The alternative hypothesis

This is what Zig Forumstards actually belive

Its a pretty long video, but it really goes a far way in how Zig Forumstards can develop such ass backwards thoughts and ideas. What do you guys think?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't click the link yet, but had to say, could the Russians on this board tell me what the fuck that picture is? I keep seeing it around but have no idea what's going on.

Chernobyl kids?

Is the video a deconstruction? I really can't be bothered to give views and time to a long-ass vid of Zig Forumstard cringery

But it's like they're at a beauty pageant plus-chromosomed models or something?

I used to know Ryan Faulk back when he went by "Stodles". He's been promoting the same views ("race realism", tribalist "anarcho"-capitalism, etc.) for nearly ten years now.

Fun fact: he used to be a gay prostitute, and a video leaked of him auditioning for a gay porno.

Is he self-hating or is he lacking in self awareness?

The ideology he's against is what let's him be who he is

I don't know who those children are, but I don't like them.

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Most Nazis are sexual deviants, weaklings, brainlets and addicts often all in one package. The original Nazis weren't any different, the reason they destroyed the Institute for Sexual Research, wasn't because "hurr durrr muh degenerate doctors" but because their research on Nazi sexual habits threatened to cause them great public embarrassment.

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proof please lmao

He was kicked out of the white nationalist movement way back when for exactly this (he's not much use for the white race if he's not going to reproduce with a nice white woman). He began promoting "white separatist" ancapism soon after, and many caught on to the fact that he was using ancapism to promote white supremacism. Of course, since the Alt-Right tends to be friendlier towards gays they welcomed him right back in.

some russian child who is a sort of mascot for /biz/

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But I still don't know what is the special sash Smimem kid is wearing? All these photos are circulating but no one has doxxed him?

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Just a Russian high school graduation sash

Pretty sure people know who he is and many of his photos are taken from a public page. But he's just a russian teenager with a birth defect who became a minor internet oddity, why go after him?

I didn't mean doxx in the sense of harass. I was just curious if their was anything interesting to his background.

Just a russian kid, nothing special about him aside from appearance. Apparently his head is misshapen due to a birth complication/malpractice but this might just be hearsay. His name is Roman Zuyev and he lives in Volgograd (former Stalingrad - coincidence? Might he be the next Stalin?).

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He saved crypto from the Bogdanoffs.

The kikes were running brothels and porn theaters in the Weimar Republic you brainlet.

Looks like…

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la creatura
el goblino

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These two are insufferable.

I wouldn't give a fuck about him. The guy's a butthurt faggot who goes on mass dislike and flag campaigns against people who disagree with him.

give link.

Um sweeties, if you don't like the alt hyp why don't you try refuting him! Hmm? Oh wait you, can't?

Baboons are genetically low Autism Level, the science is settled sweeties :)

he was a marxist, apparently

Looks like inbreeding in rural areas of Russia

boon posting is getting more sophisticated by the second
please learn to link retards properly

Because none of you seem to want to engage in the topic of the OP and instead want to focus on this ur-slav kiddo I'll summarize the video for you:

That's about it, and it's a fair hypothesis. I forgot to mention that he believes the contemporary university system now operates as a form of "compound" for the cultists, where cult leaders (in the form of professors) are able to indoctrinate cultists in a setting where they're divorced from their normal social milieu and made to invest heavily their time, energy, and financial resources into their own indoctrination, thus creating a strong ego investment in the cult.


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Lagerbordell were overseen by cracksmoking Nazis you fucking retard

You forgot to mention how he says that the alt-right and the movements he's involved in aren't cults, according to him.

That one point should negate the entire video, guy is delusional.

Did they won the contest for the ugliest kids ever?

lel does he explain why he thinks that?

Look in the comments, something about "all the alt-right wants is separation" ignoring the ideology that's needed for an entire population to deracinate themselves and maintain that separation. He actually puts this down to just coming naturally.

Not like any other cult tries to appeal to nature right?

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What's the point of the "revelation" that "progressivism" is a cult anyways? Sounds like a feelsy way to try to delegitimize it by insulting it with a bad word.

He says the race realist position is more like the historical norm and closer to a state of nature - that is, disparate people have come to the conclusion that race is a real and observable phenomenon with tangible consequences without significant exposure to propaganda and without the necessity of indoctrination. That is, even in a time before mass-media people came to the conclusion that there were broad differences in intelligence and behavior between racial groups.

