FBI Recalls Agents Worldwide Amid Prostitution Investigation

There have been arising allegations the past months against FBI agents assigned across East and Southeast Asia pertaining to partaking in prostitution and partying. In response, those involved have been recalled back to Washington as a probe on the matter is ongoing.


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Israel won't be amused.

Around here one of them was at a club and his gun fell out while doing a back flip on the dance floor and when his gun hit the floor it went off and shot a civilian.
Now those are some KILLER MOVES.

Can't imagine attempting back flips while strapped.


Jim's area of expertise!

what a shock

They really don't understand what "Federal" means, do they?

It's not unusual to search under tits for contraband, but it should have been done by a female officer. Lucky bastard

you mean like this?
it's not rape when we do it