Easy solution, ease off the fucking children, looking at you africa, india and middle east.
Jeremiah Flores
Hudson Flores
Humans, more specifically Africans, Indians, and Chinese.
David Sanchez
Measures will be taken once it's too late.
Luke Nguyen
A lot of people don't realize that the fertility rates in india and mideast have gone down dramatically. They're averaging the sustainable just over 2 children mark. The population will be over 10 billion by 2050 though, and that's even if the whole world dropped to 2 kids per couple, just because those alive now will still be living by then and the new children will be born at the current rate. But all anyone does is talk about change that's needed, but nobody does anything. Our kids and grandkids will inherit a shitty world.
Juan Anderson
Good Fuck that weak ass million species Shoulda toughened the fuck up