The United States Chamber of Commerce is vowing to continue fighting President Trump’s shaping of the Republican Party into a pro-U.S. worker party of blue collar working and middle class Americans.
In an interview with the Washington Post, numerous Chamber of Commerce officials said the organization’s corporate lobbying efforts would soon attempt to court more elected Democrats to support their economic libertarian agenda of more free trade and increased legal immigration.
“The GOP’s drift toward protectionism, nativism, and isolationism since Donald Trump took over the party in 2016 is also at odds with the Chamber’s longtime support for expanding free trade, growing legal immigration and investing in infrastructure,” the Post story details.
Specifically, Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Tom Donahue said the U.S. needed more legal immigration so that corporations and business secure a never-ending flow of cheaper labor, claiming the country is “out of people.”
The real question is why is the births per woman of the natives so low?
Leo Bennett
We have more wealth and birthrate tends to drop as wealth increases
Also jews
Tyler Perez
So they're just going to ignore the hundred million people in the US that are unemployed?
Thomas Cox
Decreased fertility is correlated with education not income.
Luke Kelly
t. Chambers of Commerce
Chase Jones
Wrong. Its actually the effects of microplastics and overtaxing for welfare reasons.
Dominic Lewis
Invest in cybernetics, chamber of commerce. Start integrating man and machine to create redundancies and free up labor. Can we get calculator implants yet? What about memorybanks and neuralink schedulers? Sort of joking, sort of serious. Transsexuality proves people will get major surgeries for cosmetic reasons, now give them economic reasons.
I think we’re hitting economic limits due to extreme income inequality. Not enough people have resources with which to pursue novel and potentially risky courses of action like founding new businesses or pursuing avenues of education that may not pay off. The labor we are using isn’t really being used in adequately transformational ways either - see also we’re still using coal power.
Creating population shortage pressures improves conditions in marginal groupings. Uncreative capitalists are just bitching about their inability to create a life worth living for all people. The reinvestment loop that runs hot for their own funds is suddenly soooo haaaard when the time comes that the most economical thing to do is to bring wealth to new people.
Hmm… I think a lot of people lose productivity because their living conditions kind of suck, can we bolster integrity and supply in home maintenance and renovation? Teach trades like plumbing and such to prisoners, perhaps. In conditions of increased competition it’s the honest ones who will have stable trades in the long run. It’ll rehabilitate a few good people. On a similar note there’s no way deep south states with ancient or incomplete water and sewage infrastructure are operating at peak potential. Fund more infrastructure to further maximize productivity with existing populations.
Finally, expensive new luxury goods are an old way to increase worker motivation. Perhaps we could get people to start competing over the height of their residences by adding spire floors; they’ll work harder seeking and harder still paying them off. Probably nobody really cares to start gilding their living quarters (that’s just the T-butt’s thing, and nobody likes him anymore), but maybe could we get a jewelry advertising push? I’ll throw out another call to legalize prostitution, too. That’s a currency-seeking motivation that even some wild animals understand, and it certainly reaches most humans. If the prostitution industry is classy, it will also promote other classes of luxury as well.
Leo Jackson
I read a news article once about the remarkable productivity of Chinese construction workers. Since there’s so much stuff we need to build and/or take down in a technologically changing society that needs renovations, how about setting up constructions training grounds in rural areas outside of major cities? Train work crews in rapid assembly and disassembly according to current building codes and best practices. Yes, I’m advocating something even more expensive and not a hair more productive than paying people to dig ditches and fill them back in, but that’s training for you. There’s so much to be done. Skill today is haste tomorrow.
Austin Johnson
How about you let your natives fuck each other you weird fucking alien zombie nightmare
Brody Bell
the whole fucking fake Government are Traitors and full of sheet.
Anthony Ross
Like you're blasting people with cell phone ray's so they can't breed without any regard to if they're the smartest most powerful person on the planet and then letting people who can barely put sentences together fucking pop babies out like a rabbit from foreign shit countries
Dylan Allen
bring in more illiterates yeah that's the answer. Fucking assholes ESAD.
Charles Evans
….. so how are beaners and niggers immune to celll radiation?
Ayden Morales
Unemployment is good for the (((economy))).
Owen Rivera
I guess they just want more non-white voters.
Christian Martinez
What about relocating illegals to the Chamber of Commerce?
Hudson Powell
Contrary to these traitors assessment, there are so many people, there is not enough housing for the actual Americans. Americans are being encouraged to sell their homes and everything in them, and buy an RV (with is a helluva way to live).
