March For Our Lives

Anyone watching this March thing? I like the inclusion of victims of other kinds of more common gun violence like gang/drug violence, etc.

My only complaint is coming down so hard on guns and gun manufacturers but completely leaving out bombs and bomb makers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Has there been a more idiotic things? March to give up your rights to own guns?

woops left my shitposting flag on


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It's the media using idiotic kids who by default tout a (some what) liberal line to push s message of gun control.

Kids are looking for an identity to connect with and political movements that appeal to their emotions are the path of least resistance.

This kids haven't been crushed under the weight of capitalism yet so they can't possibly conceive or want or dream of a better society because they're so privileged; they get everything they want already.

I understand that they shouldn't be living in fear, but, this is lower tier pleasure bullshit.

The answers to the issue of people going fucking crazy under the weight and alienation of capitalism is not found with in the system of capitalism.

Tbh, fuck these protests.

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Also why no push to ban JROTC? Why so little mention that was the government through the school that trained him how to shoot?

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It's an interesting "spectacle".

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This tbh.

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I get what these kids are trying to do, and I understand why they're trying to do it… But they're way off base on what actually is to be done.

The phenomenon of school shootimgs is uniquely American, and doesn't happen anywhere else. EVEN IN OTHER PRO-GUN COUNTRIES.

Why? Because it has its roots not in access to firearms, but in capitalist alienation, which the US has cranked up to fucking 11.

So basically, they're just one jump away from proper analysis of the problem… But it's a big jump to make, especially for high school kids who haven't lived the exploited life yet.

School shooting/stabbing exist in other countries too.

AFAIK they don't support a ban on gun ownership, they support regulation of firearms sales.

On this level though?
I smell a liberal.

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Cause of some sort stupid arbitrary decision by car rental companies
Bceause of another shitty arbitrary law passed after a group of parents who couldn’t accept that their kid fucked up and made a mistake, lobbied congress to the fun away from everyone else just cuase their kid was
to retarded to a handle, lets justify arbitrary laws we want to pass with arbitrary laws.

They wanna take guns away from under 21s, not just muh ebul ay are fiteeens, but they wanna stop people, from buying fudd guns, fuck that shit


There is actually very severe stabbing in China.


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Not moving the goal ppst you're changing the actual terms of what the OP ment in the first place because you're a faggot.

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I think it's disingenuous to assume easy access to firearms does not play a role in increased incidences of mass shootings.

Nowhere near as much as they do in the US. Mass shootings always come off as abhorrent to Europeans when they do happen, in the US it's now just par of the course.

You're confirming his point, user.

We've had like 25 school Shootings in the last 5 months.

Those are terrorism-related, they're not the same phenomenon as school shootings.

It's irrelevant.

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It has its roots in access to firearms the sane way access to soda gives people diabetes.

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How not? It's all basic murder-suicide killing spree shit.

TBH, gun regulation in the US is shit. They're treated more like toys than weapons.

Most sales don't even require a gun safety course, which explains why there's so many gun accidents.


Require a gun license before acquiring guns.

Then you militarize the schools and make acquiring a gun license mandatory. :^)


Seriously, these little retards have no idea what they are doing. Leaving aside the guns themselves, the second amendment is a core part of the constitution. If legislation passes that renders it impotent, and this stands up in court, then that sets a legal precedent that endangers literally every other right they have. That includes the first, thirteenth, fourteenth and fourth amendments, and in an era of Orwell tier mass surveillance and blatant porky dictatorship the people can not afford to give up a single constitutional right that might cripple porky’s attempts to control them. Then of course there’s the whole issue of the state being the only armed actor and American cops being a pack of psychopaths. Seriously fuck these little idiots.

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100,000,000 gun owners collectivley have 800 fatal accidents a year, annually their are 136,000 fatal accident


The age restriction is actually a good idea because it helps to keep guns out of the hands of angry incels and autists who still think highschool matters IRL.

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Diabetes is a possible side effect of soda consumption. Guns are designed to wound, maim and kill. That's the difference. If I'm looking for a way to kill someone, I'm buying a gun to blow his head off — not slowly getting him addicted to Coke.
Moreover, the soda market is regulated. Manufacturers can't just put what they want in a drink, especially if it's known to significantly contribute to diabetes.

In Canada in 1989 some Eliot Roger type shot up a university. After that sweeping gun control legislation was brought in. In 20 years after that happened, there were 8 mass shootings in Canada. In the 20 years before, there were only 5.

I say let's arm all the teachers and pupils. Problem solved. Cruz would have been killed in seconds, not minutes.

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Tbh id be okay with a gun license law, in return for

What about the gravity of the shootings? What about shootings that aren't school shootings?

Question: Why doesn't the NRA try to foster gun ownership among liberals like they do with conservatives and other reactionaries? Are they really that attached to the wider reactionary movement?

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I'm fine with full auto weapons being difficult to get. Most of them are too expensive for a prole to own and care for anyways.

