Who the fuck is this and why should I give a fuck about what some old cracker in Capitalist Europe said 3 billion years...

Who the fuck is this and why should I give a fuck about what some old cracker in Capitalist Europe said 3 billion years ago in relation to leftism, deadass nigga I don't give a fuck about him so tell me exactly why the fuck he matters in even the slightest.

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These three gentlemen spent some time explaining it like 200 years ago, might want to take a look. Have fun.

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His philosophy of law is quite cool and still relevant in modern constitutional law.

I miss anal water.

i miss anal water

Hi Anal Water

Literally what.

No. I don't read summaries longer than a paragraph. I read the original thing if I want to, but I don't give a F uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ck about Hegel, tell me why I should


Disagreed with the very first claim he supposedly made (according to Wikipedia.)
Once again does this guy have any actual relation to Marx or did people just over analyze Marx.

I mean, I really miss how he, unlike others on this board whose entire presence was shitposting, would actually contribute to the discussion and provide real educational shit.

Well, I guess he does, but it certainly is not what it comes down to. Marx agrees with him in "The Jewish Question". Liberals condensed Hegel so they can justify liberal constitutionalism, and since that was historically such an impact, it's in the introduction of the Wiki article I guess.

You don't need Hegel to understand anything of Marx. Marx explains his ideas usually very thoroughly. The reason people shill Hegel is because he's somewhat a culmination of continental philosophy. It's like, every philosopher before Hegel sort of leads to him. I don't know if he provides any practical value though.

Anal Water barely wrote more than one or two paragraphs and has openly stated he deliberately obfuscated things to confuse and mislead people. That's why he got banned. Just listen to his podcast on Posadism with the Jewish witch, he doesn't understand basic concepts of dialectical materialism, or doesn't bother to read about it.

DiaMat is a stupid philosophy though. Dialectical monism is where it's at. And yeah I'm aware anal water hates Deleuze judging from his Deleuze vids.

Okay so basically he's entirely useless as I thought, good to know.

Also, who the hell is AW?

Lol, Hegel didn't theorize about history for some political agenda you fucking nerd.

Is this copy pasta?

He didn't mention Deleuze. He argued over some retarded strawman of Engels and Marx.

Just read him if you enjoy reading philosophy.
Some namefag who makes "videos" where he mumbles into a shitty mic as he reads philosophical texts.

This guy:

Sounds pretty gay


Another question, is "Jewish witch." This person?:
If so she's very misguided on Judaism, especially for following syncretism and Sabbatai Zevi. Pseudo intellectuals to the fullest they seem.

I still hold that Hegel seems like a meme philosophically, I may read him just for the purpose of criticism.

you're retarded.

No my friend, you are.


just go back to reddit taking screencaps of random users

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Not me, Spurdo gang is one person but one person is not Spurdo gang.

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Stick around, new spurdo-poster. Anyone who hates the Jewish witch is a friend of mine.

100% OP is a white or Asian suburban teenager

OP is a faggot.
I bet no one in this thread ever read a single fucking book by Hegel

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I have read and understood the first paragraph of the preface of the Phenomenology tbh fam

A tripfag who goes by the name Chaya

Ideology: the post

Btw if you don't believe me he says in this paragraph that it sucks to explain his philosophical system in a preface so he won't do it, but then he does it during the rest of the preface because dialectics

Marx was obsessed with Hegel. He got his start as a Young Hegelian.

I will defend Chaya against Zig Forums imperialism. Praise Benjamin.

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it's not like he's disappeared from the internet. he's still active on twitter and posts youtube videos

die fascist scum

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Shit tier philosopher. Read some Nietszche if you want a good German philosopher.