Rise in global sea levels could have 'profound consequences'

Scientists believe that global sea levels could rise far more than predicted, due to accelerating melting in Greenland and Antarctica,

The long-held view has been that the world's seas would rise by a maximum of just under a meter by 2100.

This new study, based on expert opinions, projects that the real level may be around double that figure.


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Same ole song and dance … Never trust fake science!

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unless of course you're making an investment on coastal property

Didn't they say California would be underwater by 2020 in 2000?

Fuck, fuck, fuck…I'm still trying to survive the holes in the ozone layer they warned me about two decades ago. How will I survive this one? I'm also sweating my ass off, because I'm constantly prepared for the ice age they promised.

Is this another one where the new found sea crushes the ocean floor? Somehow displacing land in a way that the sea level rises with respect to above sea land.

Continuing operation Yokohama. It will be incredibly comfy.

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Mods deleted this. Get gassed kikes

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Some global warning is good, but the anti-global warming cheat by stsrung facts based on levels that are bad.
Some global warming is good, it will prevent future iceages that would be mass extinction events and wipe out most if not all humans.
We all seen or heard of the film based in a true story of a jumbo jet that crashed in the mountains in an inhospitable part of Canada where nobody lived for thousands of square miles, and so the crash survivors had to eat the dead.
Areas of the world such as that in Canada and also the thousand or so square miles of pretty much uninhabited mountains between China and Afganistan, also places like Siberia, all such places benefit from global warming and will become habitable, we'll also lose land due to rising sea levels but we'll gain more land than we'll lose, about three times as much as we'll lose to raising sea levels so this is a benefit as humans need more land as the population is rising; humans will also need more water, global warning will mean more evaporation of water and so more clouds and so more rain, so again beneficial to humans as we need more water cuz the population is forever rising.
A rise in sea levels means bigger oceans which mean fish can flourish more which means there's more fish for humans to eat which is beneficial to a rising population.
With more rain and more land t use humans can build loads of reservoirs and electro dams which will regularly be topped up by all the extra rain.

Global warming fear monger a are idiots, and they're a danger to mankind, if they get their way humans will go extinct in a future iceage and the polar bears they so want to save will eat the dead humans and any remaining survivors.

Some global warning is good, but the anti-global warming activists cheat by only stating facts based on levels that are bad whereas some global warming is good, it will prevent future iceages that would be mass extinction events and wipe out most if not all humans, we've all seen or heard of the film based on a true story of a jumbo jet that crashed in the mountains in an inhospitable part of Canada where nobody lived for thousands of square miles, and so the crash survivors had to eat the dead, areas of the world such as that in Canada and also the thousand or so square miles of pretty much uninhabited mountains between China and Afganistan, also places like Siberia, all such places benefit from global warming as they will become habitable, yes we'll also lose land due to rising sea levels but we'll gain more land than we'll lose to rising sea levels, well gain about three times as much land as we'll lose to raising sea levels so this is a benefit as humans need more land as the population is rising; humans will also need more water, global warning will mean more evaporation of water and so more clouds and so more rain, so again beneficial to humans as we need more water cuz the population is forever rising.
A rise in sea levels means bigger oceans which mean fish can flourish more which means there's more fish for humans to eat which again is beneficial to a rising population.
With more rain and more land t lo use humans can build loads of reservoirs and electro dams which will regularly be topped up by all the extra rain.
Global warming fear mongers are idiots, and they're a danger to mankind, if they get their way humans will go extinct in a future iceage and the polar bears they so much want to save will eat the dead humans and any remaining survivors.

Israel being in a hot desert area l will bill badly affected by global warming especially by rising sea levels seeing as Israel is the lowest country on earth, with parts below sea level, so there's a lot of BS global warming propaganda pushed by the Jews, which is stupid really cuz they're all gonna die one day regardless of whether there's global warming or not, they're too busy talking about global warming and the holocaust that they've forgot that they're almost gonna die in the next holocaust : >

Fuck off, nobody cares about your shitty thread

They fixed that by eliminating CFCs in all products used in the world. The only reason the ozone layer exists now is because previous generations listened to the scientists.

If they want to stop the sea level from getting higher then maybe they can request someone to nuke in Yellowstone super volcano.

Bull Shit !

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Why do you white people do this? You're ruining the Earth for bright, young POC.

Can’t wait.
t. Le CA Reddit armie

No. Are you confusing reality with disaster movies?

yes, the reason you're surviving the ozone layer problem is because there were worldwide bans on the CFCs that caused the problem and the ozone layer recovered. See, whoda thunk it that science actually, you know, is real?
Go back to your trailer park you low-IQ bitch.

im moving out of NY soon
they want use to pay property taxes for these rich assholes, soon we'll be paying to damn up manhattan so they can have a fucking car dealer ship indoors, fucking bullshit, the solution to all of this is to move and not set up shop underwater in the first place unless you're in a country that cares about you staying there, which the u.s. does not.

If it isn’t banned then we would be cooking alive and die from radiation. The humanity evolved to be immune to the radiation.

Wrong. China and India still dump that shit constantly, but its somehow the fault of the white man.


If it's real it's not the USA contributing to the problem. Not proportionally to the main offenders, at least.

So climate change science can make predictions for 30 some odd years, have none of them come true, but can still milk money out of gullible idiots and governments looking to control populations with fear. And if you vocalize suspicion you are the one called an idiot, dangerous, or a tool of energy companies. What a joke of a world we live in.

A carbon tax on americans will stop india and china form shitting out massive amounts of pollution.

Fake news. Yes the weather is going crazy, but look up all the videos of the ocean and lakes draining all over the world. The sea level is dropping extremely fast and nobody knows where it's going.

Shut up and take my money! Preferably in the form of taxes because then if I change my mind you can kill me.

