Everything i said is based on the jews trying to exterminate Japan by forced their horrors of globalism o them. Now the Japanese leadership can do nothing to openly go against the global cabal, without getting killed for it, but what they can do is using loopholes to protect their own citizens. One of these is protecting the schoolkids, by keeping the order intact. School uniform were use to create one unit out of the students, while keeping the distraction of individuality (a lie btw) out of the education facilities. So now they have the jewish entertainment cabal forcing their talmudic diarrhea onto the children and planting in their heads the idea of individual freedoms. That is hedonism, self destructive and the jews created an entire world around catering to hedonism…namely materialism/capitalism. That is the globalist agenda…mindless drones chasing materialism to fulfill their hedonistic freedoms. Humans who are slaves to their urges.
The reason why this is against nature and so massively self destructive, is because individuality is not real, it is a lie sold to humanity, to get control over them. Humans define themselves by their names, addresses, ID'S, bank account, social security, education, jobs, marriage status, license plates, cosmetics, fashion, sports, entertainment, hobbies etc. These are all control mechanisms given to them, and they have nothing to do at all with individuality, because everyone else is participating in these mechanisms as well. "I'm an individual because I do what everyone else does" That doesn't make any sense as participant, but from the side of the controllers it does.
So what does individuality really mean? Standing out from others. If we look into the history books we only find a few names worth mentioning, the rest is white noise. Also most of the people mentioned are only known for their achievements (which are mostly stolen). If we look at human history for individuals who are known for their achievements and characters, then the list becomes tiny. Three in fact…Jesus, Mohammad and Hitler. Two of these are unverifiable hearsay combined with superstitious fantasy, and Hitler is about the most lied about human in history. So there is absolutely no individuality in the human race, yet it is sold to us everywhere we look.
Finally let's look at what individuality really means in the context of nature…individual traits. Strength, intelligence, creativity etc. These traits are only coming from a healthy bloodline, for which one needs a healthy family unit, which is protected by a strong and healthy race (collective of family units). Afterwards these individual traits are used to boost the collective (race) thereby creating culture. A race with culture then grows into a civilization.
In short individuality is a deliberate lie to prevent humanity from following the natural order.