
Since we spend so much time shitting on mainstream parties on here, I'm wondering which political parties, if any, are actually good according to Zig Forums ?
I've heard good things in the US about the PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) although it does seem to have some IDPOL issues, what left wing group doesn't nowdays, honestly?

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PSL seems like the least-bad US party, but they do have some questionable elements (like Mike Prysner and the fact that they're ex-trots).

Partii Inuit isn’t completely awful here.

who is that and what do you mean by ex trots explain plz

For the US it's the American Party of Labor.

For Germany it's the KPD.

For Great Britain it's the CPGB (ML).

CPGB ML is fucking cancer fuck off.


start or support your local /leftyparty/ now!

Why? Please elaborate, user.

It's the party of phil fucking greaves

the PSL are unironic Dengists

There is literally a video of them praising Stalin because he abolished tuition fees: they are either 60 year old tanks or teenagers, both LARPers.
Also they reject the cybernetic saviours Cockshott and MacLeod.

Who else /labor/ here? they're ripe for radicalisation.

They've got cute brown girls:

Most of their members seem to be in their mid 20s

Okay I forgot it is really weirld populated with Indians (no joke they have to papers, one in sanskrit) buut yeah, CPGB ML are just LARPers, the best lot are former CPGB lot or Cockshott's BICO gang. Both of whom have joined labour now.

lmao, one of the times I got banned from r/socialism it was because someone posted that video and I commented that she was qt.

is it that surprising that a communist party would have a disproportionate amount of groups historically marginalized by British capitalism?

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PSL is crypto-Trot and their leadership is shit. If you're in the USA, there simply is not a proven, credible communist party for you to join.

PSL looks pretty gud. Heard they have a bunch of former IWW people.

CPGB just means Communist Party of Great Britain and that is a name so generic that several groups are contenders for deserving that name with some history to back up. The small group publishing the Weekly Worker also call themselves CPGB (the WW folks admit that they are more like a committee that would like to become a party than a proper party, but if that happened, they would like to call themselves just CPGB). So, to avoid confusion which party is which, the party led by Harpal Brar calls itself CPGB-ML, ML stands for Marxist-Leninist. There really should be a book with quotes by Brar, talking about the heroism of Stalin in one sentence and gushing about the fancy shawls he sells in the next.

Do you have anything specific? My impression of the sf writer Ken MacLeod is that he's a socdem (as was his pal Iain Banks).

I decided to look up socialist parties in the United Kingdom and…by god.

[Laughs in english]


any fellow leaves have any thoughts on the CPC and CPC-ML?

In my country, there are a bunch of communist parties but only two imo are worth mentioning, the Communist Party of Chile and Communist Party (Proleteriat Action). The first one is american tier of revisionism, maybe a bit less but still shit. Maybe certain people in the party are legit, but as a party it's awful.
The second one is a bit more obscure, they seem to be genuinely MLs, but they have very little militancy (roughly 35000 people).

First off, the party separated from a succdem turner Blairite party so you take what shit you can get.
It refers to separatism from colonial overlords dumbass
Not that bad.
Refer to first point.
Not the best thing in all honesty

Also I just remembered that the party dissolved last week. So, yay we don’t even have social democrats anymore! forwards to liberalism (;-;)

wtf i love the most milquetoast possible market socialism now

All of these things seem pretty cool. What's your problem? You love Margrethe II.?

I know the Democrat Cops of America is shit, but with the rise of their Refoundation (marxist) caucus that actually makes it left again, should I consider joining? I'm attending a local Democrat Cops of America meeting tonight nearby, but i'm hesitant on ploppin the money down on membership.

Fuck off MI6

How are they crypto-Trots? Most members I've run into were defenders of Stalin.

Not liking a party for autisitcally worshipinf someone, having shit praxis and one that is not even that important, just known for how autistically they worship is not an aim of the intelligence services.
Also it is clear you are a burger because MI6 is foreign, not a domestic ss.



DKP (and KPD but they’re pretty small)


I support the CPC the CPC-ML are your basic sectarian Maoist’s with the same dumb opinions

Do it

That's no excuse, James Bond movies are just as popular here.

For a non-autistic british party with more than 50 members try hitting up SPEW

I like what I see from their website. A hard-left American organization without the autism and struggle sessions of the PSL.

Literally just that

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SEP seems the least bad American party, I'm not even a 4 I'm just tired of saying "WSWS was right again".

There's no such thing as a good Trotskyist (except for Posadas)

Prysner is an ex-troop turned socialist. I'm very suspicious of him although he's less outwardly objectionable than most other "reformed" soldiers. As for being ex-trots, the PSL split from the WWP, which split from the SWP, a trot party.

Wtf I love the CPGB(ML) now

Seems highly unlikely that they publish a newspaper in a dead language.

Why try to start a "Marxist" "caucus" in the Democrat Cops of America?

They're certainly the least-bad trots.

Prysner is veteran activism done right, telling people not to join the military or if they are to resist deployment. I don't see what could be objectionable.

and CPI (M) in India

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What in the name of all that is Holy

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The largest M-L Party (Workers Party) has zero seats in Parliament and two Council seats, whilst the two Trot parties have 6 Parliament seats and 28 council seats between them. There are another two Trots in Parliament who ran as Independents.
If the Workers Party wanted to be the main Socialist Party, then they shouldn't have had most of their members leave to join a SocDem Party.

