Government turns back on pregnant teenager as another Isis bride’s father pleads for return to UK ‘

A pregnant teenage Isis bride will be left in Syria despite pleas to allow her and other young women back to the UK.

Ben Wallace, the security minister, said he would “not put British lives at risk” to help Shamima Begum return to Britain.

And government sources told The Independent it will not contact local authorities to negotiate her passage out of a camp where almost 40,000 Isis fighters’ family members are being held.

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Get fucked (literally) bitch, you made your bed, now get raped on it, and enjoy your stoning when they're done.

An uncucked brit politician? That's new.

Fuck off you slag

The government should spend as much money as necessary to figure out her exact location and then send in the drones

Nice, thank God someone in our government has a brain.

She joined a terrorist organization that murdered countless Syrian civilians

Taking those Isis recruits is not just against UK safety but is a crime against Syria, Assad has the right to catch and judge them by the country law.

They have 25,000 confirmed terrorists in England already, and those are just the ones they have on a list, named. The real answer is that the recruitment drive has been a complete success, and no further applicants are required at this time. They have their actors lined up for the next five years' worth of terror attacks, she should try again after that and they'll glady snap her and her exploding belly up.
If any of you think this is done for public safety, you can fuck off back to facebook.
This is because to accept the raghag would be bad publicity.

He'll be replaced by Salam Hakeem'Hakbar in a week, who will mysteriously start welcoming every exploding sandnigger there is.
The only answer is a new Guy Fawkes.

We should definitely let them all back just so we can burn them all alive in a televised mass execution.


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