Effectively, the thesis that disparate outcomes are caused by disparate potentials is fairly self-evident even within races (that is, individuals have different talents, abilities, and levels of intelligence) and therefore doesn't need to be bolstered by cult-like indoctrination and constant reinforcement on pain of excommunication, whereas the tabula rasa requires constant management of doublethink and therefore a cult-like set of behaviors designed to prune sources of intrusion on the core beliefs of the cult must be maintained.

The claim is made with a substantive argument related to the similarity of structure between what is classically understood to be a cult and the structure of the progressive social matrix. That is, labeling and excommunication of heretics, creation of feelings of guilt in followers, demands of investment of time and money in the doctrine, etc.

Why does the alt-right rely heavily on cult-like indoctrination to absorb and insulate its "members" from dissenting opinions then?

Ever heard them bemoan "black-pillers" because it strays from the correct path?

Why does every meme spread through the mind of every alt-righter or anyone sympathetic with them in less than a day?

Why do they all use the same talking points?

Why do they talk in coded language?

Why do that ascribe mysticism onto race?

Answer me, ryan.

I'd say you're not correct, simply put. If you make the claim that the alt-right is using cult-like methods, you'll have to elaborate on your claim. They don't ask that you excommunicate people for their beliefs, they're open to debate, and they engage frequently with the left's ideas.

The rest of what you describe is either incorrect or not cult-like. There's plenty of argument and dissent among the right and there are a huge number of different ideas concerning the correct strategies, outcomes, methods, and so on. That's why right-wing forums are actually active whereas your club seems not to be able to discuss a topic without degenerating into something completely tangential.

I needn't expound on what's evident if you just go to where you nutjobs congregate. Literally every point I've listed is on full display.

The only dissent that's present is the methodology and not the substance itself, no one is going to disagree on the "veracity" of race on your forums. Heck, most contrarian opinions are ironic or plain shitposting.

this is a joke right

can we go back to discussing sminem?

Yes, the defining characteristic of the new right or alt-right of whatever you wish to call it is a belief in race and a rejection of the blank slate, but that doesn't make it a cult. The belief in race isn't upheld and created through cult-like means. There's no original sin, no struggle sessions, no demands that one disassociate from their family, and there's plenty of genuine engagement with blank slatists and their arguments.

Of course not. We're not the ones agitating violently outside of university events and forcing people from their places of employment if they dare to question the prevailing narrative. I understand that eventually there's a certain dismissive attitude toward certain types (SJWs and similar sophists are ridiculed or ignored) but that's the reality of all intellectual movements, because you simply can't waste your time forever on people who refuse to argue in good faith. Again, this isn't a characteristic of a cult but a simple reflection of the reality of limited time and a recognition that productive argument requires a level of honest engagement of which most people (right and left) aren't capable.

You guys are welcome to discuss what you want. I come here occasionally to try and keep your board lively, because from what I can tell you lads have a difficult time keeping a conversation going amongst yourselves.

Is it his real name?

Not once, but used twice. Is it that hard to keep consistent with your own repudiation of being a cult?

You want to partition an existing nation and fragment its institutions, infrastructure and capital. That is NOT natural and has to come around through either strong ideology or force, you're a complete idiot if you think this would just come about if we left people to their devices.

You want to regress to the 1950's, yet fail to account that is beyond the liberalisation and progressivism set forth by the enlightenment. The 1950's America was a transient boon period that can't be recaptured without the conditions that had fostered it in the first place. No, not race, war and imperialism.

the problem with the idea that race realism is self-evident is that…it isn't, really

it's an example of the motte and bailey fallacy - making an easy to defend, common sense statement (races are different) to claim victory for a statement that is not quite as "obvious" and needs considerable further argumentation (we need apartheid)

the latter belief is not self-evident at all and needs to be asserted through indoctrination

no, unfortunately

Just to expand on this a bit, the enlightenment is not what caused the liberalizing of society, but material means borne from rapid industrialization. Regression will always be in contention with the inherent progressive qualities of industrialized/technological societies.

For instance, fascism can never exist for any considerable time, it always regresses to social democracy once the main threat has been dealt with.

But people bend over backwards to self segregate themselves all the time. White flight is a perfect example.

You're not very clever, friend. There's a difference between a belief and a cult, and just because people have beliefs doesn't mean they're part of a cult. You believe in gravity, no? Is there a cult of gravity? Of course not, it's an observable physical phenomenon and doesn't require indoctrination, feelings of guilt, separation from friends and family, or other cult-like techniques to support belief.

Also, you fail to understand that "what's natural" isn't the ultimate criteria of the alt-right. They understand perfectly well that a state or polis isn't a natural state of affairs, but they're attempting to create a system which works in harmony with what is natural (human nature, physical reality). The means of achieving this is the subject of a fair bit of debate and speculation. Not everyone wants balkanization, or an empire, or a race-realist libertarian paradise, or what have you. This is an ongoing source of debate and interest among the right and it's the reason there's so much lively engagement.

