A SEX robot brothel in Italy has been shut down by police less than two weeks after it opened.
Lumidolls latest bordello in Turin was closed after alleged infringements of Italian property law, Italian media reports.
The closure comes after the firm’s second brothel in Barcelona was forced to move to a new location after the building's landlord cancelled the lease.
Lumidolls also has a brothel in Moscow, Russia, and the firm has plans to open other sex dens across the world.
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When is the Diana Printz fleshlight sleeve going to be available?
Yet there are actual brothels taking part in sex trafficking functioning just fine
Of course. The robots were taking away profit.
and cops are on mafia payroll so they need those eastern yuropean whores to bring profits to their bosses so they can get their bribe money
Tradcucks in Italy. They censor the Zig Forums to virtue signal, and now they're carrying water for roasties. European rightists are so disappointing.
Onaholes are a million times better.
Then why are they cheaper?
cheaper materials = shit quality