Alex Jones sanctioned by court after child porn dispute with Sandy Hook lawyers

A Connecticut judge on Tuesday sanctioned InfoWars founder Alex Jones after he threatened one of the attorneys representing families of Sandy Hook shooting victims. Jones lashed out after the families' lawyers alleged that Jones sent them child porn. Jones is being sued by the families for spreading the false conspiracy theory that the shooting, which claimed the lives of 20 children and six adults, is a hoax.

Bridgeport Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis said Jones crossed a line by personally targeting one of the Sandy Hook families' attorneys in a segment on his web show about the allegations, according to CBS Hartford affiliate WFSB-TV. As part of the sanction, Jones lost a special motion to dismiss the case, and he'll be on the hook for plaintiff attorney fees related to the child porn investigation.

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The FBI cleared him like 4 days ago for being a victim of email fraud. Blatant media lying again!

If you trust the Main Stream Media you are a Moron!

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He tried to "clean his act up" before he accidentally shot himself in the back of the head 9 times, but it appears he was too late. Such is the life of a celebrity. They learn much, but get to share little.

Next up is Hopsin, but only if he gets more exposure. Either that, or until he makes a song going against pedophilia.

The Clinton/Soros dynasty strikes again!

Actually, let me correct myself:
The kike menace strikes again!


not sure if it's the language barrier, but this is worded very strangely
as if to make jones look guilty when in fact it's the lawyer who is guilty of making smear


Of course.

Where did he get child porn?
Did he take the pics?
Is he in the pics?
Or did he get pics off the dank web?

Making Alex Jones look guilty is kind of like making water look wet. It doesn’t take much.

It's the biggest shame to the world that he wasn't a wrestler or a voice actor.

Then again, he wouldn't be as famous as this.

I don't think anyone here likes alex jones, but he's not being treated fairly, and it's disturbing to watch

1: shylock e-mails shylock culture to alex jewnes, unsolicited

2: shylock lawyer demnands these e-mails from another person to be turned over, for legal discovery

3: shylock judge rubber stamps this discovery

4: shylock journalists write article after article about this all being alex jewnes' fault as if he cooked it up himself

5: shylock social media companies call this "trending" to invite every peasant with an asshole and an opinion to parrot what shylock told them to say

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So why do they go to all this trouble to relentlessly attack him?
If his conspiracies he talks about are fake conspiracy theories, why go to such extremes stop him from talking about them?

The only reason to shut someone down like that is if they are telling teh truth that you dont want others to hear.

So is this your first experience with US mass media?

Because that's exactly what they intended to make it sound like.

9/10 of Zig Forumsaks say Sandy Hook was a hoax, the other 1/10 thinks it was an inside job.

9/10 muslims think the sun orbits the earth.
The other 1/10 thinks its towed through the sky by mohammed on a golden chariot

Remember the saying , A broken clock is right twice a day?
Jones was right about the Frogs turning gay. Chemicals found in corn processing was found leaking into the soil of areas near the factories and it was genetically mangling male frogs into hyper aggressive, female ones. Not "exactly" gay, but the frogs are still genetically male at the base - - As these were frogs that were not capable of changing their genders naturally and these "nu-females" only give birth to males, fucking things up even more.
And then this little thing happened.

That was strike one.

(((They))) don't want you to know which is the second thing he was right about. Which is why they want to deplatform him utterly. It literally could be any of the asine bullshit he rants and raves about. We'll never know because they're more careful about this now.

>(((They))) don't want you to know which is the second thing he was right about.

He was right about the plastic in the water supply. Thats a huge thing top celebrities and the legacy media is now pushing 10 years after Alex Jones brought it up and everyone called him crazy.

Although maybe that is too close to the frog thing?

Fake news. Alex Jones watches tranny porn, not child porn.

Hand yourself, Trump

Lol truth. That’s REAL info

Because most of the world is really stupid and will believe him?

You do have a good point. I feel like he’s had this coming but justice should apply to him too.

Just remember folks, if we allow this to happen (you) will be next!

I agree.

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alex jones was always controlled op now hes getting the r kelly treatment by his handlers, big suprise

I dunno man.. I tend to keep a low profile and not publicly make fun of grieving parents. I might be on the list, but I'm not anywhere close to next.

and then they came for user.

The media only have 4 ways to attack you:
1) They claim you’re on drugs
2) They claim you’re a pervert
3) They claim you’re a nazi
4) They claim you’re a pedophile
You will see one or more of these three attacks rolled out every time the media wants to slander someone.

Nothing's wrong with being a pervert.
Consenting adults can make their own decisions.

People's minds really can't put two and two together anymore. A woman doesn't just show up at a guy's house / hotel room at 3AM wearing a black sheer dress to discuss business.

Why Heath Ledger? This is new to me.


You are a retarded person.

Exactly. Wow its like the media has a vendetta against this man. This really is like the Soviet Union today.

I am all for Freedom of Speech but Alex Jones is a real PIECE OF SHIT!
Yes I do feel bad calling him a PIECE OF SHIT as there are other shits with higher standing than him but that is how it is
Just for the record … Keep Talking. I hate it but it is 1st Amendment

"Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address.

Because the core email protocols do not have any mechanism for authentication, it is common for spam and phishing emails to use such spoofing to mislead or even prank the recipient about the origin of the message. "

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If you trust the main stream media or Jones you are a fuckin inbred

(vid related)

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Fuck you

What's the difference?


If you trust you are a fuckin inbred, sad really, it's difficult to know what is happening in the world

no, but wouldn't it be extremely stupid to do so?
engaging in such thing make them open to being sued for libel/defamation.
that's how Hulk hogan fucked gawker in the ass iirc, correct?

jones is sometime correct.
the msm is 100% garbage, consistently

Just saying

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Hey, if you offer your child to the Hollywood Pedo den and fail to get anywhere, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
Like, when you go fishing and the fish don't take your bait. Do you blame the fish? or do you blame yourself for using the wrong bait?

If you trust the MSM, you're a Drawception Autist

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Fr tho, I want to know how tf is this guy a pedo exactly???? Is this just some more fucked up shit MSM terrorists do to people like Jackson and OJ

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