Damn this shit is depressing

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Trotskyst usually have better elections results in the West than MLs, that is because they almost exclusively run on a SocDem platform and culled all revolutionary rethoric. Ironically, porky media gets worried about "entryism" a lot when it comes to Trots. At least with MLs they know what they are dealing with.

PSL literally formed from a Trot party, they are still officially (low-key) Marcyites. Their Trotskyism still predisposes them to opportunism, deceptive tactics, and theoretical regressions even though they have usually taken a correct stance *in the moment* in the past. Their organization and security methods are laughable. Definitely has infiltrators at top levels. Good way to get yourself in the first wave of arrests when the next Red Scare happens.

No he's not, he's a whiny bitch who belongs in a GULAG. His pathetic appeals to US mercs are laughable and ineffective, all it accomplishes is focusing more wasted socialist efforts on petite-bourgeois child killers.

The only genuine revolutionary Marxist party within the US is the Spartacist League (ICL-FI).

The Spartacist League rejects liberalism, social democracy, bourgeois nationalism, and Stalinism in favor of the revolutionary traditions of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky.

It is the only party to suited to be the vanguard of international proletarian revolution.


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Actually, it is because M-L ideology died in Western Europe in tandem with the USSR.
The Workers Party experienced their height of popularity in the 80s.

Let us see what happened next.
It turns out that they were Revisionist SocDems and then joined a Coalition with the main Right-Wing party.

M-Ls have little potential in Western Europe now that USSR funding has died out.
We have to eke out support for the Left somehow and we are growing with each election.
If the Party is Trot, then so be it.


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D$A Refoundation is literally the only hope we have in actually building a revolutionary party. Every other group has such abysmal membership & sectarianism that all it amounts to is LARPing.

STFU cop.

Marcyites are Trotskyists without all the shit that makes regular Trotskyists insufferable

Without most of the shit. Still a lot leftover.

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completely impotent
pitifully small
small and quiet
socdems with red aesthetic

you could say those things about literally any left wing organization lol. OFC the radical left is impotent and small in the west

Bullshit, he's getting people out of the service before they become child killers. Fuck off with this "all troops are bad no matter what even when they're literal fucking active communist organizers" stuff.

Stop shilling for the DKP. Last week, in Hamburg, they supported a pro-Merkel march because of muh right-wing populists.

The DKP has a genuine leadership but the majority of their local chapters are completely revisionist or straight-out subverted.

No, you can't say that about communist parties in the 3rd world.

No he isn't, point to a single mass action his pathetic pandering has accomplished.

Wew already knew you were a LARPer from the moment I saw your posts. Can we just cast you off as some whiny bitch who does nothing since you haven't done a "mass action" and most of your critique is done toward actual MLs out in the field? No, because that shouldn't matter, even if you are a whiny bitch who does nothing. This cult of "WELL HOW MUCH HAVE YOU DONE!!?" is stupid as shit especially when we consider good organizing isn't how spectacular and lenin-esque it is, it's how much you're willing to put out and sustain that organizing even when it seems like you're losing. This is straight from Stalin, or really anyone who's ever done political work.

Barring your cult of "BUTWATUDO" what the fuck does "mass action" even mean? It's a flawed question to begin with. Socialists will not produce "mass action" any time soon because we are nowhere near class consciousness. You're making the same flaw that most youngins do and thinking revolution revolves around how militant and loyal to the party line the communist is, but in fact it revolves around the natural contradictions of capitalism and the social factors, like culture, which play into that. Communist parties are organized to guide/facilitate revolutions, the groundwork is laid before it. This is evidenced by revolutions all around the world, most notably Cuba and the USSR's.

Now I'd consider listing what Prysner has done as a concession to your flawed idea that the world revolves around communist organizing. Nothing is going to sound impressive. Especially in this day and age of western masturbatory politics. He's networked with a few immigration, pro-palestine and BLM groups, along with being a producer for Empire Files, a show that I've used multiple times to give people a medium of self-education on US imperialism. Absolutely nothing wrong with that - most of what the communists I know (including myself) revolves around social networking and talking to people. But since we're talking about muh troops I think it's best to point out that he's doing the same thing with anti-war veteran's organizations and organizing legal teams for those resisting deployment. His entire work in activism screams anti-war and takes it directly to the people who keep joining up with the largest terrorist organization in the world. Now I wonder, where can YOU point to a single instance where he's said "oh well, you can go to war and be a killer, but only in these certain circumstances!" like some of the idiotic Democrat Cops of America socdems? You can't. It's a totally made up fabrication.

class consciousness on a "mass" scale*

i miss the videos with Schöwitz answering questions on their yt channel
he's such a nice guy

Shut the fuck up opportunist. Prysner is an imperialist torturer and he belongs behind bars or dead in a ditch, not leading a socialist party. His pathetic shtick is ineffective in reducing motivation and morale in the US troops, he is probably still a spy for the bourgeoisie.


