There's more confirmation today that the 45th President of the United States of America is correct in his assessment of the dangers posed by illegal aliens, as previously deported, twice, criminal alien in New York is now in custody on new charges of committing homicide against an elderly American citizen.
Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Murders 66-Year-Old New York Woman Outside National Guard Armory
Last year alone, there were 6,791 people murdered in America's largest cities.
(That number doesn't even include people murdered in small towns)
You uneducated Trump supporters grasp for straws like idiots, continually trying to find cases of murder involving an illegal immigrant…..
Last year, out of the 6,791 murders in America, only 183 of them involved immigrants at all, and only 74 of them were here illegally…..
That means that only 1.2% of murders in America were committed by illegal immigrants…
In other words, you're so desperate to try to validate your stupid support of Donald Trump and his idiotic rants against illegal immigrants, that you're making a fucking fool out of yourself every time you copy and paste one of these stupid stories….
Almost 18,000 people died accidentally in their bathtub last year, but you're trying to tell me that SEVENTY FOUR MURDERS is a more serious problem?
There's more confirmation today that the 45th President of the United States of America is correct in his assessment of the dangers posed by illegal aliens
as previously deported, twice, criminal alien in New York is now in custody on new charges of committing homicide against an elderly American citizen
'major' James, you used 26 words, more than half of your stupid post claiming this one story validates Donald Trump's stupid assertion
while you only used 24 words to tell the story.
It seems your priorities revolve around trying to prove that Donald Trump isn't an idiot…..
By the way…….
Are you still excited about your date with Phillip? When are you taking him to see Venom? Are you going to buy him dinner first or afterwards?….
That's a fucking massive amount, and that's only for one crime. Throw in drug dealing, gun running, sex trafficking, child grooming, etc, and see what the number is.
Take Philip to see the matinee of venom, so the theater will be less crowded, and more intimate….
That way, after the movie you can take him to dinner, and loosen him up with a couple of drinks….
And who knows what might happen afterwards
If you don't mind, the topic of this thread has changed, and we're no longer discussing illegal immigrants…..
Right now we are talking about Philip and James' big date they have planned, going to see the movie Venom together….
Please try to stay on topic. Thank you…
Although everybody who has seen the trailer agrees the special effects on the Venom character are weak and cheesy, children have said they thought it look 'badass'….
My personal opinion is this movie's going to be a 'Thrill Ride from Hell' !!
You and Phillip shouldn't sit too close to the screen because it can give you a headache, and that might make him not in the mood for sex afterwards….
Everyone who knows you is well aware how often you gush about how 'hot' Tom Hardy is….
So while of course you won't be able to take your eyes off the actor, try not to keep mentioning how attractive you think he is, because that could make Philip feel uncomfortable… You don't want to ruin the date by making Philip jealous….
Trust me… Philip is well aware how hot you think Tom Hardy is…..
…. Of course you remember that time Jim was drunk and Philip had just been hired ?……
…. You remember how that made you feel ?……..
…. Well don't do the same thing to Phillip by sitting here talking about how 'hot' Tom Hardy is…..