Wikipedia Is Now Banned in China in All Languages

China has expanded its ban on Wikipedia to block the community-edited online encyclopedia in all available languages, the BBC reports.

An earlier enforced ban barred Internet users from viewing the Chinese version, as well as the pages for sensitive search terms such as Dalai Lama and the Tiananmen massacre.

According to Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), an internet censorship research group, the block has been in place since late April.

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Very Good. And people say freedom. There are limits. You would like to see how people who kill people rape. And porn is extremely dirty.

China is a communist hell hole. Remember that. What's funny is that china needs to ban wikipedia, which is notorious for being biased and full of shit, because even wikipedia contains too much truth for china to allow its citizens to learn.

Good. Wikipedia isn't an encyclopedia. It's a propaganda tool and not covered by the first. As such it should be banned in the US.

Try making a coherent thought

It is an encyclopedia just as accurate as Britannica it is obviously covered by the first of anything this site should be banned

Really? With hundreds of college courses around the US and hundreds around the (((EU))) and hundreds around Canada whose sole purpose is to make edits to lie, spread false information, and propagandize information?
Where all that is allowed by every level of the organization?

wikipedia a shit, Internet was better before normies

I think its time to send all the muzzies to china. All the shitskins can live among themselves.

3/10 b8 m8

Odd, you would think the PRC would love that. I guess the wrong people are controlling the lies.

the moderators on wikipedia ban everyone on sight as soon as they point out something. they deserve to be banned and destroyed. then the arrogant cunt moderators can reap what they sow.

Muzzies are being sent to China. China just keeps them in detention camps, and treats them like the garbage they are.

Wikipedia is not your blog. It’s not a newspaper. It’s not a forum. It’s not a place to share your opinion or your interpretation of events. It’s not a free speech outlet.

It’s an encyclopedia where you put verifiable objective information. Just because you got smacked down for editing an article and putting some crazy tin foil hat shit on there doesn’t mean it’s a failure in its intended role.

You already have this site to exercise your free speech on.

Wikipedia is useful for forming opinions, you can express them elsewhere.

The war is starting.

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Lol wat?

I don’t advocate killing or rape but I must admit that after reading it, I’m a little curious to know how people who kill people rape.

They used the word "China" and key words which might be seen as negative, which triggered the automated CIDF.

americans understand. you recently banned abortions, porn ban soon christian brothers

You type like a retard chinaman

"freedom" is indeed a word that people say
Like criticizing a dystopian hell hole?
Why would I want to see that? Do murderers rape in a particularly pleasing way to you?
I thought you just advised that I should watch some murder porn

CIDF needs to give you some English lessons. Someone please post the bug spray.

meant for CIDF

Your reddit spacing is gaytarded and no amount of shameless bootlicking outside of Wikipedia will amount to anything.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 東突厥斯坦 Free East Turkistan 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

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the same people that espouse "muh free speech" about saying nigger are applauding this.

They probably figured the Chinese people could learn to do something about their situation, while Wikipedia in the USA remains legal because the people are too stupid to learn anything from it.

They don't want their people's minds poisoned by "White left" ideology. That's pretty based tbh.

you are having paranoid delusions

You stand out more than you think, kike.


You have the "Stupidity" sorry…
The Socialists are politically aligned… The Left has a long term plan that involved taking down the patriarchy…

Do you honestly believe that White Males are genetically programmed to conspire?

Why should anyone talk to you?

So, why do people try to talk you out of being Leftist?
Is it because they're a deplorable sexist, racist, scum bag? No.

People are trying to talk you out of being a Leftist because they feel sorry for you.

Wiki is an untrustworthy source of information.
I remember years ago there was three or four wikipages that mentioned the Great, the wikipage about him, the wikipage about gaza, the wikipage about Alexandria, i think he was also mentioned in the Macedonia wikipage, each page made mention of dates, such asriunf when he was born, lived, invaded Gaza and died, using the dates from all those pages meant Alexander had lived for 600 years.
Those pages have since been sorted but it just shows how unreliable Wikipedia can be as a source of information.

I knew a person personally whom there was a wikipage about him, there were numerous claims on it that i knew were not true so I asked him and he told me that the press had made up things about him and that Wikipedia had cited those inaccurate news stories about him.
This is the main problem with Wikipedia, they will happily cite newsmedia (they've seemed trustworthy) without ever asking the person the story is about to verify if its true or not.

Wikipedia is selective with the truth, they like to suppress info, for example it's a known fact that Freddy Murcury whilst suffering from HIV and AIDS knowing intentionally had unprotected sex and infected others, there was a documentary on this in which his victims spoke out, also victims have received compensation from his estate since his death, these things are fact yet Wikipedia admins refuse to allow such info on the Freddy Murcury page and abuse and threaten anyone whom suggests such content.

