Kathy Griffin: ‘We Have an Administration that Is Quite Pro-Nazi’

Disgraced comedienne Kathy Griffin doubled down on her criticism of the Trump administration in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, describing it as “quite pro-Nazi.”

Asked whether she thinks Roseanne Barr, who had her hit ABC sitcom Roseanne canceled after making racially charged comments about former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, will ever make it back on to TV, Griffin said that she did not deserve redemption because she is a “fucking Nazi.”

“No, fuck her! She’s a fucking Nazi,” Griffin said of Barr. “No, dude. No Nazis! I know that sounds crazy, but America has a new policy: no Nazis. But we have an administration that is quite pro-Nazi. They led the march. They think there are good ones and bad ones. There’s no good ones!”

“Roseanne wasn’t even a typical Trump voter, so the idea that they were trying to have her portray the rest of America was always bullshit,” Griffin continued. “I’m sorry, but they knew what they were getting into. You know she tweeted that David Hogg, the Parkland survivor, is a Nazi?”

Griffin, who was herself dropped by CNN after she was photographed holding a bloody head resembling President Donald Trump, added that she had “no sympathy” for Roseanne because she had a television network behind her.

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who is kathy griffin who cares sage

Why live?

Yeah, girl! Call them Nazis! That will show them!

Please tell me, what are the pro nazi policies and where are they?

Fuckers can't even get political parties right. Trump is far from socialist. And he said on many occasions he supports legal immigration. And nationalist would oppose that. Might as well say

there should be a UN resolution to keep this bitch at least 500 yards away from any camera

a kike staging another kike as "the bad guy"

This is just the kike-centric Milo all over again.


nazi doesn't sound so bad does it? After you tear back the kike influence, it's something people actually want. Also they want kikes to die after they found out they've been duped. They want kikes to die because grandpa died for the kike communist and the kikes lied about the holocaust.

Nazi's do not support "legal immigration", we support a complete stop and rollback. America before the kike pushed 1965 Immigration Act was for whites, by whites, and the blacks can stay even though it was the kikes bringing them here, selling them, and working them to death.

We're compassionate. Our enemies are the same black or white, it's the kike. We do need to segregate, though, we shouldn't be living together. It's not making either of us happy and both of our peoples are getting blotted out.

On socialism, Nazism is not globalist socialism, it's not Marxism. It's an idea that you should care about those who look like you, act like you, work like you, and are there for you. It's not this "Come Get Your Gibs" bullshit we have now. It's support for YOUR people, not THEIR people.