I don't think you're very familiar with the arguments of race realists, even of the arguments of the guy listed in the OP (Alternative Hypothesis).

Think about it this way: there's the real, objective fact of disparate outcomes. I don't think anyone will try to deny that much. The question is: why are there disparate outcomes? The conclusion is either that there are disparate outcomes because people have different genetic potential which manifests itself variably based on environment (with a clear skew toward that base potential, i.e. smarter people are more likely, though not guaranteed, to succeed in intellectually demanding disciplines) OR the conclusion can be complete genetic determinism or complete environmental determinism. Nobody on the right advocates complete genetic determinism because that's clearly ridiculous - nobody's born to be a rocket scientist because clearly that requires such a thing as rocket science, a baseline of education and knowledge, etc. but for some reason the environmental determinists are perfectly convinced of their own belief even though the evidence consistently proves them incorrect. For this reason they have to create an explanation (white privilege) which is more or less a form of original sin.

The right actually believes in a blend of genetic and environmental causes for disparate outcomes, and believes that at the group level there will be notable statistical trends expressed by different racial groups even within the same environment.

Most alt-right guys are former libertarians and are quite happy to have a liberal society, they just believe that such a thing is only possible within the context of a majority white nation. Many believe that what's required is a a temporary loss of liberal ideals in order to reestablish the context necessary for their expression.

This is correct, and the evidence is all over the place if you care to pay attention. Aside from twin studies and things of that nature, it's pretty clear in observing group behavior that human beings have a tendency toward tribalism and that, even in the face of ubiquitous public propaganda to the contrary, they continue to behave in this manner.

Nebulous nonsense and poor syllogisms seem to be the alt-right's forte, and you're no different. Exaggerating tenuous links and then building a movement around it is exactly why you'll always be in the planning stage.

My contention with your usage of belief is that your people need to BELIEVE that race supersedes all other matters and that is not natural in itself. As highlighted earlier, you're leaping from the "races are different" axiom to "race is the principal matter". It's not quite the logical step you think it is, and elucidating on the why will probably entail some type of immaterial spiritual nonsense.

Nobody believes race supersedes all else in all contexts, they just believe it's the most relevant factor in the macro-scale expression of politics and culture. Obviously there are white individuals less intelligent than black individuals and vice versa, and different cultures can arise from the same genetic stock. They're saying that there's a tendency toward the expression of certain broad categories (tendency to criminality, intelligence, trust, industriousness) of behavior and attitude which become relevant at a large enough scale. It's not a complicated thing to understand, it's simple probability. If you roll two six-sided dice you're not guaranteed to roll a seven, but you're more likely to and if you roll the dice enough times you'll see a greater number of sevens than other numbers.

Also, belief in race is a natural extension of belief in heredity, because races are groups of people who have reproduced independently from one another. If traits are heritable, then you'd expect isolated groups to favor breeding different traits over time based on environmental factors.

The blank slate set of beliefs requires a rejection of heritability, a rejection of genetic influence on behavior, attitude, and aptitude, and a rejection of evolution (so far as it concerns the human brain). These two things really aren't on the same level, and you should grow up.

that's a lot of smart words that completely fail to address the point

Go back where you came from, which on a long enough timescale, would be Africa you fuckin retard

What's the problem of having high Autism Level, low aggression people of different races living together? Without evoking any immaterial mystic rubbish? This is where the "belief" comes in.

Your point is silly, and my syllogism is valid.

You can believe:

A: Genes determine all outcomes.
B: Environment determines all outcomes.
C: Some blend of genes and environment determine outcomes.

The blank slate is B, and it's clearly a retarded way of thinking. If you want to get into to what extent genes determine outcomes versus environment then we can have a real discussion, but to assume either A or B is true is the brainlet's position.

Or elsewhere, considering we know there was interbreeding between different hominid species. Also, I'm pretty sure there's been some divergent evolution (even discounting interbreeding) since our ancestors left Africa.

There isn't a problem with it. The people advocating a pure white ethnostate are the distinct minority. Most alt-right folks think it's just fine to have some intelligent and productive non-whites in white nations.

Not sure who you're arguing against. Certainly not the guy listed in the OP, or me.

Do you know the history of the nation state? Do you think the nation was an expression of the elite to contain infrastructure, or the expression of the people?

How could this "natural extension" arise without artificial means of education (racism was institutional the 1950's) and an indoctrination to connect once atomized communities (remote villages and kingdoms) to a gestalt of race? How can that "feeling of race" arise without the artificial forced migration of distinct groups who were cast into their own underclass?

