In the art of warfare one of the strategies is deception its a old militariey tactic that's been taught for ages and around every army & militaries college in the world, to not let your enemy know that you are fighting them, when the kuffar American goes to war against islam and muslims their not gonna say their at war with islam their gonna say they are at war with the (propaganda labels) "terrorist" "extremist" "radicals" if they say they are at war with muslims or islam they would have to be at war with the billions of us instead they can divide and conquer and first fight the militants when they are done with them they will come after you all next just how Allah and nabee prophesied
I urge my fellow muslims to have opened minds and hear both sides of the story quit believing all the kuffar lies and propaganda and stop listening to the government puppet scholars
This is not a war on barbarity, terrorism, or violence or for freedom & democracy if it was the western powers wouldn't be propping up, in bed with colonial puppets dictator regimes in the muslim world who go against the most basic so called human rights like Saudi Arabia they even practice the same Islamic penal code of hand amputations and beheading people and go as far to the extremes as banning woman from driving cars that not even Islamic State do or America who is the poster child for torture, raping and waterboarding around the world, they have killed more innocent civilians pre and post 9/11 than any so called terrorism organization out their…….
Its not just for geo political economic reasons either…..America is trillions in debt and having a hard time competing with other super powers of China, Russia in the world stage the last thing it wants is to compete with a Islamic super state raging from west Africa all the way to south east Asia sitting on top of the world's most abundant natural resources with strategic trading routes between Europe and Asia
Muslim uma dont be fooled this is not a war on terror but a war on islam………its also a ideological and religious war ,Christian political, spiritual, & military leaders have come out in the open saying that this is a "crusade" and that their god is greater then ours and that the only way to bring about the second coming of Christ is to destroy the masjid aqsa and build a temple, they even imprint bible verses on their weapons while they kill muslims and preach secular democracy and using atheist, agnostic, non christians tax money to do it and it is not a coincidence that they have went to war and bombed more than one muslim country like Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan ext ext you all don't have to believe me take Allah word for it
I urge all of you to hear what islamic state has to say watch their charity videos helping the poor and needy you dont even have to support them just be neutral dont slander the mujahdeen and become a propaganda mouthpiece of the kuffar and let it be held against you on the day of judgment
Anytime a muslim that fights back to defend him self practice sharia or the Khalifa comes back the kuffar are not gonna role the red carpet for them and hand them flowers and candies they are gonna demonize and attack them just like how they did with the nabee and suhaba and any muslim through out time