Tesla CEO Elon Musk did it again. After a few months of getting into hot water over social media battles against investors, analysts and British divers in Thailand (see our related coverage) this time the former chairman of the SEC, Mr Harvey Putt, claims that his latest twitter storm, in which he warns that it might be time to take Tesla private, “could be securities fraud if he was trying to manipulate the market.”
Tesla Halted For Possible Securities Fraud As Musk Sends Hitler Memes (Video)
I think Musk is a talking cat.
I'm not going to bother listing the feline traits because anyone who doesn't know them already is (a) not interested and (b) prone to angry denial despite evidence.
Moshe's mad that a non-jew has so many shekels.
annnd 88 get.
nah, he mad he will have first-mover advantage on space travel and related industries, if not stopped, he'll have leverage over literally everyone including Rothschilds or whoever's over them.
And it seems he has no intention to cuck out to them over control, which is great.
Elon for galactic fuhrer 2040 ruling from the seat of power in the re-conquered New South Africa
it really seems like you would eventually stand up for yourself, and tell Diana to fuck herself.
Then, tell Jim that if he doesn't let YOU run the Goldwater, you'll go find a real job.
Last night, Jim admitted that The Goldwater isn't making any money. He said you guys were thinking that selling coffee cups that said 'Murica' it would save you from bankruptcy.
It's a sinking ship
Take your meds, incel.
Aahahahahahaha someone might get banned from (((Zig Forums)))