No free health care

is this country hell on earth? it's basically just people swindling and betraying each other for profit. And then you have people who actually DEFEND it, like what the fuck.

Now i can understand why Anglos are assholes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

north korea has a cult of personality for kim so they're worse

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I'd say even North Korea, and many other 3rd world countries are better than the USA in some aspects.

USA is such a shithole that gusanos are literally moving back to Cuba by the tens of thousands:

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hahahahahahaha YES


College isn't free, right? People in there keep complaining about "student loans", even going as far as to say they owe 60k. and more.

The real problem is the schools are funded by property taxes so you have to live in a wealthy area to have a chance at a decent public education.

healthcare shouldn't be free. You should be required to work hard and innovate to live longer.

education is retarded anyways and is just there to make good employees.

I agree that the prison system is stupid. We should just murder lawbreakers. Real lawbreakers, not pot smokers or anything stupid like that.

Medicine is useful sometimes, but I think it's a major crutch for most people because they can't face their own problems.

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It has the opposite effect. People who can innovate die earlier.

Einstein, Stephen Hawking, none of them would have fucking done jack shit under this kind of reasoning.

You help foster a society where a fucking community that's reasonably healthy can exist in the first place you absolutely retarded fuck. Pushing people to death does not actually get desired results

Oh no shit, Zig Forumsyp is another high school drop out. Who would have figured

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Only part he is right about regarding the US

If you don't try sure, you won't get chosen into classes for people who actually give a shit and try. It's broken but AP classes exist.


One time I went out to a bar for karaoke and then this guy was talking to me and I looked like Boy George so he thought I was a hooker and offered me 40 bucks to go back to the tiny shitty hotel room he was living in now because he just got out of prison and when we got there there was a TV playing a prosperity preacher who explained that giving money to him was an "investment with God" and it played the entire time we were doing stuff and it was the only light in the room and then eventually he called me a cab which was pretty much the entirety of what I'd just been paid but I only really needed a ride back anyway.


Was in AP calculus, it was only slightly under the community college calculus I took later. Nobody cared, not employers and not colleges.


Clearly it was a one time thing. Duh.

What state do you live in.

If you can innovate then you innovate and make money to keep yourself alive. They said Hawking would die at what, 23? Yet there he was in his 70's.

I'm new here what's polyp?


I'm California. I'm not trying to say shit but, maybe that's the reason for our differences in experiences.

to be honest if you don't pray for kim to nuke the us daily why are you even on Zig Forums?

Yea no shit, but I'd take a guess and say my experience is shared by more in this country weather is because its a red state, they are in a poor area, or some combination of both

Without the NHS he wouldn't be alive. God you're stupid.


Fuck Georgia!

Yea I get the joy of living in Georgia and being 15 mins from Florida.
kill me

I'm going to blow your fucking mind

Social Darwinism hasn't and will never show results for a physically healthy society, it leads to the exact opposite

Ok, so we should give free healthcare to the next generation of Hawking, got it. That doesn't mean eveyone should get free healthcare.

socialism has never worked. Neither has capitalism but at least we aren't starving and working in mining camps.

It actually does. America isn't healthier with these fucking insurance companies you god damn masochist

Le Radical Centrism

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There are places in the US with third world conditions where people are actually starving

I'm so glad I live in Atlanta
Far away from insidious Florida swampscum - Jesus Christ, Florida makes me kind of proud to be in Georgia.

I live a good 20 mins from places like this and one more crash away from my own town turning into one.

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Every socialist nation except the Khmer Rouge has improved things for the general people, so I guess socialism has always worked

pic related

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and they deserve to because they aren't working. A minimum wage job will feed you.

Why would I continue to do what I'm good at that makes a lot of money under a socialist government? I could just flip burgers at mcdonalds and make the same amount. It's easier. I did it when I was 16. Would much rather.

Not my fault you guys fucked off in highschool instead of learning a useful skill.

Uhhh… user… they are working minimum wage jobs.

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t. Has no idea how high the cost of living actually is hint: there’s a reason Wal-Mart helps their workers sign up for food stamps

They don't teach programming in most highschools.

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Then they are living in the wrong area. We have places specifically for people who cannot afford proper housing. It's government assisted housing. Aside from that we have food stamps for people who are under a certain income bracket. ASIDE FROM THAT, we have free money for people who are poor as fuck that have 5 kids where they make a shit ton, then ontop of that, they can ignore hospital bills and make my health insurance increase as a result.

