Students Demand George Mason University Fire Brett Kavanaugh from Visiting Professorship

Students at George Mason University (GMU) are demanding that the school terminate its three-year contract with Justice Brett Kavanaugh to teach as a distinguished visiting law professor at GMU’s Antonin Scalia Law School.

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is set to teach as a distinguished visiting law professor at GMU’s Antonin Scalia Law School.

A course entitled “Creation of the Constitution” will be taught by Justice Kavanaugh and law school professor Jennifer Mascott, who is also the Justice’s former law clerk, according to the university’s student newspaper, Fourth Estate.

In response to the campus news regarding Justice Kavanaugh, a student-led advocacy group called “Mason For Survivors GMU” created a petition calling on the university to terminate Justice Kavanaugh’s contract, among other demands.

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Communists are cancer to any society.

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I'm no great fan of Kavanaugh, but I hate SJW scum with a passion. I'd love to put a bullet in the back of all their heads.

Do it from the front.


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he was proven innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt.

People confuse breaking the law with being a shitty person all the time. Look at Donald Trump for a perfect example.

There is a difference between being a person of sketchy moral character and being a criminal. Plenty of convicted felons are very decent human beings who made poor decisions. Plenty of upstanding pillars of society are total scumbags.

Kavanaugh was found innocent in a non-criminal judiciary process. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t lack the moral and ethical bearing that these students expect of their faculty.

You wouldn't know "moral and ethical bearing" if you got hit with a sack full of it, kikeroach. Your entire worldview is predicated on deceit.

Maybe, but I’m not the one the GMU students are trying to oust, am I?