Let's see. PSL is a provably crypto-Trot party, and they are provably engaging in opportunism (PCOR, Prysner, etc) as well as just plain bad tactics (harming communists by exposing them to potential spies, liberal NGO orgs, etc). Posing as "ORTHODOX MARXIST-LENINST" is in fact a common gambit of Trots, especially Trots who want to conceal their Trottishness. Moreover, you aren't offering up any actual arguments, falling back on infantile mockery. You are an amateur/dilettante communist, your amateurism and infantile behavior is a symptom of your likely petty booj background.
shut the fuck up opportunist.

Hit me with some canadian parties my dudes.

the one and only

Am from Germany. Any suggestions?

That was a counter demonstration to a right wing anti refugee demonstration. We didn't shill for merkel we were protesting far right dumbasses


If you're from the south of Germany (Bayern for example) go to the KPD


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Any specific reason for that? Just interested.

Lmao yeah I pose as a trot that's why I constantly support the USSR and shit on Trotsky for being not all that great of a person


You mean doing things that spread class consciousness? For someone calling me infantile you sure do seem to adhere to ye olden leftcom/ultra principle of being an unconstructive milquetoast critic of anything an ML does.

Even worse, you don't even disagree with it on a theoretical level, you just emotionally disregard the fact that U.S. soldiers can become class conscious because you have some personal obsession with hating them. Definition of a vulgar marxist.

Do it. There are a few radical factions in Democrat Cops of America. Even if Democrat Cops of America just serves as an incubator it could produce a lot of genuine leftists

Reminder Smedley butler was not only a socialist, but stopped a fascist coup in the US. Anyone who says a non-conscript in a military can't gain class consciousness is an idiot.

Our party was, for a long time, led by revisionist who wanted to make it to a euro communist party.
They were reformists and turned away from Marxism-Leninism and used the term "stalinism".

This change, of course was not accepted from Marxist-Leninists in the party. They fought as hard as they could against them. This reformists movement under Stehr began and continued with Jürgensen. But under Jürgensen the ML's got more and more people on their side, so they voted against Jürgensen and for Köbele at the 21st party assemble. Köbele then formed the Party back to a ML party, "purged" all the reformists from the party leadership. The rest of the reformists started forming their own groups in the party. The "Netzwerk" (kommnet.de/index.php)
The "Netzwer" heavily worked against the party and ignored decisions we, as a party, maked. The last ones of those reformists are located in Bayern or in the south of germany in general. But with the 22nd Party assembly we voted for throwing out all Members of the Netzwerk. Some Members of the Netzwerk stopped their work in the Netwerk now but still spread their reformist and false positions inside the party. For now I would go to the KPD in the south otherwise go to the DKP

Also tell me something else of German politics: are the SDP youth gonna split or nah? I read some articles saying they might if the deal with Der Union was signed.

The demonstration was called "Merkel muss weg" ("Merkel has to go"). Organizing a counter demonstration with the fucking Greens and other neoliberals was a bad decision, it would have been better if you had tried and hijacked the anti-Merkel demonstration away from the right.

Why did they stop making videos? They have over 1k subs, which is something when you consider we are talking about a German communist party here. Making more videos would certainly get them more attention. Most people don't even know that the KPD exists.

even in views compared to other more known parties they get pretty good numbers
so i don't get it either
there was one video saying that they're going into a break but i think they next one they announced is months overdue by now

We didn't organze a counter demonstration, we just attended one. Even though liberals we organizing them or taking part too doesn't mean we have the same opinions on them.

Of course Merkel is shit, but because of her Neoliberal policy and not because of refugees. That is why we were there. To protest the far right and not because we love Merkel

I know that there are many people that are against the great coalition and against the current state of the SPD but I don't know if they're going to split.


Yeah I love their Videos too

I also like reading the Newspaper of the KPD.
They really produce good Content and their Documentaries are top notch also. We should work closer with them. Idk about our relation to the KPD, I know that we invited them to one of our events regarding the October revolution.

Especially the huge amount of butthurt generated by these videos. The comment section under those was a saltmine.

I don't think it's smart to form united fronts with bourgeois parties because there is no immediate fascist threat. The problem is, you can say that you are anti-Merkel all you want, you will still be seen as part of the establishment by the people who had their interests betrayed by SPD and Linke. The reason people vote for the AfD instead of DieLinke is because they see the latter as part of the "Parteienkartell".

In these times we need to show unconditional rejection of the neoliberal block. It's not like a demonstration changes someone's mind anyway. AfD followers, PEGIDA and fascists don't care how many counter protesters there are. General rule: When SPD, Grüne and Linke already show up en masse, communists don't have to.

ITT: Every single Party in the world sucks balls

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sign of a dilettante opportunist

You're not spreading class consciousness, you're platforming liberals and US military torturers. As a "socialist" who spreads this twisted perversion of ML politics, you are in fact the last line of defense of the bourgeoisie. Where all other groups fail– radlibs, anarchists, socdems, trots… –fake ML groups like PSL are there to make the final attempt at ensnaring class conscious workers.

holy hell we just went to a counterdemonstration.

How is that "forming united fronts"?