We are only 11 days away from one of the biggest political talks in recent world history, the summit between the United States and North Korea. The summit was confirmed to be taking place June 12 in Singapore by President Trump Friday after newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo conducted a series of talks between the senior North Korean official Kim Yong Chol and Kim Jong Un, North Korea's leader.
He is the only one that is actually making this happen you retard.
Juan Morales
The only outcome is that nothing will really be achieved in those talks, but nothing bad will happen either. Best case is Fatboy Kim tones down on the missile firing and nuke testing, keeping the region quiet for a few more years.
Luke Sanders
Why? Why shouldn't a national socialist independent country be able to build a nuke to defend themselves from countries like israel who have hundreds? Why should they consign themselves to a slow death. It's obvious there is no peace here, he agrees to this and 5 years down the road they are roasting him over oy vey duh prison camps, you give an inch to a kike like trump he will take a mile, this is just a part of choking the country out and placing zogmocracy in it DEATH TO AMERICA DEATH TO ALL ZOGBOTS DEATH TO TRUMP
What right does North Korea have to exist? Why the fuck do you even care about its sovereignty? Not your country, not your problem.
Parker Young
Because I care about any country that exists outside the federal banking system you double yid, I know how much their existence causes you nonstop asshurt. What right do you jews have to exist?