They teach pajeet language and pajeet script in my former school. Worst than none.


Get out of here ol' boomer

I learned outside of school because I didn't want my life to be in poverty anymore.

It's Blanquist.

I'm 29.

OH god the mind of boomer in the body of someone way to young for it. Even worse

Guys there’s no point in replying to this guy. He’s just going to go on the old half-Chan saw about how he was born in a log cabin and now he’s a Fortune 500 executive. Nothing you say will convince him cause he’s just baiting

So plz explain these welfare programs I've never heard of?

I learned skills so I wouldn't have to work at BK like you. How does that make me a bad person?

I pay so much in taxes that I could make payments on 2 brand new BMWs per month.

Why should I pay that in taxes because a lot of you are idiots that won't get jobs and like to blow their money on bullshit and party?

btw, the taxes don't matter because I have assets and an s corp, so I don't pay taxes on my passive income :)

I am a college dropout, dont know my father, and my mom is dependent on me (cpd). I work from 5 am to 12 noon at a warehouse. I come home and mostly have to look after her and fix stuff around the house. How do i fix my life like you ????

Sure ya do kid

foodstamps and some kind of district housing. district 7 or some shit.

I was making 10 an hour a year and a half ago and I qualified for ALL of it. I took none of it because I wasn't an entitled piece of shit.

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Learn to program.

Codeacademy or freecodecamp.

Go to the real chan and go to /g/ then search for /wdg/. Read the stick and learn.

You can make 50k within 3 months ezpz.

What proof do you need?

This is the ideal capitalist system. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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Even if you do. It was luck.

What's your point? Taking more AP classes, especially anything STEM related, is designed to turn you into a loyal, obedient, long hour working employee.

Man I enjoyed O'brother where art thou

School isn't necessary for many fields. You don't have to be a Doctor to be successful. I don't have a degree; just a diploma.

That reminds me of that time I got 40 bucks to go to a guy's hotel room and he just got out of jail and I didn't have to pay taxes on it.

Why aren't you concerned with how the idle rich benefit?

Out of curiosity, why are you so concerned about public 'welfare' (in reality some of the programs you seem to be alluding to were scrapped in the '90s), but not private welfare? Why should some people have to work, but others shouldn't have to because their parents (who, themselves, may not even have worked) happen to have enough money for them not to? Isn't that just private welfare, supported by lax taxes and a disproportionate burden on those with less? Don't these people benefit from the protection and services of the state?

How does this increase productivity? It encourages parasitism, but why? You yourself complain about those who you perceive as abusing the benefits of the state, yet you also claim to be skirting the tax code - why should anyone else accept what you do for personal enrichment if you complain about what they do in order to eat and get medical treatment?

To add -
Aren't other people like yourself also ripping you off by not carrying their own weight?

>He doesn't realize this is not only measly but also about $3.00 above federal min. wage and more than even a lot of above-min-wage places are willing to pay

Tbh you should still probably learn to code.

Although, honestly, the chances of you getting rich are incredibly slim, yes. Most programmers will be working straight to old age putting in extra hours desperately trying to have enough for retirement. But they'll be living relatively comfortably otherwise, and afford some perks. Of course, the prices of most of that stuff are dramatically inflated by speculation, so in better conditions without this artificial scarcity you could probably work at Wally World and have the same shit programmers can afford now… but for now, it's a useful skill.

Nah tried the coding thing. Not for me, I like to work with my hands

Well then you deserve to be poor, you dirty pleb!!!11

Lmao this fucking thread though

Similar, but my way is legal. It's the same way Donald Trump doesn't have to pay taxes. People that let a corp earn the money don't have to pay taxes because they don't technically own anything. Your way was illegal unless you earned an income under the filing requirements.

Section 8 and foodstamps still exist.

Someone had to earn the money somewhere. Who cares if the parents or grandparents earned it? You can earn it for your children and grandchildren too.

Because I pay for it. I pay for lack of productivity. I pay for people having kids when they can't afford them. I pay for people who go to the ER for a basic cough and ignore the charges. I pay for all of that shit.

