murder and not rape, you will be respected in prison, because somehow murderers are great people but pedos are devils.

You would only need to take eyeballs of one guy. Or cut throat of one guy using your teeth. From that time others would be scared of you and you'd be kept in separate cell anyway.

brazil is 3rd world shithole and brazilians are apes, why would I go there? I only make trips to white countries.

You could groom kids and prepare them for sex so they know how to handle their future partner

Or I could be faster and put bullet into your body and legs, but let you alive so I could torture you.

so you are criminal subhuman and probably a nigger?

so pedos are victims. yet normies want to punish them even more. normies deserve being burned alive

Guays you can stop larping as le strong man now, you basement dwelling manlets

you sound like a guy who physically assaults his wife and children for "misbehaving"
I bet you will come back to prison soon

Johnny neptune was smashed off a general population yard by three whiteboys as soon as they checked his paperwork. Now every time he goes back to prison he goes to a protective custody yard with all the other manlets

What about white kids then, faggot? Do you want to kill and fuck them? And by your own standards, aren't you into bestiality of the young members of a species? A pedophile and a cubfucker you are.

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get your story straight and maybe I won't believe it's anime girls with huge cans again

shh; was just getting to the fun part *popcorn*

sounds like fake news

do you look like this and become a pedo or do you look like this because you are a pedo?
What causes pedo to find babby attractive and how do we stop it?

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sexy babbies

Babbies have the tightest pussy and turdcunt

Pedos practice no-fap and that's how they can get hard for girls with no tits and no ass. Giving them porn with young but legal girls should get them to quit no-fap.

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just let them have drawn shit, fuck

not being brainwashed
pedos are last stage redpills. they realize only little girls are pure, innocent, value

anti pedos are dumb bluepills who only fuck what is approved by their corrupt NWO SJW government

Looks like if the hatred guy got a haircut

Pretty sure this guy was always pock marked and that made him insecure, women picked up on that and werent interested, guy took it as rejection so started hating women, probably went down the "they are all whores" path and wanted somthing pure so he turned to kids. lol

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>Muh Roasties

Has anyone actually called neptune yet?

(478) 324-4637

even with all the paki rape gangs and sex trafficking going on in europe, today is still statistically the safest time in history to be a child in terms of sexual abuse.

thanks for the pathetic impotent revenge fantasy, they're always a laugh to read

Ffs children are too undeveloped for any kind of reciprical adult relationship and any attempt at making one is purely predatory in nature, you faggots should be ashamed and hung for even considering it.
That being said drawn shit is arite

This is a post everyone should read

Yea, he accidentally ODed and now thinks he's a monkey.

violent child porn.. most likely.. 3d CGI..

that 16yo stuff sounds hot wonder what that was like