South Africa - $20m White-Owned Farm First “Handover Of Keys To The State"

To the shock of many in the European press who are now only starting to catch up to the seriousness of this, the South African government has executed it’s threat and started seizing the first white-owned farm as the owner of a vast hunting reserve ( ) was told to hand over his keys.

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That is some top level delusion.

That’s crazy. They are really destroying their country that the white people built.

Negros are too dumb to understand the consequences of their actions. But at least we know they will suffer for their sins.

Attached: NEVER FORGET.jpg (1280x960, 253.12K)

That building will be gutted within a week.

Attached: uhm.png (497x471, 431.33K)

They are going to get tons of international support. All of the communist leftists want to prove that black people are better than white people.

When the black people kill off/remove all of the whites based on skin color alone, the left will cheer! When the country become an impoverished desolate wasteland, the left will cover it up.

Look at Venezuela. Leftists STILL support Venezuela….

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After South Africa becomes the next Zimbabwe another nigger will take over and ask all the White people to return—"SA is your home."

It's not based only on our race, it's also based on real and fictitious actions of whites

It isn't based on your race, it is based on things that members of your race supposedly did.

It is about fucking race….

The Black people unanimously can decide who belongs and who doesn't, who is a criminal and who isn't, based on race.

I doubt they are taking land from ANY black people who committed similar atrocities….