Earth ‘decades away’ from tipping point which triggers runaway climate change apocalypse

Earth may only be decades away from a climatic tipping point that triggers runaway global warming and threatens the future of humanity, scientists have warned. The threshold will be reached when average global temperatures are only around 2C higher than they were in pre-industrial times, new research suggests. They are already 1C higher and rising.

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pls gib moar support to cap and trade scams pls

Good goy, protect our shekels and genocide yourselves!

Ask yourself one question. Why are the people who are for "protecting the environment" the same people who stand against nuclear power and the progression of technology that could get us off this point-failure source we call "Earth"?

I don’t feel like finding the article and posting the link, but I remember a large study done recently that found the Earth was warmer during Medieval times than it is now. We’re technically at the end of the “Little Ice Age” and warming up back to normal, if I recall correctly.

don't they mean 5 years away?

Your post has some truth to it but is wrong.

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Well eliminating the chance that the kikes are fearmongering they are this will halt their plans of world domination and the browning of America jk America is fucked already if you look at non white hispanics it's less than 47% daily reminder to GTFO of America if you're european and let the barbarians sack it

oh look they integrated the discredited hockey stick graph.

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That's some national geographic tier real kind of bullshit.

EXACTLY. They want the majority of the world population to crash and burn.

I can't wait for "decades," OP. I need it sometime in the next few years.

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Why is it the jet-set, with private planes, permanent traveling around the world, a general enormous "co2 footprint" that lecture use about doom?

Hang on, didn't Al Gore promise us the tipping point was a decade away?
That this was the conclusion based on Science™ and there was no longer room for debate?
And he said this in his movie over 10 years ago?
With the backing of the UN, BBC, NASA and 97% of climate scientists?
Before buying beachfront property and flying his private jet all over the world?

a single volcanic eruption left more of a carbon footprint than all of humanity in the last century. But you have a point

agreed. optimism is usually great, sometimes blackpills are just reality

Okay, could you provide a source for that picture. Cause it seems that the "hockey stick" graph has been replicated and shown to be factually correct.

"More than two dozen reconstructions, using various statistical methods and combinations of proxy records, have supported the broad consensus shown in the original 1998 hockey-stick graph, with variations in how flat the pre-20th century "shaft" appears.[1] The 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report cited 14 reconstructions, 10 of which covered 1,000 years or longer, to support its strengthened conclusion that it was likely that Northern Hemisphere temperatures during the 20th century were the highest in at least the past 1,300 years.[16]" My source is Wikipedia if you want to read more.

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Several decades later
Several decades later
Several decades later
Rinse and repeat forever…

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Decades can't come soon enough.


Geological timescale does not work in decades. More news at eleven, with an update on the more decades we're expecting.

Fuck off and tell nuke India already.

Literally just wiping out india would save the world. And feel pretty good.

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"Pollution" is a broad term that doesn't necessarily refer to Greenhouse gases. Most pollution from India is likely the shit in the streets

Ebola is still around. It only needs to get a lift over to India from central Africa.

Even if you don't care about climate change, a mass extinction event is happening right now. Humans are still fine, but only so long as their food sources are secure. Give us a few billion more people and it'll be unsustainable. Which lines right up with the few more decades prediction.

Humans are versatile aa fuck when it comes to food source though. Contrary to what some have you believe going vegetarian and keeping your protein restricted to eggs and cheese isn't going to fucking kill you once the necessity arises to find more sustainable diets.

Considering the population numbers, people in starvation areas are more likely to turn to cannibalism than vegetarian diet.

India has over a billion people and they are largely vegetarian

Here we go again

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Fancy indian for dinner?

Vegans are food.

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You want even more third world migrants heading your way? If this is real, we need to stop this slow armageddeon

The fire rises though amirite?


We are just at an interglacial peak, it's known for decades before climate hysteria started to be the norm. It's just convenient crap for globalists. We must wait like 500 years to know where we exactly are in the cycle. And that if the cycle repeat (statistically) with no anomaly.

Any user should know that already. Not spoonfeeding you newfags about it.

You really didn't need to spell it out so obviously that you're full of shit.

Kikes have been saying we're "decades" away from the repercussions of man-made global warming for literal decades.

This is why the leftist kikes are so bootyblasted about this, their hives are going to be underwater soon.

Moishe, you can't use a problem you've created to try and solve a different problem you've created

"Any one of these days now!"
-increasingly nervouse kike "scientist"

If we did heavily invest in space guess where we could send a lot of people? They tell us all the time that overpopulation is this huge problem, yet they have nothing to say about defunding space programs in favor of more gibs.

Just poo it.

They don't care about people or solutions. They just want funding for their own shit and political influence to make everybody buy their niche shit of "clean" technologies.

ya, machine gun pits ready

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Pooing on India won't do shit. They're used to it!

The apocalypse will happen because God is angry at us for allowing kikes and pedophiles in positions of authority instead of the ovens where they belong.

So full of shit. Things were way hotter during the permian-triassic exinction yet that never happened. These faggot pseudoscientists are just fear mongers.

didnt they say it already passed it?
how many times are they going to delay the deadline?