Wikipedia has double standards, for example prince Harry's wife is black yet Wikipedia wont allow her wikipage to say that, they say that she identifies as mixed race and so that's what they've put, but remember that white US women whom identified as black (I can't recall her name but I'm sure you know who I mean) Wikipedia won't allow her page to say she's black even though that's what she identifies as.

In one wikipages discussion section I once saw two contributors openly conspiring to add false onto to a wikipage, the plan was one of them would create a blog page on which he'd write false info, the other guy would then add that false to the wikipage by citing the blog and the false info on it, wiki admins did nothing about this.

These are just some examples of what Wikipedia is like.
Wikipedia is an untrustworthy source of information, I wish other countries would ban it also.

I meant Alexander the Great

Wiki is an untrustworthy source of information.
I remember years ago there was three or four wikipages that mentioned Alexander the Great, the wikipage about him, the wikipage about Alexander the geat, the wikipage about gaza, the wikipage about Alexandria and the wikipage about Macedonia wikipage, each page made mention of dates, such as when he was born, the period he lived, when he invaded Gaza and as to approximately when he died, using the dates from all those pages meant Alexander had lived for 600 years.
Those pages have since been sorted but it just shows how unreliable Wikipedia can be as a source of information.
I knew a person personally whom there was a wikipage about him, there were numerous claims on it that i knew were not true so I asked him and he told me that the press had made up things about him and that Wikipedia had cited those inaccurate news stories about him.
This is the main problem with Wikipedia, they will happily cite newsmedia (they've seemed trustworthy) without ever asking the person the story is about to verify if its true or not.
Wikipedia is selective with the truth, they like to suppress info, for example it's a known fact that Freddy Murcury whilst suffering from HIV and AIDS knowing intentionally had unprotected sex and infected others, there was a documentary on this in which his victims spoke out, also victims have received compensation from his estate since his death, these things are fact yet Wikipedia admins refuse to allow such info on the Freddy Murcury page and abuse and threaten anyone whom suggests such content.
Wikipedia has double standards, for example prince Harry's wife is black yet Wikipedia wont allow her wikipage to say that, they say that she identifies as mixed race and so that's what they've put, but remember that white US women whom identified as black (I can't recall her name but I'm sure you know who I mean) Wikipedia won't allow her page to say she's black even though that's what she identifies as.
In one wikipages discussion section I once saw two contributors openly conspiring to add false onto to a wikipage, the plan was one of them would create a blog page on which he'd write false info, the other guy would then add that false to the wikipage by citing the blog and the false info on it, wiki admins did nothing about this.
These are just some examples of what Wikipedia is like.
Wikipedia is an untrustworthy source of information, I wish other countries would ban it also

Fuck off CIDF.

Wikipedia officially has a short list of what newsmedia it deems trustworthy to cite but they're all US newsmedia and like all countries US newsmedia is pro-biased towards their own country and biased towards others countries they don't like and tell inaccurate storiescans spread propaganda, all counties newsmedia so this but wikipedia only cites US newsmedia which makes Wikipedia a source of misinformation and disinformation

Sorry my phone fucked it auto corrects everything wrong

Wikipedia officially has a short list of what newsmedia it deems trustworthy to cite but they're all US newsmedia and like all countries US newsmedia is pro-biased towards their own country and biased towards others countries they don't like and they tell inaccurate stories and spread propaganda, all counties newsmedia do this but wikipedia only cites US newsmedia which makes Wikipedia a source of misinformation and disinformation

600 years of alien-conspired soul trapping reincarnation slavery.

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Is banned in China too?

Only leftists are allowed to put up tin foil hat shit there which is the problem.

Oh yeah, totally the next frontrunner for world politics. Not an oligarch shithole like every other "superpower" posturing right now. I'm sure all these fine "American" anons here have so many more insightful "facts" to present us in oddly-formulaic blackpill posts that seem to crop up in every pro-China thread alongside the same pictures.

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wackopedia needs to be shut down

Wikipedia is almost as bad as Rationalwiki.
According to wikipedia; George Soros and Hillary Clinton are actually pretty based and Cultural Marxism is an anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

wikipedia is far leftist trash.
one of their main mod (glouceister iirc) eventually banned the article on cultural marxism on the ground that it was a "conspiracy theory".
the thing is, he professed himself as a cultural marxist months before.
communists use cultural marxists to pozz ==other== countries, but want none of that shit in their own sphere.
They or their jew competition will keep financing it tough.


you know what that means, any game with chinese players needs freedom

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