A new study suggests that ketamine, an increasingly popular treatment for depression, has something in common with drugs like fentanyl and oxycodone.
The small study found evidence that ketamine's effectiveness with depression, demonstrated in many small studies over the past decade, comes from its interaction with the brain's opioid system. A Stanford University team reported their findings Wednesday in The American Journal of Psychiatry.
"We think ketamine is acting as an opioid," says Alan Schatzberg, one of the study's authors and a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford. "That's why you're getting these rapid effects."
Literal dog tranquilizers. The shit vets use to put your pets to sleep for surgery and shit. It's also addictive as hell and only morons do it recreationally. Nope.
David Kelly
The FDA hasn't approved ketamine for psychiatric disorders — but that isn't stopping "off-label" treatment clinics from opening up all around the country.
Ryan Garcia
Stevan seems like a real nice guy, I feel for his pain. Hope he finds his way out of depression, he deserves it.
Caleb Cruz
I have had 7 ketamine treatments so far, and I can tell you that it works! I have suffered from depression all of my life, but after my brother's suicide, I was no longer functional. I was afraid to leave my house, and didn't care about doing anything anyway. I would get terrible panic attacks, where I couldn't breathe and couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stand to be around people. All I wanted to do was stop the sadness and pain. I didn't necessarily want to die, but I couldn't bear the pain of living that way anymore. I decided that if dying was the only way to stop the pain, I was ready. I tried anti-depressants, psychiatrists, yoga, meditation, all kinds of diet and exercise regimens, self help groups…you name it, I tried it. This went on for 4 years, but nothing relieved the hell in my heart and head. Finally, I heard about ketamine. I was a little scared, but it was the first time I felt hope in years. So I went to the Ketamine Clinic, and it worked! I mean, really worked! Like, the same day. I went in wanting to die, and I left feeling like a normal person again. Nothing else worked, but the ketamine started working immediately! The only 2 drawbacks are that insurance doesn't cover it (because they still consider it "experimental treatment") so it is a bit expensive (mine was $750 per treatment) and, unfortunately, the fix doesn't last. I'd say it lasts about a month or maybe two before I feel it wearing off. But even after it wore off, I was still much better than before. I go back in every few months. It seems really expensive, but I know without it I would not be alive. I just couldn't take anymore. I only wish my brother could have had ketamine. I think he would still be alive today. If you are suicidal, don't wait. It really does work!
Jordan Jenkins
you sound like a little pussy, you should have killed yourself imo
Sebastian Lewis
Its literally on the WHO list of essential medicine….. And just because something is used on pets doesn't mean there is any reason not to on humans if its effective, which it very much is.
Wyatt Carter
like everything else these guys do its almost certainly about making money more than helping anyone
there you go goy, we can cure your depression but someone has to inject it and you have to be monitored while you're under it's effects KCHING KCHING Doctor Bergenstkatzenstein rakes it in
Western medicine -> unless it's a cosmetic procedure or an acute situation you're either getting ripped off or mistreated or both