DOW Crashing

How can a lefty exploit this to their advantage? Is it too soon to try? DOW down about 1000 points since Thursday.

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Other urls found in this thread:|finance|headline|story|&par=yahoo&yptr=yahoo

yes also non-GMO sugar cane can only be grown in certain tropical environments while corn is grown all over America. Corn harvesting, refining and processing is also largely automated by this point, corn farms were the first places self-driving/remotely operated tractors were deemed useful because there's just so much of it to harvest.

I don't think this is going to work in the long term.

Remington also went to shit years ago when they were bought out by Cerberus. This is unsurprising and it's likely they will have all their assets liquidated for Cerberus's investors to feast on. Just as Bain Capital did to Toys R Us (who will formally go out of business on May 16th following their bankruptcy last week). Parkland has nothing to do with it.

Ruger's monopoly will grow quite a bit.

Not really, there is simply no way that America doesn't benefit from the stock market crash. Considering what the user here says, it seems like this will basically cement America's dominance over the world. Basically we're fucked and there is nothing we can do about. I am cynical about his claim that this is an oppurtinity for revolution whenever North America will basically lord over everyone with impunity. Yeah everyone will be poor as shit, but isn't that how the bourgeoisie want it to be?

yes it does because the result is corn fuel, corn plastic, corn syrup (candy, soda) and canned corn. The only reason food stamps are still around is because it's by far their largest subsidy, which is why Republicans are trying to only reduce food stamps down to "healthy" foods (eg, canned corn) instead of allowing things that might compete with American companies.

It's also one of the reasons why socialism can work. Such a highly centralized and protected industry is now almost fully automated, again the ultimate example being self-driving tractors.

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Petite-bourg are the source of support for fascism. Eliminating the material conditions for its rise is a good thing.

America's dominance ends when everyone besides America is poor. Then people have nothing to loose but their chains, and revolution occurs outside America.

The party hasn't even started.

Inside too.

At the same time?

An American who has canned corn for dinner with soda can sit in a chair made of corn while ordering more corn products off the internet which will be delivered from trucks powered by corn. It's a huge industry, one that rivals the petroleum oil industry itself.

And thus having corporations who have access to your personal information, monitor you frequently and can be co-opted by the state is a good alternative? Unless you have a method for combatting rainbow capitalism, (which I sincerely hope you do), I wouldn't say that's brightest of ideas to let corporations take over the market entirely.

tbh you come off as a butthurt nationalist

DOW futures climbing.

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Well I'm sorry, because that's not my angle. What's happening is that American capitalists are working with Mexican ones to cut out the rest of the world. Hence why Trump didn't move for a full repeal of NAFTA, only a "renegotiation". By comparison Chinese trade is not subject to any free trade laws or treaties, Trump can do whatever he wants there.

It is so absolutely typical of capitalists to do this sort of thing. And it is why capitalism will not continue.

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Wouldn't this only cement the capitalist's power though?

All of those things require electricity. And US infrastructure is currently decaying, without the help of IEDs.

C'mon, son. You're the Black Flag, why does a statist scum like myself have to explain to you that the state and its institution's grasp on the populace is illusive at best.

I know it's huge, but is it actually a good source of plastic or food? I already know that it's not a good source of ethanol.

So basically what could happen is that in the which i will probably say unlikely case of a general strike, the workers can literally shut off the power?

Meaning no offence, but unless the format remains digital, it's likely there'll be multiple access points to keep the institution running.

Some of you may come off as bootlickers, but I'm aware that there are a good chunk of you who only see the state as a measured response or necessity (that is if we're addressing it from a marxist definition).

Announcing policies on gun control, new additions to law-enforcement, and the fact that the US government bailed out banks in the GFC is illusive now?

This isn't the society of the spectacle, comrade

A stock market crash isn't just a shopping spree for the insanely wealthy. Among worst case scenarios, it means the evaporation of multiple of trillions of dollars of liquidity that the global marketplace requires to function. The consumer economy as we currently understand it would cease to exist as mass unemployment ensues, with companies unable to get either the credit they need to continue to function, and all the conspicuous consumption made impossible not only because of mass unemployment, but because the trillions of dollars of debt that have subsidized the economy for the past decade becomes recognized as essentially worthless. All the companies that have been sponging off of this source of revenue wither, and pretty much the economic engine of the entire planet grinds to a screeching halt because there's no money to make or buy anything.

The only reason this didn't happen in 08 is because of numerous bailouts and cash injections since then, but that nickel's been spent a few times over now. The Student Loan debt crisis, Auto Loan debt crisis, and various other consumer debt crises are all looming, and all are likely to hit the market simultaneously when employment takes a nose dive.

Really, bourgeois ownership over the means of production isn't going to expand so much as be concentrated, because everything worth having is already owned by the bourgeoisie. Mergers and acquisitions that would have made even Congress blush will sail through unopposed because they'll be promised as beneficial to the economy.

Do you reckon they'll apply more succ-dem/ keynesian economics as a result then?

Dow, nasdaq, and S&P futures are now sinking like a stone. Tomorrow's going to be fun.

It's the best for America, for whatever that is worth. Corn allows America to be self-sufficient, if America wanted to be and profits were not a concern.

The state exists and acts by the will, or at least apathy, of the people. You can only squeeze so much out of them.

No because they're killing each other. American, Mexican and Canadian capitalists will survive by sacrificing all the other capitalists. Capitalism will murder itself, rendering it's destruction inevitable.

You can't be serious, lad.