We were already passed the tipping point.

The whole thing is a fucking scam. The rest of the world sends all of their garbage to Africa, India, and China. Those countries would do the world a favor by refusing our garbage. 1st world cunts are all hypocrites. They don't recycle shit.

Nah, it always gives me the shits.

better start saving for that house in alaska

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You don't get it. If Earth dies, humanity dies with it. It doesn't matter how said death may come about, what matters is getting the fuck off of Earth and colonizing space so that humanity as a species is not locked to one small, vulnerable little rock floating through the cosmos.

This is not about politics. It's about survival.

Keep moving those goal posts climate changeists. Each of your dire predictions over the past 30 years has never materialized. The lie grows harder to believe each year.

hilarious: watching you claim others are 'pseudoscientists' from your stinky little computer chair in your lonely little room

there's nothing 'pseudoscientific' about the best formula removing the stench of sebum out of that stinky little computer chair of yours.

fire… burn it…

And occasionally you should try a product called soap. The world's best scientists claim that soap can be used in combination with water, but you have to pull yourself away from your little obsolete computer before attempting this exciting new process called 'taking a bath'.

I took a few courses on climatology in school. Long story short, we're fucked, and no amount of regulation is going to change the current rate of atmospheric warming.
Enjoy Antarctica while it lasts because a third of the fucking continent is going to melt within a couple hundred years

Actually they've been underestimating for decades. There's not going to be a single apocalypse moment though. Just a slow burn.


If anybody wants to know 'how the
weather is', all they have to do is
stick their head out the window.

No need for weatherman or
meteorologists or scientists or
Doomsday fanatics………………

You're smart enough to figure it
out for yourself……………………..

and if you're SO STUPID that you can't tell the world is getting hotter and the seasons are changing drastically, then you should be happy in the realization that the old account about 'ignorance being bliss' really is true…..

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congratulations on the 'idiot who assumes he's more intelligent than he really is' thing

Anybody who bases their 'knowledge' on predictions that the end is near is equally as stupid as someone who bases their beliefs on the insistence of others that the end is not near.

I always base my beliefs and knowledge on what I have learned for myself, and what I feel instinctually….

I've never given a fuck about other people's predictions or opinions

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The world is definitely going in a Direction that's irreversible, but that's been happening since the beginning of time.

We are definitely destroying the ecology, from the water to the soil to the air and every atom and molecule in between.

The human race is a worthless piece of shit cancer on the face of the planet, and we have expedited whatever negative aspects lay ahead, no matter what they might be.

But it's not about the end of the world, because that's not the topic at hand……..

The real issue is the end of Life As We Knew It, and it's a process, not an event…

That process has been continuing ever since humans show their ugly faces on planet Earth, and since long before then to be quite honest….

But that's not like I'm trying to minimize the role that the human race has played, and is still playing, and things aren't getting better, they're actually getting much worse, and it's going to continue like that, with the human race taking planet Earth into a downward spiral, until we finally driven ourselves into Extinction

It might not be global warming. We have a multitude of fractal possibilities of self-destruction that we have seemingly mastered.

We are definitely masters of self-destruction.

THAT BEING SAID….. Ever since I was 11 or 12 years old, I have been convinced that we wouldn't make it another 10 or 20 years, and when I was 30 years old I was convinced we wouldn't make it another 10 or 20 years…

We're still here…….

And the human race will remain

But the pollution and the suffering and the agonizing self-destruction will continue and become exponentially worse……

Which is why in a way I think the best thing that could happen would be the complete elimination of the human race as fast as possible

Temperature rises have been underestimated. But again there's not going to be an apocalypse moment. That shouldn't be hard to understand. It's just going to be more difficult to live on earth with the other billions of people on it.

A misanthropic human is a lion who feels bad for the zebra. Begin the extinction of the human race with yourself if you feel so strongly. But no, YOU'RE one of the few smart ones, I'm sure.

Is it 1993 again? Because that was said every fucking day since the early 90s.

He was right. Thats the thing, this shit took time to build up strength and momentum. It isnt just burning oil, its burning fossil fuels AND massive deforestation, AND massive over fishing fucking everything up AND expansion of steel concrete heat factory cities without gredning the towers AND globalized shipping burning up oil. Its all of it combined.

Thing is, if we stopped in 1998, I mean a hard stop and didnt dig up or pump up or frack ansingle ounce of fossil fuels afterwards and didnt deforest any further….we would still be where we are right now.

His argument, was that continuing as we were, with ALL OF THAT SHIT, all of it COMBINED, for another ten years and it was all fucked. Near irreversible. Too much momentum built up. What we need to do everywhere is reforest every square inch of land that isnt being farmes, readjust certain farming areas back into grazing areas, and green up the cities. Reforests, true real reforesting, needs to be done on a massive scale. For America, the Great Plains needs to be reopened up for for ranging and let the cattle go. Stop growing corn. Period.