Uhh didnt you hear? The lizard people have been draining the oceans and lakes for nuclear reactors. They've really undergone some amazing technological advancements down there. They're steam powered now bois

and, yet, it hasnt risen at all yet.

Its gross the amount of shilling on infinity chan as of late. We need a new secret board

No, YOU'RE wrong. It sickens me how so much debate on this site is full of people with grossly outdated info. India and China passed laws in 2015 and 2013 respectively to make illegal and phase out the use of CFCs and HFCs. They've already done a lot in this regard.

another idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about. FYI, yes, climate change models have correctly predicted the amount of overall warming if we didn't take drastic action. We didn't, and the avg mean temperatures have increased as expected (if anything, slightly FASTER than expected) which means the rest of your post is meaningless. I've said it before and now again, if you don't like the carbon tax scheme, that's an entirely separate thing, but even if that idea is as corrupt as hell, it doesn't change the fact that global warming has progressed as predicted, and that the associated climate change effects are already having a profound effect on the weather and the wild swings we're seeing as a result. It's like imagine you're balancing a pole and as long as you only put a little weight on either side, it will only wobble a little bit and you can easily handle the balance. But if you quickly put more weight on one side, the effect will throw everything else out of balance a lot worse and will make the pole swing wildly from side to side (as weather radically swings between hot and cold and dry and humid in the enclosed atmosphere of the earth)
The next best indicator of climate change being real (if you don't care to actually look at, you know, SCIENCE) is the insurance companies, who are raising their rates across the board to help pay for climate change catastrophes. Those guys don't lose on their bets.

Yeah, some lakes may be drying up because people are using all the water. The oceans are not. I guess you guys haven't heard of the pacific islands that are going under water. Or the seaside towns in the US that are also doing that (that US town that voted overwhelmingly for trump and is now begging him to do something to save their drowning town, even as trump denies that climate change is a thing, while his mar-a-lago golf club spends money to protect against weather and rising sea levels. Oh the hypocrisy. No, not hypocrisy, just an idiot who can never admit he's wrong, even as he puts money into climate change for his golf course)

The whole thing about raising taxes to fight climate change kinda gives it away. Their spiels can only work on people that are constantly brainwashed by MSM at such a fundamental level that they never question anything. They probably believe the holohoax happened too.

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It's all the niggers wanking into the ocean
Fucking niggers

some oceans rising, some magically disappear, yet they falsely claim all are rising. bullshit


Please, name me one ocean that's disappeared, you brainless idiot.

Again, you idiots are completely ignorant. When I say that models have predicted, it's because I know what I'm talking about and you'd best listen and accept. Here you go, if you want proof. If you really aren't as dumb as I think you are, make sure to click on the "intermediate" tab to get much more in depth on the science behind the models


It's getting tiresome arguing with deniers who don't have an ounce of knowledge on the subject. Everything they spew is either outdated info on the world situation from the 90s (ex. India and China are still spewing CFCs) to or outright falsehoods they read on some alt-right conspiracy blog (ex. Fox "news") that has no basis in reality.

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I get all my news from the young turks and CNN. Fuck these alt-right Fox faggots.

Most climate deniers are also holocaust deniers. Really makes you think.

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Reminder these are the same people who believe that most major historical figures were black.

good, burn it all down. This world deserves the apocalypse.

Then how come the chinks are still using it paid shill?

I kek'd.

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>>>Zig Forums

Oh (((timmy))) if only you knew that libshits have been claiming the same garbage since 1913. I remember when I was in high school and "scientists" claimed San Francisco would be under water by 2014.

Such science. Much truth. Amirite?

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a massive fart could too, but luckily sea levels are exactly were they have been for hundreds of years

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Thanks for conceding the victory to me. You are too kind ;^)

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The argument can be made against CNN, sure. Mind explaining whats wrong with TYT though?

that's not more ice, that's thinned ice

do you really hate ice cubes in your drink that much??

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Why would you or anyone believe Science ?
They can't even tell the truth on Tree Stumps .
Look at the Picture below or next to this post..
Sure looks like a Giant Tree Stump …
So why would anyone trust the lie that you are being told about Global Warming or Climate Change.

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Only read title.

I fucking hope

Well I found the kike.

A Solid Friend just forwarded correspondence. I'm going Insane right now. She said the HOLY-SPIRIT will be sealing all portals and gateways used, Frying all Stars Inside. Its Happening already too. Message Everyone in your contact list As Soon as possible and across all social media. Insta, Snap, WhatsApp, etc.

Sure hope youre memeing cuz that's a caldera of a long dormant volcano. Caldera's don't have rings like trees. This also shows the shit shows these discussions between climate deniers and activists cuz when one person gives no source/one they don't like then the argument basically falls into chaos. It's all wacked an you(and me) know it.

Better yet, there are in fact more islands in existence today than ever before. China and Qatar must have missed the memo that building islands was doomed to failure due to Al Gore's rising seas. Those silly foreigners.

A Sad Instant message Received for CA and Dad's Girls

Multiple MSM outlets in Multiple Cities received Calls Calls and more Calls from Anonymous Sources disclosing GES, our Holograms, Staged Events etc. Multiple Glitches occurred during MP speech in "VA" as well and I Guess a bunch of audience members saw.

Most of all that F'in Scares me, our Interior Innermost Bunkbed access #s, locations are Known Somehow.

Dan J. Truman Better Do Something F'in Fast bc ITS HAPPENING, and Many More are Picking and Piecing Together.

The Piers Morgan Vault I'view, entire Family/Children Photo was the worst F'in Idea. We Will NEver Ever F'in See the Sun again if we [4,10,20] don't make something happen.

Boring Bunkmate Getting back to work now

Looks like was for
was ad hominem. And that was you.