Boy, 9, commits suicide after coming out as gay, being bullied by classmates: mom

A Denver mom wants to shine a light on bullying and suicide after the death of her son last week.

The woman said her son killed himself in their home on Thursday. He was 9 years old.

Leia Pierce says bullying was a factor in the death of her son, Jamel Myles. He started fourth grade at Joe Shoemaker Elementary School on Monday.

Over the summer, his mom said he came out to her as gay.

"And he looked so scared when he told me. He was like, 'Mom I’m gay.' And I thought he was playing, so I looked back because I was driving, and he was all curled up, so scared. And I said, I still love you," Pierce said.

Pierce said her son wanted to tell his classmates.

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That retarded kid wasn't gay he just thought he was because he was told by media he was. He said he was and got treated as such

And this is what you get when you let capitalists paint a fake rainbow, and when the kids go looking for gold, they only find death. Welcome to the real world.

I don't think 9 or 10 year olds have the mental faculties to make that decision on their own. He was coached.

Commie faggots are the ones painting here.

I don't see anything in there about a father in the household. What a surprise, another single mother fails her children.

Under capitalism they call that hired help.

It's not commies, it's the opposite, the banker jews

All communists are Jews. You can't separate the two.

No, it's scum like you that create the problem

How much you wanna bet this kid was sexually abused at home?

Then you better keeping feeding your children to the capitalistic cabal…maybe you'll find the paradise if you pile the corpses high enough.

And nothing of value was lost

Don't be mean…some other 9 year old boy just lost his future butt buddy.

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This is like looking at a windshield wiper blade still in the factory and telling: this is going to get in a porsche.

Okay so this child who hadn't even reached puberty yet was already dreaming about getting pozzed and when he told his undoubtedly progressive mother he was so frighted by the rampant homophobia in America that he was literally cowering? Yeah, sounds totally real on not staged. Has the mother opened a gofundme yet?


So how's that pile of corpses commies have? You get to paradise on your's yet?

I leave the daydreaming to you guys, while I drag Jewish criminals to justice…for the cost of NO dead children. Because where I come from we protect children from monster instead of brainwashing them into their hands.

You've never even been out of your mother's house, have you?

what is your opinion on transgender 4 year olds

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Keep projecting

My opinion is that they're being abused for one or more of the following reasons:

kids are still growing mentally at this age…. Theres no way he would come out while 9years old … Id blame his teacher for shoving such filth in his head.

Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were just pretending to be retarded.

Explain why more children are dying of violence today, then a decade ago when your overlords kept you on a leash? Explain how your anti racism poster boy Obama created a racist mob of violence? Explain yourself to the victims of your multi cultural enrichment process…I mean the immigrants sure made the world a better place. Am I right?

Kill yourself.
Follow the kids example.

Do you have any proof or are you just pulling that out of your ass?

What about gay 9 year olds?

One less fag in the world
Good ridance

he's a rape victim

That's what I said bigger, media led him from behind and made him think some shit. I bet the kid didn't even know what gay even was.

I had a long talk with Jennifer Watkins today, but she decided she wants to commit suicide.

Scum like me? What did i do? Im a stranger on the internet saying the kid was brainwashed and you are sitting here calling me scum as if you know me. This is why this website fell apart and the quality suffered, people like you who have a boogeyman in their head and project it onto anyone for any reason

people who force gender on their progeny dont deserve to be parents

This. Need to be 11 or 12 for his hormones unless he hit puberty fast. Wasn't there is a story about british dad at age of 9? Some people mature fast I guess.

Transgender has become another meaningless buzzword.

So then you are for the government being able to come in your house and take your kids if you aren't raising them right? Fuck you.

when a parent does this to their child. Yes I'd rather have the goverment take the kid away

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You can look at him and tell he hasn't hit puberty, you only get thoughts like that through your head at that age if you got fucked against your will **trust me I lived through it*"

Yeah, I'm all kinds of faggoty and I didn't know what this shit was when I was his age. Hell, I STILL didn't know what was up when I was 14.

One less gay nigger half-breed. Good job classmates! Maybe we can get the coalburning mom to an hero.

Communism is literally just the blueprint for Jewish rule over the goyim.


This. He wouldn't have turned out gay if he was raised by a single father or a household with a father and mother.


I don't think anyone has a gay crush at 9.

9 years old wtf??
I wanted to be powered toastman at that age, and that's not a gender/hormonal wiring.

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People defending this kid and his mom right here, is the lefts push to incrementally normalize pedophilia.

Why the fuck should nine year olds even begin to think about their sexuality? It’s not the time and it’s not right.

And you still can be, my son.

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This is horrible. He should have been euthanased painlessly.

nothing of value was lost, in fact all sodomites should follow his example.

Maybe he didn't think about sex. Maybe he just had childlike innocent crushes on other boys instead of girls?

immediately search for a pic of the mom


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You talk like a faggot

more like ass crusher, fags are unable of understanding love as something different than hedonism.

That picture. If you make him look normal I'll have more sympathy. But that picture is so loud and annoying. People who want people to love them and their "STAR" personality. How can anyone have sympathy for anyone like that?

What do you want to bet it was actually Munchhausen by proxy?

A child has died because that's the way it was born and you make frivolous trolling remarks.

. This is why the internet fell apart and the quality suffered, people like you who have a evil in their head and project it onto anyone for any reason

It's not thinking about sex as in intercourse in a direct manner. It's more about giving prepubescent children these wild notions about their "orientation" which implies intercourse on some level.

His mother did him a huge disservice by inculcating these things in his impressionable mind at that age. Childhood should be a time of exploration and discovery of oneself, which she did to her son is tantamount to grooming and emotional abuse.

A child died because his mother indoctrinated him and then probably killed him for sympathy points.

What a pussy

Bitch please. This is entirely the fault of his parents.

Toast scraping intensifies.

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