Apple CEO Tim Cook on Apple Music: 'We Worry About the Humanity Being Drained Out of Music'

In an extensive profile of Spotify founder and CEO Daniel Ek, Fast Company's Robert Safian recently sat down to speak for a few minutes with Apple CEO Tim Cook at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California.

The topic was, of course, Spotify and Apple Music, two of the major players in the streaming music market and fierce competitors. Cook said that he looks to music as inspiration and motivation, a philosophy that's shared at Apple and has guided its focus on human-based music curation.

"Music inspires, it motivates. It's also the thing at night that helps quiet me. I think it's better than any medicine," Cook said.

While he declined to mention Spotify by name, Cook told Fast Company that Apple worries about streaming music losing the human touch, alluding to Spotify's more algorithmic approach to highlighting content.

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You want human touch in music? Go to actual orchestra concerts, pubs, etc.

Stop listening to the mp3 jew.

Lol @ being a Mac user


I actually have a lot of respect for Tim Cock despite him being a literal fag. Steve Jobs knew how to hire a successor that could make cash while still maintaining a strong vision. Apple is worth almost half of Californias entire GDP and its incredible that they aren't completely owned by some holdings company or land developer like is often the case nowadays.

Cuz it's practical to go see live music every time you want to hear music. Cook is just saying that people being lazy ass consumers just sucking up whatever spotify shits in their ears is a problem.

Ah, so THAT is what Steve Jobs tried instead of chemo?

Didn't he go on some weird-ass diet?

That doesn't stop him from being a faggot who releases the world's shittiest trendy products.

i see jobs reality distortion field is still strong

Name one thing you can do with a pc you can't do on a Mac.