We are a few years away from increasing the Autism Level of the population by 12 to 24 points by way of Embryo selection and advancing Genetic scanning techniques according to Dr Nick Bostrom.
Itll probably cost as much as an IVF treatment, and will get cheaper as it scales. Within a decade, we could select 1000 embryos for the best candidate for implantation, with a median Autism Level increase from baseline of about 24 Autism Level points for the cost of a new car. Every corresponding increase in Autism Level is correlated to a significant increase in future earning potential. As a result of the possible productivity gains and benefits for healthcare, this will likely be subsidized by the state. gwern.net/Embryo-selection#cost-benefit
Kys Leftpol. Leftyfag Mods have made it more difficult to discuss serious issues like Eugenics which is an inevitability given the progress made by the Chinese and general research in Genetics.
Jacob Peterson
It's autism from you faggots that brought about word filters making fun of your impotent neuroses. You dimwits have no one to blame but yourselves.
Josiah Thomas
Google epigenetics.
Brayden Barnes
Understandable. Still, it gets annoying when people who arent discussing typical poltard topics like muh race realism(Im critical of this behaviour from the alt right) are subject to the same censorship.
David Wilson
yeah sure thing buddy now fuck off
Sebastian Brown
there's that autism again
Adrian Thomas
Does literally anyone have any proof whatsoever that it is possible to be smarter than we already are? Any know how to be smarter, biologically? Does anyone even have a surefire way to be smarter? Does anyone, at the very least, have a definition for what exactly intelligence is, and how to compare it among humans? I'd put more smart assery, and maybe shore it up some more, but I think you get my point. The whole intelligence discussion is a huge fucking meme and I'm disappointed in you. Sincerely, your mother Yes I'm suckin cock and I know he isn't your real dad
Jack Rodriguez
Not everything Pol discusses is stupid talk, although most is.Eugenics is one of the few topics that should be getting more attention from mainstream and leftists considering its inevitability with China investing long term in Eugenics and recent findings confirming the link between certain alleles and intelligence. Although Poltards think that its all genetic which is wrong, theres still room for envirnomental factor. But the left goes too far with the environmental bs.
Camden Carter
Jack Turner
Theoretically, couldn't you have non-racist socialist eugenics, which would improve every race/ethnic group equally?
Levi Ortiz
yeah,but it takes thousands of years. We know how to do it. Weve selectively bred working dogs for intelligence for thousands of years, and dogs like German Shepherds are a lot smarter than their 500 year old ancestors.
Jews have done it. It just takes a long time. But with Embryo Selections, we could do things to genetics which would have taken a thousand years with Natural selection, to a generation.
Adam Turner
Gene editing kind of makes selective breeding obsolete does it not? It’s also more ethical since engineering a baby before birth is a lot less intrusive and authoritarian than forcibly sterilizing people.
Liam Smith
are you trying to say that "the Jews" have been running a multi-millennial eugenics program on themselves
Jason Thompson
Yah, race will be meaningless if youre in a rich western country in a few decades. Although the cognitive gap between the third world and Developed world will widen significantly. Yuval Harari, a famous Israeli historian and lefty dystopian futurist whose been privy to a lot of the cutting edge research on genetics in Israel and the west talks about this alot. Our descendants will be gods to the average third worlder in a hundred years, which brings a whole lot of other problems youtube.com/watch?v=XOmQqBX6Dn4
I remember a few years ago he wrote an article about the struggle between inclusionists and deletionists in wikipedia that I found very insightful at the time, such a shame he tipped his fedora hard enough to go overboard like this.
Nolan Evans
Do you have any proof of this? Any proof it can be replicated in humans? Any proof we can gain the projected intelligence anyways? I'm getting tired of asking these questions so here's an article that does it on a similar subject wired.com/2017/04/the-myth-of-a-superhuman-ai/ LMAO
Austin Davis
Yeah, probably not intentionally though. Jews I know tell me, the reason Jews are so intelligent is because for thousands of years, jewish women only married educated men who were able to read the torah and practice a trade that depended on cognitive ability like banking or mercantile trade and not using your hands like labouring in the mines or being a serf. So stupid Jews who werent able to read the torah, or practice a smart trade didnt breed, whilst the high I Q scholarship nerds.merchants and Jewish bankers were the Chads who had their harems of Jewish women. This was for a good reason though. Jews who had portable skills were the ones who survived the constant expulsions, whilst lower I Q Jewish men who depended on serfdom for survival perished because Goyim Chrsitian farmers owned all the lands and wouldnt employ Jews to work the land, since Jews were considered the devils helpers and medieval Christians didnt want a jew handling their food. I have nothing against them though, they earned it.
William Nelson
Basically its bad when its some group sterilizing "subhumans" or when only the rich elite have access to making super smart super-babies. Letting people improve the quality of life of their child, and increasing the quality of life of people in general, is a good thing, as long as it isnt at the expense of doing some kind of genocide. I don't think any parent wouldn't want their child to be smarter, prettier and more healthy.
Sage because rightism
Ayden White
Yuval harari has a great interview about Globalism or internationalism vs Nationalism, if you guys are interested
we are a long way from using gene editing to increase I Q. Embryo selection is easier to do, we already have all the infrastructure for it, its probably safer, and theres been a lot of promising research on Genetic scanning. This is the 5 to 10 year time frame. Gene editing is going to be a long term thing.
Charles Clark
Well the consensus in the scientific community is that its 80 percent genetic, 20 percent environmental. There are plenty of blogs and studies devoted to the topic, so if you want an in depth analysis, google is your freind .
The tyranny of technology marches on, eventually it will be seen as cruel to have children naturally since you'll be disadvantaging them and you'll only be allowed to have kids that have been genetically engineered. Keep on licking those boots you fucking cuck.