And by the way I only said "liberals" because in the US these are the types that are always trying to get guns banned.

The NRA doesn't represent the rights of gun owners, it represents the interests of gun manufacturers.

Can someone explain this to me please?

Fuck you, brainlet.

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God damn, ==Shut the fuck up liberal==

Guns are made for self defense, if anything.
. Once you get out of high school and realize how shit the world is then you can come talk to us.

Fire arms are a tool and tools, like any other tool, can serve many functions.

Knifes, hammers, guns, Rricks, soda, litteraly anything can kill you and none of your peace meal, crying, can change that.

The thing about guns is people actually need them to protect themselves against the tyranny of the government.

This is pure idealism.

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To be honest I think the age cut off should be 25, not 21. Young men (especially white suburbanite guys) are going to become increasingly useless, angry, and reactionary in the coming years. I don't want them owning guns until their hormones level out.

I don't even support gun control but your pro-gun arguments are Zig Forums-tier.

So basically this is how it is
sure you can have one but is expensive

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How so, most mass shooters aren’t even in the 18-21 age range.

Fuck you.

I'd be ok with that, tbh.

Those are not because of alienation Jesus christ. Charlie hebdo and Paris were premeditated and studied attacks.
It's like saying that 9/11 was caused by alienation.
The other is racially motivated.
Nizza is the only one I can give you.
Stabbings are the prevalent form of explosion here in Europe.
If you wanted to make an example it would be brevik, but again that's one.
No it doesn't happen that often here and America is more talented at alienation.

Case and point: r/incel and r/hapa. Those things rarely exist here especially people like r/hapa


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He wasn't a spree shooter but a lone wolf terrorist. Guys like him will always be able to get around gun control laws. The age restriction isn't supposed to prevent those kinds of attacks.
Literally schizo and a total outlier. Also not a school shooter. Remember that's the kind of shooting we should be trying to prevent here.

So was:

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Not premeditated in that sense. Premeditated in the 9/11sense.
Military grade weapons, fake id's and connection the would make james bond rogue

Let them drink at 16 like every normal fucking country out there and you'd already cut mass shooting in half.
That's why you need drinking culture

That's been one of the main issues in America is civilians having legal access to military grade weapons.

Until a school shooting happens where the perp uses a bazooka or a vehicle-mounted HMG this isn't true.

Switzerland, Norway and eastern Europe have access to them and none of this shit happens.
I mean plus I want them I can buy them illegally. It's really a problem of alienation and culture. Japanese are even more alienated but what remains of confucianism saves them from doing shit like Americans.On the other hand americans will never blame them self or the system, they will always blame the individual who is part of that system.

They're military grade insofar as they could be used, along with improvised and seized weaponry, by a militia or guerrilla force fighting a regular army.
Arms control is reactionary.

aside from motivation and ideology whats the difference?

Name one military that only uses semiautomatic weapons

You're missing what I was replying too. If any of the terrorist attacks in Europe were carried out with "Military grade" weapons than most of the shootings in The USA were as well.

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What is a military grade weapon?

A buzzword for anything that isnt a fudd gun

I think one time i read a study that said that the legal drinking age just pushses the alchohol deaths to 21

Ask the guy I was replying to. Do you see the >> and the green text?


Grow the fuck up.

Woah, watch out! We got an Internet tough guy here. I'm sure you on the other hand have reached enlightenment.

Make up your mind — are they just neutral tools or first and foremost made for self defense? Of course guns can be used for self defense. They can also be used for a lot of much less legitimate endeavors.

Gun control does not conflict with the possibility of gun ownership, including as a bulwark against government encroachment — like workers forming armed militias to confront violent union busting, for instance.

I don't support a ban on gun at all, I support sensible gun control. The fact is most of Zig Forums lacks nuance when it comes to the gun control debate because they constantly seek to broadcast to everyone in a ten miles radius that they're not liberals — so every fucking time someone says we shouldn't let Dollar Tree sell assault rifles to schizophrenics with a history of alcoholism and domestic violence, he's dismissed as a boot-licking, gun-grabbing crypto-Hillaryite.

Also, note to agitated tankïes: the USSR had strict gun control laws. Access to military-grade, high-capacity firearms was severely restricted and illegal ownership could land you in prison. The only more-or-less widespread guns among Soviet civil society were (registered) hunting rifles.

Still one first has to learn to drink and then drive

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Drinking is extremely bad for you. America's laws regarding alcohol consumption are one of the only good things about that shithole.

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"Lets give up our guns!"
Marx is spinning in his grave so much that if he were a turbine he could power a small city.

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Didn't I mention brevik in one of my posts?
Plus it happens one time and you want to compare it to what you sociopaths do every two weeks?

Explain how drinking at 21 will change anything

Overdrinking is bad for you regular drinking is fine, what do you think happens on your 21 first birthday when they tell you all your life how great crazy and wild drinking is but dont let you do it until 21.or when the first time you drink its vodka at a party and having never drank before you cant hold your liquor, also why do you hate youngfags and want to take everything away from them.


