The casting decision angered a select few social justice warriors who complained that a "cis" actress shouldn't be allowed to assume the identity of a trans person even in as an actor. Unfortunately, the SJW movement is vocal enough that the negativity reached Johansson who decided to opt out of the role due to the backlash. Toxicity abounded from social justice warriors like Jen Richards, a transgender writer, who called Johansson's decision to opt out of the film "in the spirit of generosity". First of all, when a leftist extremist prevents another person from working, there is a problem with the movement because no one has the right to do that.
"I am going to take Scarlett Johansson at her word that she listened to feedback, realized that despite her intentions this was going to cause harm, and made the right decision to step down," Richards wrote in a tweet. "Well done." This is just one example of the toxicity of the left. The idea that they can interfere with the lives of those who they don't agree with and its justified is so hypocritical. Where is the outrage at the gay men who played straight men, or the gay women who played straight women? Is being transgendere a license to enforce your own ideas onto others?