New footage and pictures have emerged of over 100 child skeletons from a mass human sacrifice in northern Peru that is believed to date back some 1,000 years.
The excavations at the site in Trujillo have been ongoing for months but researchers on Thursday confirmed a total of 109 sets of the child remains had been uncovered — making it the largest site in the world for child sacrifice remains.
This was a incredibly common practice in history. You can thank the Romans and Judaism for our aversion to it. The Romans fought multiple wars against Carthage who were really big into tossing their children alive into burning idols and the Romans hated the practice and generally stamped it out where ever they went. Judaism's foundational story is the binding of Issac where Judaism separated the Hebrews from the common Bronze-age religions that required people to sacrifice children to their gods like Baal. Judaism was the founding mythos for both Islam and Christianity which is why the practice has been stamped out.
Cameron Phillips
The Germans tortured, killed, butchered and ate Romans after destroying three legions in Germania. I’m not sure about child sacrifice.
Aaron Nelson
the romans preferred to do other things (pedastry) with the children anways
Joshua Wilson
Hahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahaahahahhahaha Nice one. I always sleep better after a good laugh.
Tyler Perry
Red Robin.
Dominic Lewis
As a Carthaginian I find this report very demeaning to my culture. All hail Baal Hammon
Samuel Hughes
You noticed that sly little insert too? Haha nice try Juden
William Kelly
Nigger proto-Jews were barbarians who ran around sacrificing each other all fucking day. God damn you are fucking stupid. It's in the blood to sacrifice people more than any other god damn race.
Blake Ward
Juden still engage in child sacrifice and blood rituals. What do you think pedogate is about. What do you think sucking severed foreskin stumps is about. Check the list of reasons why juden were expelled from 450+ countries, about half of them involve blood rituals and child sacrifice.
Zachary Brooks
Yeah, Jews, with the Pharisees. Especially noticed after Jesus' time, during the sacking of Jerusalem.
That's retarded.
Oliver Brooks
fuck off kike
Aaron Gonzalez
Evil fucking kike. Your time is up soon.
Noah Reyes
Second largest. Comet Ping Pong pizzeria was the biggest.
Landon Morris
Jews may not sacrifice children anymore(or maybe not) but they sacrifice chickens. First they starve it, then circle it around their heads and then violently kill it. This happens every year around October?
Colton Torres
informative and actually learned something today. post quality score:
Jeremiah Wilson
Humans didn't really have the concept of childhood back then. A "girl" was usually married off and having her first child by age 9. People died of "old age" by 20 for most of our existence. Compassion, civilization, laws and concepts like being "politically correct" are the luxuries of coddled humans with easy access to food and medicine.
Jonathan White
They turned our Government into a 'Pedo-cracy!' You can't obtain a high post until you are adequately Pedo-blackmailed. FACT.