My uncle is a plumber with his own practice that makes around 80k a year. He works with his hands. What do you mean by "working with your hands"? Jacking off and collecting benefits? Hell, even when I did tiling I made 14 an hour and worked 12 hour days. I had decent paychecks.

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I am a manager for pizza hut and make $9

Does Soylent taste any good?

No free healthcare in china either. An issue the mods keep deleting.

90% of all new startups fail within the first year.

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Tried the powder a few years ago and it tasted slightly better and smoother than pancake batter

The flavored variants are alright, but the regular is a flavorless viscous batter for those who want the full dystopian experience.

90% are in a saturated area, have a bad idea, or have poor marketing skills. All are things within your control.


40 is below, yes.

There are all sorts of ways to get money without hard (or skilled) labor.

I don't see how inherited wealth is any more earned than supplemental income. In realistic terms, the fact that all that money is being hoarded by people who didn't earn it just so they can continue to not work would be a concern to anyone else using the same money.

Do you (and, more importantly, the general working population you may or may not be a part of) not realize that you also pay for the idle rich? The cosmetic surgeries, the vodka-pissing ice sculptures, etc.? A life of expensive decadence, all protected by police and politicians and policies designed to support this accrual of wealth - thus necessitating a welfare state paid for by everyone in order to keep wages stagnant and the idle rich from having to work for their lifestyle.

Those who do work pay for this through profits as well - bosses being the beneficiaries of the extra wealth that this work creates. Why should their work fund the decadent lifestyles of some rich slobs if it shouldn't fund the shitty lifestyles of some poor 'slobs' who have to report to the state regularly to keep getting benefits? Why don't the rich slobs report to the workers who pay for them?

Backwater rural retard here

Yes. The cities are hell on earth, the suburbs are hell on earth.

Out here though? You can find some semblance of a good nation, with good people and honest pay for honest work.

Nope its hell on earth out here to bub. You just aint seen it.

Dunno fam. I've enjoyed living out here as opposed to the city. I guess really, hell is wherever you make it.

Silly goy. Communists dont work. Thats what youre for…

Id reckon a few work here and there. Kind of like the new fascists that are popping up.

Luck is something the willpowerless came up with to explain the success of those with willpower. You don't get luck if you don't take risk in the first place. You will never know because you will never try.

then why don't poor people do it? Maybe because they are lazy or had 5 kids before they were 25 and have no time?

You're right, maybe a socialism would be good in this aspect so we can prevent breeding of people who aren't productive and execute them. No room for a non-worker in a socialist society. All of us bigger earners would leave for a capitalist country by the way, so have fun.

Source? I am aware of nothing that states my money is going for cosmetic surgeries unless you are talking about the 1 cosmetic surgery allowed for military service people in Active duty.

Ever since I bought a high-dollar sports car the cops have been on my ass constantly when they weren't when I drove my old scion.

The idle rich have their money for a reason. You just sound jealous of their money. Why do you deserve their money? Answer that.

The study was done by MIT you brainlet

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Being smart without willpower means nothing.

Well, you can be mediocre and still get a job at Google if you're a non-white person or woman. Their interns are at 6-figures. The dumbass that made the shitty trippy app turned a job down at Google to work on his shitty app that became nothing.

You don't need luck for anything besides gambling. I can't win a scratchoff but I bought ADA 20 hours ago and have made a little more than 4k since then on it alone. I'm not lucky at all.

There are a lot of smart people at MIT but anyone, no matter where they are from, that believes in luck is an idiot.

Let's see, we've got the Great Chain of Being hiding behind a thin secular veneer, with a Sword of Damocles thrown in free of charge. I think you need to mention how the needs of the poor should be seen to directly by the rich through charity for the noblesse oblige to round things out. I give it a divine right of kings out of feudalism.

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theyre brainwashed by jingoist propaganda and delusional memes ("american dream" "american exceptionalism" "upward mobility, anyone can do anything in capitalism if they work hard bro" etc) from an early age to be ok with their own exploitation

The main problem with free college is that most students come from disproportionately well-off backgrounds, which makes them relatively uncompelling targets for public transfers. Making higher education free will largely benefit the middle and the upper classes at the expense of the working class.

The reason college students tend to come from wealthy backgrounds is specifically because college is so prohibitively expensive.

But muh brave heroes defending our sacred freedoms.

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