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Until the next Brevik. America is a much larger country as well.

Oh look, now. You're going to cherry pick every point I made and pedantically nit pick them apart.

How smart of you.

The reason; the reason I told you that you obviously need to lurk maor and experience the real world is because once you get out and work 60 hours a week to barley get by then you will actually, on a material level, understand why guns are needed not only for defense from a tyrannical government but for offense against it.

Guns are tools and they can be used for anything like any tool. You're little liberal broken records aren't working anymore, lad.

The problem with these, honestly, reactionary veiws you hold is that they are idealistic bandaids that don't really adress the actual underlying structural problems caused by the economy that lead to people finally snapping and committing these acts in the first place.

Ireal, material, tangible, answers. Any further encroachment is an attack on the prolotariate. Period.

Stay away from my guns, liberals.

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This shit is why we do not deserve socialism. However, the only slight silver lining I can glean is basically what Zizek has been saying recently, if we "massage" our "revolutionary muscles" via demonstrations the message of actual leftism can spread. But at the same time a "protest" like this to give up a right is pretty much helping to kill any attempt at real change. These kids make me feel like a conservative, "guns don't kill people". They will react with intense anger when you try to explain base/superstructure. That kid would probably not have shot up his school if he could afford an apartment.


and also in case you didnt know people who have been convcted of domestic violence are barred from owning firearms, people who are addicted to subtance cant have guns (if you have medical marijuana card you are Noguns) people who have been involuntarily commited are not allowd to own firearms, your schizo wifebeater alchoholic buying am assault rifle is just a strawaman that doesnt happen. Lay off the trevor noah

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Is that yemen

If it was America have the people in the photo would've had their fingers on the trigger and then the inevitable would happen.

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The drug/gang violence inclusion is only done in a pathetic attempt to increase their ranks. And it should come as no surprise that policies aimed at controlling gang violence and drug abuse only leads to high minority incarceration rates and the (failed) war on drugs. Prohibition doesn't work, and as it turns out three types of prohibitionists have some common ground with each other even as the world around them melts apart.

They support giving Trump more power. Make no mistake, any new gun control would be within the jurisdiction of Attorney General Sessions (a person who considers Black Lives Matter to be a terrorist organization) and Donald Trump. This is why I'm absolutely against all gun control, because Trump himself is proof that any new "control" over anything will only be used and abused by the bourgeoisie.

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A REAL shitposter would say that men should be banned from owning guns and only women should be allowed the right

I should've said prohibition violence. Actually a more correct term in general would be street and household gun violence.

I agree with pic related but for tactical reasons I don't attack the 2nd amendement. You can strategically support laws that give you freedoms without endorsing the system as a whole. (not a burger, but still)

NRA is a reactionary poltical group that pretends to be pro-gun. Gun Owners of America is less Republican and much more pro-gun. Unlike the NRA, GOA is actually consistent.


This! In almost all other countries in the world, 18 year old adults can get drunk, but in America you're still considered a bigger kid.

You should be happy, our right-wing government is coming for our guns and there is nothing anyone is doing. Norwegian media has been silent about it, in fact I found out about from foregin media. Have you ever thought that maybe those kids should have been armed as well? If they had been, he would have been blown away, but strict gun laws make attack easier than defence, because a person defending themselves have to be armed all the time and thus more likely to be arrested for illegal possesion of firearms, but the attacker is only carrying firearms when they are attacking someone. Thus strict gun laws make innocent people more vulnerable to attacks from psychopaths.
t. Snownigger

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It still wouldn't happen this often. Stop making apologism for your shit hole for fuck sake

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No it's not compared to america. Don't talk about places you can't point out on the map.

It doesn't because gun control advocates are prohibitionists. They want handguns banned entirely (a common cause in the 90s) along with "assault weapons" with pistol grips, and also autoloading weapons leaving people with only pump and bolt action weapons.

In California Will Ruger himself found this out when he sponsored all the original Assault Weapons Bans in the early 90s, because his company made non-assault weapons like the Ruger mini 14. A few years later, gun controllers wanted those guns banned too because they were readily convertible into "assault" configurations and came with 30-round magazines standard. Then they extended handgun licenses to all firearms, and added a "safety test" with a $50 fee. Now there is a $25 fee for all gun transactions (including gifts to relatives), and a 10-day wait. Same for ammunition sales as of last year.

Where does this end? With guns defacto banned. Which is what prohibitionists want. And in it's wake are prisons full of random nonwhites found with weapons, and countless lives ruined by fines incurred for not storing ammunition in a locked container as the law requires.

Nobody benefits from this, except prison guard unions.


I can literally go get a revolver for 600 bucks, rn.

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Standards of living are the highest in the world, culturally speaking we are the vanguard, europeans are interesting people and you don't need an app on the phone to meet girls. It's not perfect nor it's ideal but the worst thing that could happen to Europe is getting americanized