USA is the 3rd most densely populated country after China and India.
Chamber of Commerce has been captured and is playing the globalists’ fiddle. Elimination of the middle class is the goal. Middle class was created by America. Any person from any country who agrees to destroying the USA is a traitor to humanity - his own soul, a sell out to his children. If the USA falls, the 2000 years of work it required to reach a life worth living will disappear forever (they are creating open-air prisons to ensure we never gain the power again to push them under a rock).
1776 never ended, it just become overt.
Buy a pair of camo pants, binoculars, get a fishing pole and go to the marina - I believe they are at the marina. I believe the discuss their plans on their boats and at the yacht club. Circle them as a shark would. Begin watching them watch you. They are terrified of being found out before they disarm the Americans.
Jeremiah Williams
Contrary to these traitors assessment, there are so many people, there is not enough housing for the actual Americans. Americans are being encouraged to sell their homes and everything in them, and buy an RV (with is a helluva way to live).
Get yourself a pair of camo pants, a fishing pole, a pair of binoculars and head to the nearest body of water, marina. You will find them on the water where the laws change. Watch them watch you. Stare at them with angry eyes. They are old now, easily intimidated. They willl hide in their homes and be unable to communicate.
USA is the 3rd most densely populated country after China and India.
Chamber of Commerce has been captured and is playing the globalists’ fiddle. Elimination of the middle class is the goal. Middle class was created by America. Any person from any country who agrees to destroying the USA is a traitor to humanity - his own soul, a sell out to his children. If the USA falls, the 2000 years of work it required to reach a life worth living will disappear forever (they are creating open-air prisons to ensure we never gain the power again to push them under a rock).
1776 never ended, it just become overt.
Buy a pair of camo pants, binoculars, get a fishing pole and go to the marina - I believe they are at the marina. I believe the discuss their plans on their boats and at the yacht club. Circle them as a shark would. Begin watching them watch you. They are terrified of being found out before they disarm the Americans.
Logan Brooks Fall of Rome. 1000 years of progress destroyed by the same entity, sending humanity into a state of great strife for centuries, misery, want and need, lawlessness, injustice, hopeless despair.
Mariner laws on water apply. They are on the water, at the docks, floating on the water, in their boats and yachts,
Jordan Brooks
Calling their corporate supremacism "economic libertarian" does not make it so, no more than leftists co-opting the term "liberal" makes them akin to the likes of Paine and Bastiat.
Brody Cook
This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Look at Africa, or India.
Henry Gonzalez
Chinese construction is half assed and the building fall apart after a year
Xavier Anderson
Close. They want more FOBs and first generationals because they are less uppity and easier to control. FOBs aren't going to ever protest because their number one concern is making scratch to send to their poor family back home. A five generation American is liable to make demands, immigrants are liable to shut their mouth and do whatever the boss tells them.
Aiden Williams
The anti white demographic replacement agenda is a FACT….reasons for occurrence… …not so clear… also a fact…the US economy largest most powerful in the world is basically powered by simple consumption ..which comprises about 70% of this multi Trillion dollar GDP….so NOW there are GOOD reason for more PEOPLE..
.HOWEVER..Y da FUK is PEEPS has To be POC…huh
Joseph Garcia
Abundance of cheap labor keeps wages low. Only reason they scream "WE CAN'T FIND ENOUGH SLAV…. WORKERS !!!". Bundles of sticks.
John Perry
The women have too many unearned societal privileges.
Samuel Perez
Congrats for proving his point, nigger.
Oliver Torres
There is an easy answer. Ask yourself why you are not married with children.
Liam Sanders
How about you lower taxes on married couples so they're not paying more taxes when they file together so they have extra money to raise the kids they want? Nah just import a bunch of brown people, what's the worst that could happen?
HAHA yeah that's totally it that's why we have a low unemployment.
Nolan Williams
People who are members of the Chamber of Commerce are just Kike allies. They are all just worshiping Mammon, and parrot Jew speaking points that are handed down by their masters. Basically memebership=traitor and the rope when the time comes.
James Wright
Broke white nigger NEETs explaining economics on here. Thanks Zig Forums for da lulz.
Michael Miller
See the thing is immigration just leads to shitskins having more babies and polluting more Who gives a shit about muh free trade when the planet is fucked
Connor Morris
t. upper class jew who gives no shits about the enviroment