If what user explains becomes reality it would take 5-6 years for the elite IMO to recognize that implementing a full blown keynesian economics is tantamount to their survival. They will try the bailouts again, they will try sucking out the last drops of water from an already dry well. If what user says becomes reality all eyes will be on American comrades, because an OWS simply will not be a sufficient response to the absolute devastation the population will experience. If the fucking liberals start a kumbaya session again, or people divert mass energies into smashie shit instead of building a militant movement with mass appeal, the fascists and various ethnic-nationalist factions will divert the energies of the masses and make a revolution impossible.

disregard the fucking flag

I did say apathy works too.

Or national bolshevism finally happens, as bailout czars morph into full blown directors and managers, as entire industries are rendered untenable without state support due to trade wars and market manipulation. Idpol melts down as the neoliberals tear each other apart inside increasingly stratified cities, culminating in workers' strikes forcing a socialist revolution. Capitalists will either casually relinquish their worthless paper stocks at that point or have it taken from them by armed revolutionaries. Neolibreals will either accept this brave new world or self-deport to North America, where mankind's final battle will be waged.

Our generation can do this. In 1920 the mere concept of "social security" was thought impossible, as was the idea of state-run transit in 1900. We can do it.

Lol, China has plenty of tentacles, gommie.

Tf you talking about?

I imagine that that's how they'll be billed, "new deal 2.0," etc etc, but they won't be anything of the sort, at least not in the US. If Trump's infrastructure "initiative" is anything to go by, it's just going to be one huge giveaway after another to these huge conglomerates to try and extract whatever else they can. The government will have to buy its continued existence by selling off anything of any actual value. Post office? Gone. Interstate? It's a long turnpike now. State Universities? Owned outright as job training institutions and "innovation centers." The responsibility for keeping people fed and housed will fall to the state, with everything else not directly applicable to corporate profitability slashed, shelved, or sold.

I think a return to actual Keynesian economics severely unlikely given that there's no labor movement to speak of, much less a militant one, to hold porky's hooves to the fire.

I think the elite have been anticipating this for a while now, and like hell they'll pay. Corporate scum have been brought up all their lives to view working people as maggots and leeches, and they've invested billions of the workers' money into equipping every substantial police force with the means to keep their boot on people's collective throat. The second they get a whiff of even the most benign OWS fuckery, it's going to be jackboots on street corners and indefinite detention and plenty of indiscriminate violence to go around. OWS was an embarrassment that the elite are not willing to suffer again.

tldr, I think we have Authoritarian Capitalism to look forward to, and plenty of

for good measure. It's going to be Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics from hell to breakfast, with the US being reduced finally to tiny first world islands in endless seas of economic misery, the elite safe within their glittering walled cities and everyone else left to starve or otherwise suffer the predations of nature, from plague, pestilence, or some other "natural" disaster.

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Nikkei and Hang Seng inching up towards the positives

ASX down 0.6%, Nikkei down 0.4%, Hang Seng down 0.5%. That's considered a bad day for capital in a normal market. After the Thursday and Friday that we saw, it looks good by comparison, but only by comparison.

I think we're going to see the East's markets close roughly where they are now, and then who fucking knows what the US is gonna do.

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Zig Forums is a bunch of retarded teenagers, who cares

I mean, we're just a bunch of retarded 20-somethings.

Speak for yourself, retard

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stop shitting up the thread, you unbearable faggots

Hang Seng nosediving again. Down 250 points, half of that in the last 20 minutes!

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Top kek. Nikkei is gonna be fun when they come back from lunch.


It'll hold steady for today, until negotiations between Trump and China break down.

China did a 1% freefall

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It's still sliding tho. 0.99% right now. 1% when

Oshit 1% now

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Looks like the American stock market is pretty optimistic all things considered.

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I think they're all just hoping for a bounce, but it won't come.


NZ, Australia

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Ignore my previous prediction of stability.


China is the Shanghai.

Hong Kong is, while still Technically China not as accurate.

fucking asians and their lunch brakes

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Shanghai Stock Exchange is doing even worse.

Also, rest in pepperonis Caracas Stock Exchange.

How bad is it?

Rest in pepperonis

It shed almost 25% in three days.

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Looking good

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They're too retarded too talk to.

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The Venezuelan stock market was "booming" for the wrong reasons to begin with: inflation. Now, that Petro has been successfully adapted and Maduro has announced that they will be slashing the Bolivar's denominations by three zeros, the stock market is reacting quite 'naturally.'

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do you even econ101?!

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EU open in 10 minutes. American markets overly optimistic.

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wait wait
so hierarchy is basically because of genetic factors in their view right
so wouldn't that mean jews are superior to them in their own view?

What hierarchy are they even talking about? Income? Job positions? Governent positions? Because genes are probably one of the worst ways to explain those.
Why are nazis so fucking dumb?

UK open

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The second guy is a cuck who supports his (most likely) lower place on the "social hierarchy." Kek

I mean, if you think about it, it's a great coping mechanism. After all, he can't help it since its just his genes

it's probably why they're all so bothered about cuck porn lmao

It's actually a doubled coping mechanism: 1) I'm poor and powerless because I'm genetically predetermine to be; 2) I follow my leaders uncritically because they are rich and powerful due to their superior genetics.

So although I'm shit, I still can be in the right, cuz I know my place in the world, and those who revolt against the status quo simply haven't accepted their proper place in the world, so in this sense I'm superior to them…

the absolute STATE of Zig Forumsacks

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Shanghai, ASX, and New Zealand are all down though.

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Death of US dollar? China launches petro-yuan to challenge greenback’s dominance
webm related

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Why is going up tho

I occasionally lurk stock market and investing forums and it still seems like they're bullish because of the rise in futures.

In part because Trump said there'd be new tariffs but then said "psych not really lol," probably because it wiped out all the gains between then and last November.

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I expect the VIX to climb, tbh

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kill yourself dipshit
