‘Nobody Says Anything’: Pastor Goes Off On Black-on-black Crime At Aretha Franklin’s Funeral

Pastor Jasper Williams launched a scathing criticism of black-on-black violence on Friday at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, where he delivered the eulogy.

“It amazes me how it is when the police kills one of us, we are ready to protest, march destroy innocent property. We’re ready to loot, steel, whatever we want. But when we kill 100 of us, nobody says anything. Nobody does anything,” Williams said.

“Black on black crime, we’re all doing time. We are locked up in our minds. There’s got to be a better way. We must stop this today. Think down, look down, walk down, talk down, act down — most times we are low down. Where is your soul?” the pastor continued.

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Maybe, just maybe; it was white racism, oppression and violence that was keeping niggers from niggering each other all along.

Attached: 8b71a52871969674d0759ce09703bfea.jpg (914x582, 99.53K)

Typical racist nigger with their good old "Violence between blacks must stop ! Violence against whites is ok however…".
And what the hell did this have to do with Aretha Franklin ??? This sucker should have sing instead to pay her tribute : ♫ You better think, think ♪ think about what you're trying to do to me ♫ yeah think, think think, let your mind go, let yourself be free ♪

Homosexuality got widely accepted.

Wanna see how much nigger lives matter to other niggers? liveleak.com/view?t=9VXvF_1535047773

Yeah but gays arn't necesarilly savage and stupid.
This gave me a funny idea of what things would look like if niggers would be more bonobos than chimpanzees, instead of being violent they would assfuck eachover to resolve conflicts. However, I would sure never mess with any of them anymore ! ^^'

The destruction of the black nuclear family which started in around 1965. Now the destruction of all nuclear families is under way.


Before I agree, I'd like to add this sidenote: the nuclear family is an anglo oddity. Most cultures throughout history were organized around the extended family, in which multiple related families share a multigenerational household.

You are still right to point at the destruction of the black family, the black wedlock. Too many kids are born are raised without a father. Few things ruin someone worse than being raised without a positive authoritative masculine figure. That's how you get all those thugs and whores.

Drop those red pills on those black hoes, Daddy