Can this feeling of race exist without another race? If not, then the feeling is subjective and isn't inherent.

The race discussion doesn't exist within a vacuum but in context of a stratified society that needs to justify and legitimize its hierarchy.

This is where it all falls apart for you because you don't actually know anything about evolution, biology or genetics. You have a huge boner for your white race but you'll never even be able to define what it means to be "white" . You people are all autistic borderline retarded and you should just grow up and stop blaming your problems on other tbh

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thanks for proving my point I guess

You don't need education to see race and heritability, and people throughout human history have seen exactly that. Heritability is obvious to anyone who looks at a family, a father and son, a mother and daughter, etc. People within tribes notice their own similarities and then notice the similarities other groups have with one another (black skin is an obvious one, but facial structure, hair color, temperament, and other traits are also recognizable). The whole of history isn't the 1950s.

You're right that the notion of race wouldn't exist without another race. Just as the notion of "dry" wouldn't exist without "wet". This is mundane.

You lads are very happy to say "ha, I have a point!" but short on willingness to clarify or elaborate. You're not interested in arriving at a common understanding or even an intelligible dialogue. It's boring, faggy behavior.

Some of you might remember back in around 2010 this guy went by the name of FringeElements and was royally BTFO by a guy named theskepticalheretic on race realism. The debate itself is mostly lost at this point to my knowledge though.

Then leave? and never come back? Nobody here needs your redpills or your reactionary "race realism"

So because people notice tribes we must establish huge, artificial institutions and mechanisms to repatriate people and maintain that separation through some quasi-fascist/fascist state apparatus?

Same type of logic people employ when they speak of war; "War is natural", yes because spending billions of dollars and dealing with the immense bureaucracy, politics and management of war is "natural".

Minor conflict is natural, sure, you cannot extend that onto the complexity of war. Prejudice is natural, sure, you cannot extend that onto the complexity of a modern society.

Your "elaboration" boils down to how you feel and perceive others to feel. Also making a huge amount of assumptions on ancient societies.

Really most of what the alt-right brings up are assumptions, no real evidence for anything. No wonder you have to invoke the Autism Level question constantly, must be the only argument with any sort of research behind it.

Evidence is rock solid, then.

There's a reason why people like richard spencer and the like must go on about "I feel" "We feel" " Feel".

I don't even know what this is supposed to mean tbh

I'm talking about the lack of any research done by the alt-right and how they make up for this with shitty syllogistic logic and projection "I feel this way about blacks thus everyone else does too".

it means you're a bunch of 12 years olds with no facts or evidence or logic in your arguments

But this is wrong lol.

There is heaps of research that blacks are dumber than whites

Imagine being this removed from reality lol

no u

I know some of you can be saved from yourselves, so I take the trouble of explaining things in plain language.

You're clearly not familiar with the body of work that's been done on the alt-right, or their arguments. Indeed the guy in the OP consistently makes videos with reference to facts and studies and lays his case out very simply.

You're also stuck on this strange natural thing, which nobody cares about. The question is one which exists in context, and part of the basis for the conclusion is race-realism. If you believe there is relevant group-level expression of the traits which create a safe and productive polis, then the conclusion (if you value such a polis) is to support the conditions (in this case majority white ethnicity) necessary for its maintenance.

You should also be aware that we understand this to be a moral choice, which means trade-offs. We believe action now will be less violent than action later. We believe violence later, if we maintain the status quo, is inevitable as a result of our core beliefs (genes matter at scale). You can say "ha, they're just beliefs!" if you want, but that's a brainlet-tier misunderstanding of argumentation. Whatever you consider axiomatic will always be at base a belief, even though it can be backed up with evidence.

Is that reason that at base all systems thought have at their root a form of faith? This has been well-understood for hundreds of years now, and if you're not hip enough to the current state of philosophy to understand that you're equally guilty of that which you use to dismiss others then God help you.

You're simply not correct. The guy linked in the OP actually does plenty of research and presents his reasoning from a basic platform of scientific studies (twin studies, in a lot of cases). You're just being ignorant here.

Same as above, you're simply being ignorant of your ideological enemy. You lads are intensely insular as a community and you fail to engage seriously with your opponents.

don't you know eyecue is pseudoscience and FBI data is made up by racists?

Dude did I not just say that the I.Q question is where you have any "legitimacy (and even then, richard lynn extrapolating Autism Level scores onto neighboring countries and the Minnesota experiment being criticized by the very people who conducted it. Not to mention most of these experiments were subsidized by the Pioneer fund. There goes your non-bias.)

