Most Americans grew up with a Christmas tree in their home during the holidays, and perhaps even decorated it with tinsel and ornaments by hand. But the tree isn't truly complete until the Christmas lights are plugged in and the room turns aglow with color as it reflects from the ornaments and the tinsel sparkles. Then there is the caroling, Christmas specials like "Frosty the Snowman", time with family, and gift-giving.
Happy Birthday, Mithra! Please save a slice of birthday cake for the plagiarist interloper Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef
Isaac Wright
Of course, it's a kike taking it upon themselves to be offended on behalf of everyone who isn't a Christian. Kikes included, naturally. The majority of Muslims respect Jesus as a profit, similar to Muhammad, but nowhere nearly as important. But kikes spit on Jesus's image and shun him utterly. So who is the greater enemy of these two groups? I wish for the destruction of both, but Jews are the biggest threat to all that we hold dear
Nolan Hall
Prophet* not profit. derp…
Hudson Thompson
(((Jews))) and (((Muslims))) know a lot more about profit than they do about prophets.
Blake Gray
One is still much worse than the other. Muslims are just the cockroach army of the kikes. They hold little international political power anymore. As long as you refuse to let them in to infect your nation, then they shouldn't be too big of a threat. Jews, on the other hand, are the ones with a tremendous amount of international political power. They are the ones who corrupt governments and orchestrate open the gates to let the Muslims flood in.
Noah Hernandez
Therein lies the problem. Our politicians let in hundreds of thousands of them. They are 10% of the population here and growing. And they are really angry that the rest of the country isnt muslim like they are.
Sorry user. I don't know what nation you're in, but clearly the kikes are the ones running things. You need a series of high level assassinations of bankers (and their political puppets) to put fear into those kikes. Better yet to just murder them all outright. It would cause a lot of civil unrest in the short term. But your nation would be much stronger in the long term.
Jaxson Turner
Back in the old days our king would borrow money off kikes to raise an army or something, then make being Jewish illegal so they all have to leave. Saying that, back in teh day if any muslims came to this land they would have been slaughtered where they stood.
Kayden Sanders
I like the way he operated. But borrowing money from kikes is a bad idea, even if you plan to back stab them in turn. Its better to ban them from your nation and not to deal with them at all. Kikes thrive on usury and pyramid schemes (I.E predatory banking and volatile stock markets). Their mere presence undermines the economic and political stability of a nation.
Less pathetic than Christians. We're all doomed, no matter what. Humanity shall burn like a giant Yule log.
Josiah Fisher
You're still defending them too hard, Mahmoud. We're not going to expel one after the other, the broom of justice will sweep you into the dustbin of history together, inshallah.
Nathan Barnes
Nitpick all you want. I think all kike religions should be eliminated, Christianity included. But kikes are the biggest problem of all.
Samuel Gray
You glow too hard. Tell your handlers to retrain you.
Nolan Peterson
there is not christmas THERE IS ONLY YULE
Charles Brooks
dubs confirms
Colton Stewart
hahaha no ill say whatever i mean fucker
Cooper Brooks
oh boy the pisswater chiming in on a culture war issue let's all put our listening ears on
Being offended by someone else's beliefs is a pretty repulsive. Anyone offended by Christmas should be shipped to a re-education camp stat. Pesky bigots.
Jason Ramirez
Happy Jesusmas
Bentley Martin
Merry Marymas!
Jose Jenkins
Jesus was a Jew? What a revelation!
Matthew Wilson
Was he really a jew though? Seems like he didn't like the money lenders in the temple. And seems like the jews hated him, considered him a threat, and pressured the romans to have him killed.
Andrew Roberts
Merry Christmas faggots.
Jonathan Ramirez
"lol all jews are bad guys, even the jew that was persecuted by jews. lol im smart because i talk politics on Zig Forums"
Levi Anderson
Except Jesus wasn't a Jew.
Ryder Watson
I'm going to say Merry Christmas double hard now
Thomas Ross
Merry Christmas everyone. I love you guys.
Brody Davis
kek good song
Josiah Rodriguez
The Kitty Cartel comes down on the side of Yuletide..