Simpsons Creator Confirms Michael Jackson Theory (Video)

The creator of the hit animated show "The Simpsons" Matt Groening confirmed a fan theory and admitted that fans weren't just hearing things when they recognized a familiar voice in a 1991 episode of the show. The episode involved a patient at a mental institution which many fans pointed out as sounding like Michael Jackson.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How is this news? We knew that since the "Happy Birthday, Lisa" song.

anybody who has ever watched even one episode of The Simpsons is a fucking loser

Ive never watched The Simpsons. Not even 10 seconds of it. Never. Not even once. You couldn't pay me to watch that worthless bullshit.

I've never met somebody who liked The Simpsons who was cool.

Not so coincidentally, I've never watched Family Guy, King Of The Hill, American Dad, or anything even vaguely similar. All of those shows suck testicles.

Adult Swim?… LOL Fuck No!! No way…


and I'm not using the term 'faggot' loosely. I actually mean you're a 'faggot', literally a cocksucking homosexual…

And I've never met anyone who thought you were cool either.

Samefag fucking loser with Satanic trips.

You would know a lot about sucking testicles.

But Simpsons were cool…

Remember when people would talk to eachother instead of just posting garbage and just leaving

Those were the good old days huh?

shut it

I remember when the government didnt force me to be a neet by the threat of death

I remember whenever any of my friends would mention anything about watching The Simpsons (or South Park, or Family Guy, or King Of The Hill, or ANY show like that) I would instantly tune them out, and never talk to them again….

Not joking…..

It's only about what you bring into the thread, user.

Yea I loved conversations centered around various TV sound bytes and 3 second re-enactments from movies.

That's why I started doing drugs and having lots of sex.

Now I have NOTHING

As far as I'm concerned, watching any of those shows puts you in the same category as a 'christian', or a 'democrat' or a 'republican' or a 'child molester'….

the lowest forms of life on earth

Well you still have a wrinkled old mutt of a face that drives cats up trees…so don't sell yourself too short, Neptune.

and it's important
to remember…….

that I consider myself to be one of the biggest fucking scumbags ever

So if I think someone is a lowlife, that means they're a REAL piece of shit

I certainly DO……

I do indeed

which is what makes it
so ironic that I've gotten
more pussy than you will
in 50 lifetimes.

strange, huh?

notice how considerate I was
to respond to your post, even
though your post was meant
for me, but it wasn't me……….

I'm humbled…

Attached: Pierce.jpg (628x380, 27.94K)

it turns out that
being young and
handsome doesn't
have anything to do
with attracting girls

I'll hand it to you
you're alright

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…and always watching.

That's coincidental, because I'm always making observations, too

A: absolutely NOTHING!!!!

Q: what's cool about the Simpsons?


I woke up thismorning withmy left nostril hurting. It turns out that I have an ingrown nose hair, and right inside the edge of my nostril, that hair follicle has come to a tiny 'white head', like a teeny tiny pimple.. But that tiny little ingrown hair hurts like a son of a bitch……

you didn't think
I was actually going
to say something
pertaining to the
Simpsons, did you?

Wendy and I just ate a HUGE fucking lunch… Absolutely delicious!!…

I'm quite the chef, it turns out!

and now, I feel particularly relaxed and sleepy, although I don't actually think I'll be able to fall asleep if I stretch out.

I just feel all relaxed, like I've been meditating or something.

I bought a joint of really, really good weed for Wendy to smoke (I quit getting high) and I'm telling her to go outside and smoke it, then she's going to come back in and shave me while I lay in bed.

Everyone be well…..

And call your parents today, telling them how much you appreciate the sacrifices they made for you

the simpsons is loaded with tons of pedo subliminal messages.

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I would rape the feminism out of Lisa.

Come on you can find references to literally everything in the Simpsons.

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What a waste of devil's trips


I do not know about the original version, but in my country at the end of the episodes we see guest stars speaking in their microphone to make the episodes, and for as long as I remember there always was Mickael Jackson at the end of this one.

If you were so offended at being called a loser that you felt the need to reply, you are a loser and know it.


the episode just happens to be on tv at this moment. oh the irony.

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Where is the irony in that? It seems you don't understand the meaning of the word.

they are talking about the jackson episode. i turn on the tv and the simpsons jackson episode is on. how is this not ironic?

You realize you are admitting you don't know what the concept really means

That's called a coincidence you idiot. There is no irony in the situation

What do you think it means when someone says they watch something unironically?

Little known anecdote…Michael Jackson did the Simpsons voice, the Rockwell chorus and the composing of the Sonic songs against the wills of the kikes owning him. When confronted with the statement that he didn't owned the MJ brand he decided to do stuff like this unaccredited. Which also played into the making of the highly controversial "Earth Song" lyrics.

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so lets not talk about the fact its on tv then. well shit looks like i fucked up. fuck me.

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You are the one who said it was ironic and you still haven't explained how. You are the kind of person who uses words he thinks he knows the definition of.

so you would rather talk about that then the fact that it just happend to be on the tv and shit like this happens all the time?

Seems there's more than one recipe for socially failing and winding up on the internet broaching stories about how great you are for having different tastes than other people. Some of those friends are probably making decent money as linemen, heavy equipment operators, or any of a plethora of other high paying blue collar jobs that actually keep the economy and western way of life moving.

Keep thinking you're better, keep being just bitter. Enjoy your stay among the faggots of Zig Forums you despise so much that you can think of nothing better to do with your time but profess your superiority to them, while doing naught but what they do.

you don't know a true alpha when you see one.

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Responding like a tiger on the prowl. Old man sure has some teeth left.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………You like dots and being a faggot, huh…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?

Lol what a gay

6 Years.

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nice meltdown

what the fuck is up with this thread, it's like pure, distilled mental illness

a homeless opiate addict named andrew sits on his phone outside various starbucks and mcdonalds on their wifi shitposting his schizoid rants when he's not dealing with his severe constipation due to opiate abuse

welcome to the worst

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