Of course we all know hindsight is 20/20….. That goes without saying….
Because a fucking NIGGER shift manager bitch at the Dunkin Donuts actually STOLE MY PHONE right off the table when my back was turned and I was talking to my wife, and when I had Wendy call the Sheriff's Department to report the incident and get the security cam video, she actually broke the screen of my phone throwing it into a garbage can trying to hide the fact that she had stolen it…. Of course I was pissed off that I had to pay the $100 repair fee for the screen….
….. I went to the offices of Dozier Law Firm, and consulted with David Dorer, a staff attorney who handles civil and criminal cases….
I went over the entire case with Mr. Dorer, who assured me it was completely legal to attempt an out-of-court settlement before taking them to small claims court.
….. Of course, taking them to small claims court was more of a hassle then I wanted, and my real goal was to Simply demonstrate that I wasn't joking around, and I was prepared to go to small claims court over the matter….
All I wanted was for the general manager of the restaurant to assume the responsibility, because after all one of his employees damaged my phone while trying to steal it while she was on duty….
of course it is……..
If I knew then what I know now, I would have simply said "forget it, I'll pay the $100 to repair my phone and consider it a loss"
of course I would have…………..
But I had no way of knowing what was going to happen, and I had no reason to believe a miscarriage of justice would occur…… In fact, I specifically went by the Dozier Law Firm on the way to the courthouse, for the sole purpose of double checking and making sure it was legal to proceed with my plan…
According to the attorney, this is done everyday, and he told me, "we always recommend people try to settle out of court before filing the papers in the courthouse."
….regrets ?…….
Sure…. Hell yes I have regrets ….
But not so much about the phone incident… I regret tons of bad decisions I've made in my life, situations where hindsight was 20/20, errors in judgement I would not have made if I only knew what was going to happen in the long run…
I've made hundreds and hundreds of fucked-up decisions in my life.
this one?…. It was one of the most minimal bad decisions I've ever made, and I actually put more effort into trying to avoid a problem regarding my phone then I usually put into other bad decisions I have made in my life
….. In fact, in many ways the situation with the phone turned out to be kind of 'positive'….
Subsequently, a lot of really good things have happened for me revolving around the case.
As the low-IQ inmates say, "it is what it is"