Opinion: Star of David Spotted Amidst Migrant Caravan in Guatemala: Who Is Behind The Invasion?

There's disturbing new footage showing a Jewish Star of David coming out of the Zacapa, Guatemala ‘caravan’ invasion of illegal aliens attempting to forcefully violate the Immigration and Naturalization Act of the United States of America.


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I don;t even think Jews are retarded enough to brand a random Mexican van with their own fucking symbol like that. This is obviously a red herring

Attached: what's_wrong_with_you.mp4 (640x360, 89.41K)

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Today only as blanket pardons are criminal, can gem atria point to one if appropriately placed civil unrest is cause for a mark on ones permanent record? either way these should be perceived as marks of valor hence forth. lol

with the help of those donning the mask Hell has been conjured. all the weak minded must do now is accept it.!

one foto of a poorly drawn star and its Fear Israel? dumb.

the freedom of the press? can not be destroyed by diabolical lying lazy spoon fed overweight Reporters and now with the Zig Forums board unrestricted access is awesome,!

Hisphachan believes it's actually Hondurans invading Mexico.

Could be a truck from a jewish commune yeshiva-whatever. Of course they would give a helping hand to invaders, even if they weren't paid for it.
Jews get sloppy all the time. It's only their connections and power that's been keeping their necks out of the noose.

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Ash yes, this is one of those 'Jews are responsible for everything but whites are the master race!' Zig Forumsbot doublespeak things

there are many groups that can be masters as the jews are not the only chosen people. it the only group that knows its chosen. Israelites are all the chosen people and as such are all masters but that would require the jews to admit that which is something they would never do as the forgotten knowledge gives them power over the other tribes

More like a gefilte fish, Chaim.

this couldn't possibly be shooped

No it doesn't. You can't leave Hell. iirc hey have a wall.

Ever notice how jews, when given the cover of anonymity, equate getting away with crime with racial superiority?
Imagine someone saying "You think you're so smart, but I've raped many women and haven't been caught yet!"
They're actually proud of their atrocities and equate them with greatness. Truly the niggers of the Semite tribes.

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Soros is jewish, so this is no great surprise. I would only be surprised if the symbol was a red star (China) or some other nation that not native to the area.

Your below the border auto correct has betrayed you Juan

Opinion: nobody is stupid enough to put a star of david decal on a truck and then use the truck for "covert" ops
If you believe this it's only because it's jews and you hate jews enough to believe anything you see about it.
You cannot look at that image and tell me it is genuine and unphotophopped with a straight face.
That shit is faker than the holocaust.


Watch the video, it's not shopped.


hello mr. strawman

USA: Soros finances the invasion of caravans on the border


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