Twitter Bans 'dehumanizing' Posts Toward Religious Groups

Twitter now prohibits hate speech that targets religious groups by using dehumanizing language, a ban it says may extend to other categories like race and gender.

The social network already bars hateful language directed at individual religious adherents. It also bans hate speech on the basis of someone's race, gender and other categories. Tuesday's change broadens the hate speech rule to forbid likening entire religious groups to subhumans or vermin, without targeting a specific individual.

Twitter, along with YouTube and Facebook, has been under fire for the prevalence of harassment and hate on its service.

Attached: wbns.png (1886x1228, 972.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

news just in:

Boo hoo.

I bet people won't get banned for shitting on Christians or Whites.

This is the issue, they will allow this intentionally because they are satanic communist socialist globalists.

no it doesn't

Attached: white hatred from verified twitter users 4.png (5000x5000 3.72 MB, 3.98M)

Wait, so twitter is going to ban posts offensive to Christians?
yeah right

There is hate speech against White people or Christians. Hate speech = speech full of hate + power + privilege, and only White Christians have power + privilege from centuries of raping and pillaging the entire globe. Professor Chaim said so, and only academia determines what is hate speech and what is not.

no worries on these, in fact not engaging in it would be suspicious.


+1 vote for the Nazi party.

Saging in respect.

remember "easter worshippers"? wonder if its related

Of course that doesn't extend to Christians. It's only bad to talk negatively about kikes and jawas.


Bibi is about to make another annexation I think.

Attached: producing these sperms.jpg (750x451, 81.45K)

I fucking hate kikes and their destructive influence so much. I will never hate my race, regardless of how much they kvetch and try to blame whites for every ill in the entire world.

Attached: Nazis watch out.jpg (1332x905, 833.98K)

forward it to twitter with a link to the new regulations.

Attached: your son is too cute to be outside of my harem.jpg (614x399, 53.03K)

Who fucking cares that Twitter is banning "hate" speech? There is always Zig Forums left for our edgy rants and shitposts towards subhuman religious retards like Mudslimes.

All the big tech companys drank the SJW koolaid. They are just ultra-left echo chambers. Stop using them and let them wither away.

I'm a white man and I can only laugh about this. If this offends you you're probably a Trumpie.

I duble-a dog-a dare now i aint ever gonn-a quit..ever, while, ima old and gonna die-a soon-a so i quit den-a
mio stopa da horror show-a for-a now..bleeeeeech!!!! dead-a bambinos is am sicko i post-a faggetto padre figlio incesto omosessuale Zig Forumsow
The Zig Forumspire strikes back!
How-a dare-a u for da remove Zig Forums anona private chat-a from-a da fron-a pag, we no gotta homo to plot da shenanigans agin da Watkins!!
den-a myou- put-a /newspus/-a inna kink of shekels links-a anna /newspus/ still bleed-a?
Why-a no-a meat-a balls on-a Zig Forums- a no-a Moria?
u deleeta mio treads-a so mio post-a moria pornogramafia

you dorty pedo-a fillapino-a purrayor of da porn sexy tourista Jimbo! I heer yor-a porny-a awdeeo books-a! fap-a fap-a!
and yor-a son-a from-a da coreean whore-a dat i wanna-a do da anal sexy wit!
It was a dumb-a move by clueless-a people tho-a, as Zig Forums-a was-a always-a containtmeno-a board for the lokes[sic] of mio

i'm {sac} of this shit and aint gonna take it no moria alonga wit Neptuna ala sea, and da just-kiss-it(he a faggot, but he-a ok-a and da olda gent, /killcen/a

You doity scum throw-a old senior citisen out-a ina street-a?
I smeer-a shits-a on-a yor wallas

Young master Watkins here!
Let me take my penis out, while I get hard being in control(You guys do know that this is my website, right?)n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/Zig Forums/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/ow on-a the front board

I am a kray…zeee…-a for da meat-a balls-a put back Zig Forumsn/n/ow on-a da fron-a page-a
put-a mio back-a inna mio containmeto boardo-a
and then take it away again haha……heee-a and then L'ETERNEL RETOUR it again! -a

Attached: padre figlio incesto omosessuale.png (590x416 53.57 KB, 88.89K)

So it's against Twitter rules to post the Quran now?

Attached: images.jpg (135x116, 4.35K)

all religion is a racket what's moar dehumanizing than trying to scare people into being sheep

goes without saying, I mean (((they))) don't really mind about dehumanizing whites

Attached: 7fc23d3a7d5201fa5814351cfb681c2d257cb508e0c4a0f6a53677deb4243b70.jpg (272x319, 13.22K)

niggers are rape-apes
there are only two sexes and gender doesn't exist. women are manipulative
muslims are terrorist monsters
jews are vampire parasitic leeches
faggots are disgusting abominations
trannies are dogshit freakshows
all leftists are mentally ill mutants
chinks are insects

You are clearly 13 year old girls with power fantasies.

So jews then

#19 of 7 decillion(or mio dead-o, whichever-a com-a first—–a
ronnie-a, why u daddy-a gotta fag shitta pornografia onna
he lick-a yor bambino di-a-per ronnie?
User aids account creation is now disabled, but aids can still be bought by anyone on a pay-per-day basis by contacting [email protected]==
Restrictions apply: no CP H Ha HA HAAAA……hee
The Zig Forumspire strikes back!
How-a dare-a u for da remove Zig Forums anona private chat-a from-a da fron-a pag, we no gotta homo to plot da shenanigans agin da Watkins!!
den-a myou- put-a /newspus/-a inna kink of shekels links-a?
u deleeta mio treads-a so mio post-a moria pornogramafia faggetto, you faggetto
you dorty pedo-a fillapino-a purrvayor of da porn sexy tourista Jimbo! I heer yor-a porny-a awdeeo books-a! fap-a fap-a!
and yor-a son-a from-a da coreean whore-a dat i wanna-a do da anal sexy wit!
Zig Forums-a was-a always-a containtmeno-a board for the lokes[sic] of mio

i'm-a {sac} of this shit and aint gonna take it no moria alonga wit Neptuna ala sea, and da just-kiss-it(he a faggot, but he-a ok-a and da olda gent, /killcen/a

You doity scum throw-a old senior citisen out-a ina street-a?
I smeer-a shits-a on-a yor wallas

Young master Watkins here!
Let me take my penis out, while I get hard being in control(You guys do know that this is my website,right?)
n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/Zig Forumsn/n/n/n/n/n/n/ow on-a da front board

Ima kray…zeee…-a for da syco meat-a ball-a Neptuna ala sea put him Zig Forumsn/n/ow on-a da fron-a page-a
put-a mio back-a inna mio containmeto boardo-a
and then take it away again haha……heee-a and thenL'ETERNEL RETOUR it again! -a


Attached: padre figlio incesto omosessuale.png (590x416 94.5 KB, 89.39K)