Green all cities everywhere, turn every skyscraper into hanging gardens of Babylon.. Retree and rebush every acre of land not farmed or grazed. Eliminate as much international shipping as possible. And lots of other stuff. Like eliminating all fossil fuel powerplants for Molten salt plants that use Thorium ignited cycles to burn up nuke waste or concentrated solar thermal. And use fossil fuels exclusively as feed stock. Hell, use Thorium ignited nuke waste nuke plants for what few international cargo vessels still need to sail. Augment with actual sails.

And ban corn. Corn is complete garbage.

Actually it's both.

Good luck going against the vegans. Their greed for 'vegan foods' for the normalfags to feel good about themselves will be the end of mankind.

They are a selfcorrecting problem. Corn is still fucking useless.

Good, let it all end. Humanity and the earth had a good run but it would be for the better if everything died. Life is intrinsically terrible, it is filled with suffering, fear and only the briefest periods of pleasure that serve only to provide a contrast to pain and make it hurt all the much more.

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You know it's kind of sad when Johnny is the voice of reason in a thread. Tell me Johnny, does it every get lonely being the only adult in the room.

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So I'm like a successful, more creative version of yourself - minus unironically believing the TV news and the "taxes to save da climate" meme.

Nuclear power is not sustainable. It uses more fresh water resources than coal plants, and leaves indesposable radioactive waste.
Solar power, despite its costs, returns investments very quickly and can be deployed basically anywhere. It requires no fuel other than the nuclear reactor in the sky and maintainance.

Yep. And once we figure out better batteries, it will hardly even matter that you can only harvest sun effectively in certain areas.

Hydroelectricity is pretty cool too, so is aeroelectricity, us frogs have the cheapest electricity in all of north america from hydro electric plants alone, we got 61 dam centrals and sell the extra power to the americans :^)

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While you scoff may I briefly assert? Do we complain about ancestorial blunder or pride? How shall our children?

Have you ever fucking heard of a thorium reactor?

No it doesn't.

Refer to
My life is shit, too, but even shit is better than oblivion. If you disagree, you have the option to check out any time you please.

Al Gore said is was going to happen in like what, 2012?
Why do they keep changing the date

t. Mad niggerbrained pseudoscientist samefag kike puppet.

We will all be dead or too old to care in "decades". Drill baby drill!

It doesn't matter what I think because no matter what I do I will eventually die anyway. Shit can only be considered better than oblivion when shit is there in the first place. If there never was shit, then oblivion is objectively better.

Tha't's an awfully convoluted way to say "kill yourself". Feel free to perpetuate existence as long as you can. No matter how many people come next they will each be destined to die and one day when all of the energy in the known universe is used up the last bit of life left in the world will die with it.

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Jesus kid take a break from huffing your own farts and go take a walk in the sunshine.
Also, you seem to be hung up on that whole heat-death thing. I remember when I was in middle-school and shit like that scared me. Then I grew up and discovered that modern physics is jewish bullshit. Man where did all this shit come from? It's all gonna spread out through space forever and nothing will exist ever again? According to who? Did you know they needed to invent the concept of dark matter because they couldn't and still can't explain why the milky-way isn't flying apart? Because apparently there is not enough gravity to hold it together. Really makes you think, huh? Just promise you will lay off the black pills for a few days, kay?

Then allow me to consolidate my point. Commit sudoku. If you believe humanity in general is a bad thing, and you are a human living and existing, telling people that a living human species is a bad thing, you are a gigantic fucking hypocrite.

You must be quite euphoric with your intelligence and maturity to have perfectly researched every issue on your own and to have immunity to imitated opinions.Well, guess what, retard. This is just one of many issues in the world, there are many others, that require different fields of knowlege, that no man on this planet could learn them all.

"I'll just be neutral then," you might tell yourself, but many of those issues have no neutral ground, consider:

1.) The status quo must be changed.
2.) The status quo should leave the change.

By saying that you do not know enough of a topic to support one side, or even more, trying to convince people that they don't know enough to support one side, you are actually supporting the side that is trying to keep the status quo.

Yeah, and the guy you quote sure is an adult for chosing the things he believes "instinctually", instead of what experts simplify for him. What a load of shit, and by the way, scientists in practice do make shit up to supports their conclusions too.

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it seems like you would eventually stand up for yourself, and tell Diana to fuck herself.

Then, tell Jim that if he doesn't let YOU run the Goldwater, you'll go find a real job.

Last night, Jim admitted that The Goldwater isn't making any money. He said you guys were thinking that selling coffee cups that said 'Murica' it would save you from bankruptcy.

It's a sinking ship, loser

Opinion discarded

I like the part of your post where you refuted his statement using evidence based reasoning. Unfortunately I'm going to have to report you to my CIA contacts now because we can't have the public let alone all those physicists learning that it's all made up to further the shapeshifting Jewish reptilians plans for world domination.

Beckers (bequers?) aren't true frogs.

Sounds pretty french to me.

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it was supposed to be done already
where's my 2 miles of ice above my house?

climate change debate is so last decade
let it die tbqh
kikes will be kikes
they'll pass on to something else like they gave up on the ozone layer hoax


This is biggest dick tease since the second coming. Revelation will happen before this disaster porn.