Privileged white racists, looking to keep the black man down (but elevate the Chinese man, for some reason).

You cannot maintain the same imperialist structure of "white" nations if you hope to avoid violence "later".

Abandon ANY intervention and meddling with all non-european/non-anglo countries and then you can have your white ethnostates. Let's see how long until you're in poverty and at each others necks.

Also stop pretending you're not ryan.

plz kys

Most of the times scientists can provide peer-reviewed studies and have it reproduced before spouting "I feel" assertions. Most of the time they never even use that language, it's amateur and telling of bogus understanding.

Violence is inherent in political life, that's not going to change. I also agree that imperialism's gotta go, which means saying goodbye to globalism and simply retreating to our own nations in order to deal with our own affairs. In that I think you're right and we have no disagreement.

I don't know who Ryan is, and I've only posted on leftypol for a week, and even then only in a few threads. I haven't pretended one way or the other though, and this is the first time I address or mention my own identity at all. This is an absurd line of inquiry.

I do it because I care about you boys and I'd rather see you work out, get strong, and be productive than wallow in revolutionary self-pity and faggotry.

You should like Alternative Hypothesis then, he makes reference to studies in his videos and he's pretty clear about his sources. In this cult video of course he's simply making an observation, but if you were are all familiar with his body of work you'd recognize that your objection doesn't apply.

cute but still kys

Why would I? I've got a great, productive life with plenty of opportunity and hope for the future. Things are pretty good, I'd say.

Why are you so buttmired?

don't lie if your life was decent you wouldn't need to blame darkie. the stink of failure is all over you

Huh? I'm not blaming darkie for any of my own circumstances, I just think there's a legitimate case to be made for a white self-governance and the maintenance of our genetic stock in our own nations.

You guys are the ones who seem resentful and quick to judge.

Most of the studies Ryan uses are of the very nature I've just detailed in that former post. Not reproducible and have been reproduced, also mostly not peer-reviewd. Especially the I.Q studies.

I find it funny that you just cordially dismiss Imperialism's entanglement with western politics, it simply can't be gotten rid of. You're more likely to be completely replaced by browns than have those who maintain imperialism just abandon it.

Also if there's "no problem" of high I.Q people of different races living together, then what is the problem of low I.Q people of different races doing the same?

No feelings or spiritualism.

I don't know who Ryan is, but Alternative Hypothesis makes reference largely to twin studies when trying to tease out the degree to which either genes or environment are relevant to certain traits.

I dismiss it just as casually (the proper word) as you assert it. What's your reasoning?

There's no problem as it relates to Autism Level, but nobody's making that argument. The argument against it has more to do with natural in-group preference and the violence and resentment that leads to when different groups compete for the same resources. Obviously we argue that Autism Level is relevant to economic outcomes but that's a separate argument.

You guys really need to get serious about engaging with the real deal and not simply creating these strawmen for yourselves, you're not doing yourselves any favors.

but you are.
because we know where this argument leads every time: the division of the proletariat

Access to white people isn't an inalienable human right, my dude.

What real deal

You discredit yourself every time you walk out your god damn parent's door, and make the unfortunate decision to start opening your mouth

What real deal

You're a socially unacceptable person and you all become more so every week of every month, of the past year.

You are self destructing at a hilarious pace and you actually still think you can argue from a position of academic authority.

Where have I blamed darkie for my circumstances, and where have I even said I was unhappy with my present circumstances? I'm personally quite comfortable, and none of my arguments make reference to my own circumstances.

Also I'm not sure you guys get this, but the proletariat doesn't give two licks about your ideology. Most working men would rather keep the fruit of their labor and keep government busybodies out of their affairs.

In most places it is

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Would this be a problem outside of capitalism? We don't live in the middle ages, we now have the means to meet demand and more.

Probably a few times outside of this thread. Just a few, I'm sure.

Segregation is illegal, dude,

Black parents are right. Beat your kids more often to teach them when to shut the fuck up, doesn't matter the way. I can't imagine a more spoiled bunch of children then the monstrous ratty brats Zig Forums has spawned from its ineffective tiny loins

You're never going to be around people you like, and the problem isn't other people. The hell isn't around you

You are the hell, John.

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What does that mean? Even If I posited the problem casually, it doesn't mean you can do the same as imperialism is integral to the west's prosperity.

Where was the strawman? That people can have similar I.Q across the races? Or that I'm arguing against someone who doesn't hold any concrete beliefs and keeps conceding where strategically necessary? At this rate you'll just be describing present societies and extolling the virtues of self-segregation.