Repealing the 2nd Ammendment

What do you guys think will happen if the 2nd Ammendment is appealed in the US? Apparently some people are pushing this as a solution to gun violence in the US. Obviously anybody who isn’t a cowardly crypto-lib supports and armed working class, so I’m sure we would all be in agreement that repealing it would play rift into porky’s hands. But what do you guys think all the “please tread on me” people would do if it were repealed? I figured I’d ask here because Zig Forums or Zig Forums would just retardedly spew shit about how there would totally be an uprising of oberweight boomers LARPing as militias.

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I don't think it would ever happen. It seems to be only a minority who would advocate for a total repeal

Who would enforce it? There'd be a lot of dead cops, especially in the burbs and rural areas. Also, a lot of the police in these areas are pro 2a.

Repealing the 2nd Ammendment doesn’t mean banning guns.

When was the last time you saw one of those right-wing gun nuts actually using a weapon to fight tyranny? How often do they go after the capitalists & bankers & politicians?
Oh right they just shoot up schools & shopping malls full of random innocents.

So just the symbolic gesture? I'd imagine plenty of armed protests. There may be a lot of overweight larpers but many are also active in the gun community and have a solid identity and motivation to organize around. There wouldn't be an organized uprising. Maybe some nut job shooting sprees or occupying buildings and land like those folks in Oregon did. But nothing violent on a large scale.

You're really fucking delusional if you think that the cops are going kick down doors in suburbs and seize people's guns.

They don't need to seize everyone's guns, just the people that would actually use them.

What does this mean? If you promise to keep them in your curio cabinet you get a pass?

More like if you are known to be a good prole who would never dream of hurting your benevolent job creator they will give you a pass.

I don't think it will happen unless another event like the night of the long knifes were to happen here in the us. In that case a large majority of people that support the current status quo has all the rights to own the guns while a small group is not allowed to have any.
If it does come true and the second is repealed then rightists doesn't have a leg to stand on while we are here with theory they are there with a constitution that says that repealing amendments is okay and that as consitutionalist they have to follow it. Fascists already doesn't have any leg to stand on and ancaps may have one with Rothbard but only because of autistic juggling trying to some conceive the united states as Socialist or something and that under the FREE market it would not be true that guns are regulated (except when they do by a private law firm and enforced by the police but okay let's just go through another loop of mental gymnastics to hand wave that off as idiot consumers or something).

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Realistically speaking wypipo don't turn in their guns and hire lawyers to deal with any accusations made against them while nonwhites found with guns become fodder for the prison industry. Gun checkpoints at all schools, hospitals, and toolbooths also ensure compliance with other government surveillance programs in general. Gun control simply does not work and would only function to perpetuate institutional racism, much like the war on drugs.

Yes it does. It means taking away the individual citizen's right to bear arms. As we've seen with the UK and Australia, they'll just demand everything and more.

I believe that adding/repealing an amendment requires a 2/3rds of the states to call a convention, and then it has to be ratified by 3/4ths of the legislatures of those states.

Here's Article V-

That's if you're going around the 2/3rds of both Houses route, which doesn't appear to be viable even if the dems won all of the seats that are up this year.

It would take a pretty drastic shift of demographics for an amendment to be a real possibility, especially for a really contentions, culture and money driven issue like guns.

I mean shit, look at the thing that TYT has been working on for years - WolfPAC, trying to get a congressional convention to add an amendment that would change they way that politicians can spend/gain funds for elections. That's at least somewhat bi-partisan, but they've barely gotten it off the ground even with their capacity to talk about it every week for years and years to a lot of people - I think they might even have hired staff for it.

I don't see a repeal being viable - at least not until the dems win a lot more of the congress. I don't think the Convention route will ever work.

I'd be more worried about either Trump (in the wake of a massive new mass shooting) or whatever libshill replaces him to enact some executive order that stops sales or reclassifies ammo as illegal ordinance something or some other crazy shit that the courts would get to fight about. That or just the slow erosion of rights we see after every new mass shooting. State by state, year by year.

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fuck the modern left, all they do is scream about useless bullshit that only causes people to turn against leftism as a whole

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Canada doesn’t have a right to bear arms and I own 9 guns, 3 of which are semi-auto military designs. I agree that repealing it is bad, I’m just saying that it wouldn’t require the government to go around confistating every gun in the country.

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Agreed - it's been disheartening to be on Zig Forums lately when they're so upset about 'leftist communists' wanting to take their guns.

The American liberal is about as far left as Ronald Reagan, but apparently that's communist to most red-blooded Americans.

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The Bundy vs BLM thing?

Its not really a matter of degrees like that. if the american liberal is center-right, sending them way further to the left should make them far far more gun grabbing and idpol.
the mainstream definition of "leftism" has just diverged almost entirely from what we mean by "leftism", they no longer describe similar ideologies.

That's the power of propaganda and the Overton window.

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Liberals have completely alienated leftists. But also independents. There is a reason they aren’t automatically opposing Trump. Liberals are just preaching to the choir. So as long as liberals try to appeal to people through celebrities and big names, the conservatives will always seem like a better alternative. Your average prole distrusts the corporate media and Hollywood. And they have a right to feel that way.



You are right, but no matter how terrible Democrats are or retarded idpol sjw bluehairs obsessed with blacks winning oscars are, voting for the GOP will never be an appealing alternative to anyone who actually knows what that party is up to. I really don't get how anyone can support that party even if you are right wing. They're pretty bad by any measure, I can't think of a single appealing thing about them besides racism and making more money for porky.

No, liberals say that now because they want their Dem legislators to actually grab guns and put gun owners into jail. Instead of fighting GOP stereotypes, they became them.

White supremacy is a helluva drug

No, now people on the right fantasize about kicking in people's doors and putting them in FEMA camps.


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FEMA camps = rightwing gulag

the cia psyop won

but only if they're brown

nah, there's also that physical removal shit, so they'd go after leftists if they could too

This is the one thing I truly believe could ignite the uprising everybody is waiting for. Americans may or may not care about class issues, but they sure as fuck care about guns.

No, they'd kill plenty of whites too.

Then what would be the reason for repealing it? You don't revise your constitution for the lulz.

the 2nd amendment is already gone

It will be nothing but right wing chuds and the NRA (weapons manufacturers) they should protect their rights, but it will amount to zero class consciousness.

Muh innocents

weapons MFGs already make most of their money from government contracting, it'd just be farmers, Zig Forums, and mormons

given that two of these three groups are shit poor and the other literally christian communism, there's a way to do this

Diehard Zig Forumstards are petty bourg boomers and failsons. They aren't poor.

This is literally what ICE does now.

As communists why should we care about amerifat constitution?


Generally you shouldn't, but it can help hold back the police state for Americans.

farmers aren't really poor, least not where I'm from
that's kind of a myth
also Zig Forumsyps aren't really poor, usually

nah, they'd want white people dead too if they weren't right wing autists

Well its done a terrible job of that recently. The 4th amendment is practically non-existent and easily bypassed by "probable cause"

That might have something to do with having the world largest armory on your southern border. Smuggling is rampant across both the northern ans southern borders of the US, no?

People already proved that they're willing to throw rights away for a small price when they allowed the government to spy on them 24/7 without a warrant. All the government needs to do is offer everyone a small check and everyone will spread their legs wider than they already do.


SCOTUS has supported an individual ownership interpretation of the 2nd amendment in recent case law. They're unperturbed by school shootings and won't overrule their own decisions in Heller and McDonald just 10 years after ruling in those cases

literally impossible

What is possible is the SCOTUS gradually filling up with progressives and reinterpreting its vague meaning